Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Astra Yao Best Builds and Teams

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Zenless Zone Zero - Astra Character Guide

ZZZ's Astra Yao is an Ether Support Character from the Stars of Lyra Faction. See Zenless Zone Zero's Astra best build, best teams and bangboo, skill priority, best W-Engines, best Drive Discs, how to play Astra, and Astra's materials in this Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) guide!

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ZZZ Astra Yao Character Profile

ZZZ Astra Information

Astra Character Details
Astra Yao
Rarity Attribute
Specialty Faction
Type Core Stat Energy Regen
Ability Trigger 1. Attack Agents
2. Anomaly Agents

List of All Characters

Astra Yao Tier List Ranking

Overall DPS Stun Support
ZZZ - Tier 0 - - ZZZ - Tier 0

Best Character Tier List

How would you rate Astra?

Tier 0 (SS Tier) 1017
Tier 1 (S Tier) 12
Tier 2 (A Tier) 4
Tier 3 (B Tier) 4
Tier 4 (C Tier) 34

Let us know why in the comments!

Astra Yao Stats

Stat Base @ Lv. 60
HP 8609
ATK 640
DEF 600
Impact 83
Anomaly Mastery 93
Anomaly Proficiency 92

Astra Yao Strengths and Weaknesses

• Powerful buffs from Core Skill and Special Attack.
• Introduces a new Chain Attack swap playstyle.
• Ultimate provides healing, which will be helpful against enemies that can one-shot you.
• Can be used on any team since all she needs is an Attack or Anomaly character to activate her Core Skill.
• Off-field damage doesn't contribute much to overall team DPS.

Astra Yao Best Builds

Astra Support Build

Best W-Engine
Alt. W-Engines
Drive Disc Build
Astral Voice IconAstral Voice (4-pc)
Swing Jazz IconSwing Jazz (2-pc)
Disc Main Stats 6: Energy Regen or ATK
5: ATK
4: ATK
Disc Substats ATK, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG

This Astra Build focuses on ATK and Energy Regen stats to optimize her buffs in combat. Your 6 piece should be using a different stat from the equipped W-Engine.

Astra Yao Best Teams and Bangboo

Astra F2P Team

Astra F2P Team Bangboo
Astra Astra
Billy Billy
Anby Anby
ZZZ - Avocaboo Avocaboo
Bangboo Alternatives

For this free-to-play team, you can use the Cunning Hare trio but replace Nicole with Astra. Billy can take advantage of switching in via Chain Attack instead of Quick Assist.

Astra Generalist Team

Astra Generalist Team Bangboo
Astra Astra
Evelyn Evelyn
Lighter Lighter
ZZZ - Snap Snap
Bangboo Alternatives

You also use Astra in a typical DPS team with an Attack and a Stun unit. Make sure to position Astra Yao before the Attack unit to transition from Support to DPS smoothly.

Alternative Explanation
Soldier 0 Anby Soldier 0 Anby Stun Replacement
Soldier 0 Anby can greatly benefit from Astra's buffs. Soldier 0 Anby is best used with Pulchra in the team.
Zhu Yuan Zhu Yuan Stun Replacement
Zhu Yuan can greatly benefit from Astra's buffs.
Harumasa Harumasa Stun Replacement
Harumasa can greatly benefit from Astra's buffs.
Soldier 11 Soldier 11 Stun Replacement
Soldier 11 has great Chain Attack DMG, so she can be switched after Astra's Ultimate to use her Chain Attack.
Lycaon Lycaon Stun Replacement
Lycaon can increase the Stun DMG multiplier of the Stunned enemy.
Lighter Lighter Stun Replacement
Lighter is best used on teams with an Ice or Fire DPS.
Caesar Caesar Stun Replacement
Caesar can provide shields and ATK buffs while providing some decent Daze.

Astra Disorder Team

Astra Disorder Team Bangboo
Astra Astra
Miyabi Miyabi
Yanagi Yanagi
ZZZ - Agent Gulliver Agent Gulliver
Bangboo Alternatives

Astra can also be used in Anomaly teams, and she can buff the DMG dealt by all party members. Miyabi will be the best Anomaly unit to use with Astra since she can benefit from both the DMG and CRIT DMG buff from the EX Special Attack.

