Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Koleda Trust Event and Best Answers

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Zenless Zone Zero Koleda Trust Events
Here are all of Koleda's Trust Events in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)! See all Koleda's Trust Event locations and which dialogue options to pick.

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Note We're still looking for more Trust Events in the game. We'll update this section with more information, so stay tuned!

Best Choices for Koleda's Trust Events

Sixth Street Event Locations

Jump to Area
Sixth Street Brant Street Lumina Square

Coff Cafe

Time Morning
Increase Desserts should definitley be sweet.
Let me try some and see.
Decrease Ones that aren't sweet taste better.

Note: This event has multiple dialogue choices that can increase or decrease your Trust.

Coff Cafe 2

Time Morning
Increase No, not at all.

Bardic Needle

Time Morning
Increase She just appreciates your hard work.
She's worried you're overworking yourself.

Note: This event has multiple dialogue choices that can increase or decrease your Trust.

Bardic Needle 2

Time Morning
Increase They're having a family chat.

Waterfall Soup

Time Morning
Significant Increase It doesn't show much respect for kids.

Waterfall Soup 2

Time Morning
Significant Increase A hamburger with all the works.
Increase Red bean cream noodles.

Random Play

Time Morning

"Should I say congratulations?" and "Grace would find it amusing" did not raise trust.

Brant Street Event Locations

Jump to Area
Sixth Street Brant Street Lumina Square

Officer Mewmew

Time Morning
Increase Why would he make such a comment?!

Elevator 1

Time Morning
Increase Judging by your look? That's just not cool, man!

Elevator 2

Time Morning
Significant Increase 600m.
Increase Why would a horse chase a dog?
783562 meters.

Note: This event has multiple dialogue choices that can increase or decrease your Trust.

Elevator 3

Time Morning
Significant Increase The hard-working rank-and-file workers.
Increase The President, of course!

Lumina Square Event Locations

Jump to Area
Sixth Street Brant Street Lumina Square

141 Convenience Store

Time Morning
Increase What a luxurious problem to have.

Koleda Trust Rank Up Commissions

Level 2 - Friendly

Time Morning to Evening

For Koleda to rank up their Trust level, you'll need to complete the Business-to-Business Talk? Commission. Once that's been completed, their Trust will Rank Up and you can claim the rewards that come with it.

Business-to-Business Talk? Guide

Level 3 - Close

Time Morning to Evening

For Koleda to rank up their Trust level, you'll need to complete the But, What's the Price? Commission. Once that's been completed, their Trust will Rank Up and you can claim the rewards that come with it.

But, What's the Price? Guide

Level 4 - Trusted

Time Morning to Evening

For Koleda to rank up their Trust level, you'll need to complete the Until You Plead Sweetly Commission. Once that's been completed, their Trust will Rank Up and you can claim the rewards that come with it.

Until You Plead Sweetly Guide

All Koleda Trust Invite Commissions

All Agent Trust Invite Quests for Koleda

Invite Choice Commission
Not Sure One Does Not Simply Walk Into Public Security
Coff Cafe What's So Good About Hand-Ground Coffee?
Random Play Koleda's Business Partner Visit
141 Convenience Store Want Some Ice Cream?

These Trust Commissions are the quests we get when we invite Koleda to hang out!

List of Side Commissions

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

Zenless Zone Zero  All Trust Events
List of All Agent Trust Events

Cunning Hares
AnbyAnby NekomataNekomata NicoleNicole BillyBilly Kid
Belobog Heavy Industries
KoledaKoleda AntonAnton BenBen Bigger GraceGrace
Vicotria Housekeeping Co.
CorinCorin LycaonLycaon EllenEllen RinaRina
Criminal Investigation
Zhu YuanZhu Yuan QingyiQingyi Jane DoeJane Seth IconSeth
Sons of Calydon
Caesar KingCaesar LucyLucy PiperPiper Burnice White Burnice
LighterLighter Pulchra Pulchra
Section 6
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Stars of Lyra
Astra Yao Astra Yao EvelynEvelyn
Obol Squad Others
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19 Anonymous3 days

Just found a new one today in front of the Remodeling Shop, she asks about a computer problem and between her, Grace, and the proxy, who would be the best decision to fix it. I answered "the Proxy" and apparently that was wrong, and knowing ZZZ I'll never get that trust event again.

18 Anonymous27 days

Thank youuu


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