You can mix and match with other Anomaly units of a different attribute to trigger Disorder.

List of All Anomaly Characters

Best Astra Yao W-Engines

Recommended Astra W Engines

These W-Engines are rated based on their performance at Update Level 0.

W-Engine Effect
1 ZZZ - Elegant Vanity Elegant Vanity Untold Beauty
When any squad member enters the field through a Quick Assist, Chain Attack, Defensive Assist, or Evasive Assist, the equipper gains 5 Energy. This effect can trigger once every 5s. When the equipper consumes 25 Energy or more, the damage dealt by all squad members increases by 10%, stacking up to 2 times, and lasting 20s. Repeated triggers refresh the duration. Only one instance of this effect can exist in the same squad.
2 ZZZ - Kaboom the Cannon Kaboom the Cannon Stampede Accident
When any friendly unit in the squad attacks and hits an enemy, all friendly units' ATK increases by 2.5% for 8s. stacking up to 4 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately, and each friendly unit can provide 1 stack of the buff. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
3 ZZZ - Bashful Demon Bashful Demon Visage of Greed
Increases Ice DMG by 15%. When launching an EX Special Attack, all squad members' ATK increases by 2% for 12s, stacking up to 4 times. Repeated triggers refresh the duration. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
4 ZZZ - The Vault The Vault Money-Lover
Dealing Ether DMG using an EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate increases all squad members' DMG against the target by 15% and increases the equipper's Energy Regen by 0.5/s for 2s. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.

All W-Engine (Weapon) Guides

Elegant Vanity is the Best for Astra

Elegant Vanity provides a quality-of-life upgrade for Astra thanks to its energy gain and party-wide DMG buffs. You can also make do with other W-Engines that provide ATK or Energy Regen.

Best Astra Yao Drive Discs

Best Drive Discs and Set Bonuses

Drive Disc Rating and Merits
ZZZ - Astral VoiceAstral Voice
ZZZ - Swing JazzSwing Jazz
★★★ - Best Set!
Astral Voice is Astra's best Drive Disc since her kit revolves around the Quick Assist mechanic. A 2pc. Swing Jazz can help increase Astra's Energy Regen to easily access her EX Special Attack.
ZZZ - Astral VoiceAstral Voice
ZZZ - Hormone PunkHormone Punk
★★☆ - 2nd Best
A 2pc. Hormone Punk also works well with Astra since more ATK means a stronger buff from her Core Skill.

Astra Skill Priority

Astra Talent Priority

Skill Priority Explanation
Zenless Zone Zero - Core Skill IconCore Skill ★★★★★ It's important to upgrade Astra's Core Skill first since it increases the DMG buff.
Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Attack ★★★☆☆ Upgrade this after the high priority ones since it provides the most DMG when Astra is on-field.
Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge ★★☆☆☆ You can save Astra's Dodge for last since it doesn't contribute much to her kit.
Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAssist ★★☆☆☆ Astra's Assist also doesn't do much in terms of damage.
Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpecial Attack ★★★★★ Upgrading Astra's Special Attack is just as important as her Core Skill since this increases the DMG buffs during Idyllic Cadenza state.
Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain Attack ★★★★ Upgrading Astra's Chain Attack will increase the amount of healing she offers on her Ultimate, so upgrade this after her Core Skill and Special Attack.

Astra's Core Skill and Special Attack are a top priority for the DMG buffs they provide. Astra's Chain Attack should be next in line to increase the healing she provides from her Ultimate.

Core Skill

Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Core Passive - "Graceful Andante"
During the Idyllic Cadenza state, when other characters switch in through a Quick Assist, Chain Attack, Defensive Assist, or Evasive Assist, and when Astra Yao expends Energy to release Tremolo to attack, both Astra Yao and the incoming character's ATK are increased. The increase is equal to 22% of Astra Yao's initial ATK, up to a maximum of 1,200. The effect lasts for 20s and can be extended up to 30s with repeated triggers.
Additional Ability - "Moonlit Frenzy"
When another character in your squad is an Attack or Anomaly character: When Energy is consumed to trigger a Precise Assist or Basic Attack: Finale, Astra Yao will additionally follow up with 1 Tremolo and 3 Tone Clusters.

Core Skill Enhancements

Total Core Stat Upgrade Bonus
Energy Regen +0.36/s
Base ATK +75
Final Core Passive Upgrade Effect
During the Idyllic Cadenza state, when other characters switch in through a Quick Assist, Chain Attack, Defensive Assist, or Evasive Assist, and when Astra Yao expends Energy to release Tremolo to attack, both Astra Yao and the incoming character's ATK are increased. The increase is equal to 35% of Astra Yao's initial ATK, up to a maximum of 1,200. The effect lasts for 20s and can be extended up to 30s with repeated triggers.

Core Enhancement
A • Base Energy Regen increases by 0.12/s
• Core Passive: "Graceful Andante" Skill Lv. +1
B • Base ATK increases by 25
• Core Passive: "Graceful Andante" Skill Lv. +1
C • Base Energy Regen increases by 0.12/s
• Core Passive: "Graceful Andante" Skill Lv. +1
D • Base ATK increases by 25
• Core Passive: "Graceful Andante" Skill Lv. +1
E • Base Energy Regen increases by 0.12/s
• Core Passive: "Graceful Andante" Skill Lv. +1
F • Base ATK increases by 25
• Core Passive: "Graceful Andante" Skill Lv. +1

Basic Attack

Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Basic Attack - "Capriccio"
Press Basic Attack to activate: Perform up to three attacks forward, dealing Ether DMG. During the 3rd-hit, hold to charge, drawing enemies in and expanding the attack range for a stronger attack. After using other skills, hold to initiate the 3rd-hit directly.
Basic Attack - Interlude
While in the Idyllic Cadenza state, press Basic Attack to activate: Release Tremolo forward to attack, dealing Ether DMG. A Quick Assist will be triggered when this skill hits an enemy.
Basic Attack - Chorus
While in the Idyllic Cadenza state, press Basic Attack during a Perfect Dodge to activate: Launch multiple Tremolo attacks at enemies in front, dealing massive Ether DMG. A Quick Assist will be triggered when this skill hits an enemy. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Basic Attack - Finale
While in the Idyllic Cadenza state, hold Basic Attack to activate: Release Tremolo forward to attack, dealing Ether DMG and exit the Idyllic Cadenza state. Upon activation of the skill, it grants the buff from Core Passive: "Graceful Andante". With enough Energy, consumes Energy to follow up with 1 Tremolo and 3 Tone Clusters. This Tremolo attack released is considered an EX Special Attack.


Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Dodge - Mini Waltz
Press Dodge to activate: A quick dash dodge. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Dash Attack - "Luna Eclipse Melody"
Press Basic Attack during a dodge to activate: Attack ahead, dealing Ether DMG. When triggered, dragging the joystick allows movement in the corresponding direction.
Dodge Counter - "Umbrella Waltz"
Press Basic Attack during a Perfect Dodge to activate: Attack enemies in front, dealing Ether DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.


Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Quick Assist - "One Luminous Sky"
When the active character is launched, press Assist to activate: Attack enemies in front, dealing Ether DMG. Character is invulnerable while using the skill.
Evasive Assist - "Two Hearts"
When the on-field character is about to be attacked, press Assist to activate: Dodges the enemy's attack and activates Vital View. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Assist Follow-Up - "Three Lifetimes of Fate"
Press Basic Attack after an Evasive Assist to activate: Release an energy beam forward, dealing Ether DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Special Attack

Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Special Attack "Windchimes & Oaths"
Press Special Attack to activate: Quickly move away, then release Tremolo, dealing Ether DMG, and enter the Idyllic Cadenza state. During activation, dragging the joystick enables movement in the direction held. Hold Special Attack to charge during activation, drawing enemies in, and follow up with 1 to 4 Tremolos depending on the charge duration. A Quick Assist will be triggered when this skill hits an enemy. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Idyllic Cadenza
After entering the Idyllic Cadenza state, Astra Yao increases all squad members' DMG by 9.0% and CRIT DMG by 8.5%. While in the Idyllic Cadenza state, Astra Yao cannot move, but pressing Basic Attack will activate Basic Attack: Interlude, and pressing Dodge will activate a dodge. After triggering a Perfect Dodge, press Basic Attack to activate Basic Attack: Chorus. While in this state, Astra Yao's Anti-Interrupt Level is increased, and the DMG she takes is reduced by 40%. After switching to another character, Astra Yao will remain on the field and become Invulnerable. When switching back to her, she will automatically follow up with Special Attack: "Windchimes & Oaths". During this state, hold to activate Basic Attack: Finale, or hold to exit the Idyllic Cadenza state.
For every 25 Energy, Astra Yao will have 1 Chord. While in the Idyllic Cadenza state, when Astra Yao has Chords, a Quick Assist can be triggered in the following situations:
· When the controlled character's attack hits an enemy, once per 3s.
· When the controlled character's heavy attack hits an enemy, once per 1s.
When other characters in the squad switch in through a Quick Assist, Chain Attack, Defensive Assist, or Evasive Assist, Astra Yao will consume 25 Energy and release 1 Tremolo to attack. This Tremolo attack released is considered an EX Special Attack. After triggering a Quick Assist, quickly press to switch characters and trigger a Precise Assist, causing Astra Yao to follow up with 3 Tone Clusters to attack. When other squad members switch in through a Chain Attack, Defensive Assist, or Evasive Assist, it will automatically trigger a Precise Assist.

Chain Attack

Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Chain Attack - "Tipsy Concerto"
When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the character to activate: Use song to channel energy into a blast, dealing massive Ether DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill. After the skill, Astra Yao enters the Idyllic Cadenza state.
Ultimate - "Fantasian Sonata"
When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press Ultimate to activate: Use song to channel energy into a blast, dealing massive Ether DMG, and restoring 200 HP to all squad members. Character is invulnerable while using this skill. After the skill, Astra Yao enters the Idyllic Cadenza state. After the skill, the next two Quick Assists will be replaced by Chain Attacks.

Astra Kit

How to Play Astra Yao

  1. Enter the Idyllic Cadenza State
  2. Ultimate Restores Team's HP
  3. Additional Ability Extends Her Buffs

Enter the Idyllic Cadenza State

Enter the Idyllic Cadenza State

Astra Yao's bread and butter while on-field is her Idyllic Cadenza State, which can be triggered by either pressing or holding the Special Attack button. While in this state, Astra Yao can increase the entire team's ATK!

If a team switches on-field while Astra Yao is in this state via a Quick Assist or Chain Attack, she will continue to be on the field and become invulnerable.

Ultimate Restores Team's HP

Astra Yao

Using Astra Yao's Ultimate can heal the entire team, and she will enter the Idyllic Cadenza State at the same time. The following two Quick Assists can also become Chain Attacks.

Additional Ability Extends Her Buffs

Astra Yao Additional Ability

Astra Yao's additional ability enables her to generate Energy, Tremolo, and Tone Clusters when you trigger a Precise Assist. Tremolo and Tone Clusters are the ones used by Astra to enter the Idyllic Cadenza State and provide ATK buffs.

Astra Promotion and Skill Upgrade Materials

Astra Total Upgrade Materials

Total Promotion Materials
Denny Icon Denny x800,000
Total Skill Upgrade Materials
Denny Icon Denny x500,000
Total Core Skill Upgrade Materials
Denny Denny x400,000

Promotion Materials Per Level

Lv. Character Promotion Materials

ZZZ - Denny Denny x24,000

ZZZ - Denny Denny x56,000

ZZZ - Denny Denny x120,000

ZZZ - Denny Denny x200,000

ZZZ - Denny Denny x400,000

Skill Materials Per Level

Lv. Skill Materials
ZZZ - Denny Denny x2,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x3,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x6,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x9,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x12,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x18,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x45,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x67,500
ZZZ - Denny Denny x90,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x112,500
ZZZ - Denny Denny x135,000

Core Skill Materials Per Level

Denny Denny x5,000
Denny Denny x12,000
Denny Denny x28,000
Denny Denny x60,000
Denny Denny x100,000
Denny Denny x200,000

Astra Mindscape Cinema (Duplicates)

Recommended Cinema

Why We Recommend It
M1 ★★★★☆ - Great
Astra gets a bunch of benefits such as All-Attribute RES debuffs, 1000 Decibels upon entering the battle, and a single instance of Invincibility.
M2 ★★★★★ - Amazing
Best stopping point for spenders. Astra can unleash a Quick Assist even without Chords stacks. Astra will also provide a new buff on the next character switched in, depending on their Specialty.
M4 ★★★☆☆ - Good
Astra can trigger a Quick Assist without Chords after using a Chain Attack or Ultimate. Characters entering via Quick Assist will gain an extra buff depending on their role.
M6 ★★★★★ - Amazing
Astra becomes a viable Sub-DPS thanks to her increased DMG multipliers and a whopping 80% CRIT Rate.

M3 and M5 are excluded since they are only for skill enhancement.

Mindscape Cinema List and Effects

Cinema Effect
M1 12-Tone Equal Temperament
When Astra Yao's attack hits an enemy, the target's All-Attribute RES is reduced by 6%, stacking up to 3 times and lasting 30s. Repeated triggers refresh the duration. Upon entering the battlefield, Astra Yao immediately gains 1,000 Decibels. When activating her Ultimate, all squad members gain 1 stack of Song of Protection for 60s. When attacked by an enemy, consume Song of Protection, granting Invulnerability for 1s.
M2 Art of Greed
The ATK buff from Core Passive: "Graceful Andante" is further increased by 19%, with an increased maximum of 400. While in the Idyllic Cadenza state, when other characters switch in through a Quick Assist, Chain Attack, Defensive Assist, or Evasive Assist, Astra Yao will additionally follow up with 1 Tremolo and 3 Tone Clusters to attack. This effect can trigger once every 3s.
M3 Interwoven Staff Notation
Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
M4 "Hair Upon Your Nape"
After activating a Chain Attack or Ultimate, within 15s, Astra Yao can trigger a Quick Assist even if she does not have Chords. When the attack hits an enemy, the interval for triggering a Quick Assist is reduced to 1s. While in the Idyllic Cadenza state, when other characters enter the field via a Quick Assist, they will receive different buffs based on their specialty, and this effect can be triggered once every 3s for the entire squad:
Attack: The next Quick Assist heavy attack on an enemy will deal extra DMG equal to 300% of Astra Yao's ATK;
Anomaly: The next Quick Assist will have 50% increased Anomaly Buildup;
Stun: The next Quick Assist will inflict 50% increased Daze.
M5 Proxy and Silk String
Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
M6 We Are the World
While in the Idyllic Cadenza state, the DMG multiplier for Tremolo and Tone Clusters released or followed up with will increase to 200% of the original, and CRIT Rate is increased by 80%. When triggering a Precise Assist, Astra Yao will automatically follow up with the charged 3rd-hit of Basic Attack: Capriccio, with a 80% increased CRIT Rate. This effect can trigger once every 10s.

How to Get Astra Yao

Obtain From A Limited Banner

Thousand Melodies Banner
Astra Yao BannerThousand Melodies
Latest Run
Version 1.5
January 22, 2025 - February 12, 2025

Astra was available from the Limited Banner Thousand Melodies that ran in Version 1.5 of Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) from January 22, 2025 to February 12, 2025.

Astra Yao Banner Guide

Astra Voice Actor and Lore

Voice Actor and Basic Info

English VA TBD
Japanese VA Aya Endo (遠藤綾様)
Korean VA Yoon Ah-Young (윤아영)
Chinese VA 小N
Gender Female
Birthday January 31
Height 176cm

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28 Anonymous27 days

mid character just like you, come back when you do floor 10k with billy

27 Anonymous28 days

dont forget that if you use miyabi with astra, miyabi will be practically invinsible, everytime you do a quickswitch or assist miyabi will start from her basic attack 4, and she has iframes on basic attack 4,5,6, managed to get to floor 417 using astra,miyabi, i benched ceasar and started using yanagi after that


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