Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Jane Trust Events and Best Answers

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★ Current Update: Version 1.6 & 1.6 Livestream
☆ 1.6 Agents: Soldier 0 Anby & Pulchra
★ Upcoming: Trigger, Vivian, & Hugo
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Zenless Zone Zero Jane Doe Trust Events

Here are all of Jane Doe's Trust Events in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). See all Jane Doe Trust Event locations and which dialogue options to pick!

Related Articles
Jane IconJane Builds ZZZ - Sharpened Stinger Jane W-Engine Trust Events IconJane Trust Events

Note We're still looking for more Trust Events in the game. We'll update this section with more information, so stay tuned!

Best Choices for Jane Doe's Trust Events

Sixth Street Event Locations

Jump to Area
Sixth Street Lumina Square Ballet Twins Road

141 Convenience Store

Time Morning
Significant Increase Lost something?

Howl's News Stand

Time Morning

Regardless of your dialogue choices, your Trust with Jane will always increase at the end of this event.

Random Play

Time Midnight

Regardless of your dialogue choices, your Trust with Jane will always increase at the end of this event.

Lumina Square Event Locations

Jump to Area
Sixth Street Lumina Square Ballet Twins Road


Time Morning

Regardless of your dialogue choices, your Trust with Jane will always increase at the end of this event.

Ballet Twins Road Event Locations

Jump to Area
Sixth Street Lumina Square Ballet Twins Road


Time Morning
Increase Your job looks like tough work...

Jane Doe Rank Up Commissions

Level 2 - Friendly

Time Midnight

For Jane to rank up their Trust level, you'll need to complete the Late Night Caller Commission. Once that's been completed, their Trust will Rank Up and you can claim the rewards that come with it.

Late Night Caller Guide

Level 3 - Close

Time Morning to Evening

For Jane to rank up their Trust level, you'll need to complete the Peace Detective Commission. Once that's been completed, their Trust will Rank Up and you can claim the rewards that come with it.

Peace Detective Guide

Level 4 - Trusted

Time Midnight

For Jane to rank up their Trust level, you'll need to complete the Late Night Lodger Commission. Once that's been completed, their Trust will Rank Up and you can claim the rewards that come with it.

Late Night Lodger Guide

Jane Doe Trust Invite Commissions

All of Jane Doe's Trust Invite Quests

Invite Choice Commission
Random Play VIP Membership
New Eridu Public Security Taking Care of Business
Gravity Cinema Movie Market Research
Maybe you feel like having noodles too... Conversation Topics for Sharing Noodles?

These are the trust missions you get by inviting Jane Doe via chat!

List of Side Commissions

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

Zenless Zone Zero  All Trust Events
List of All Agent Trust Events

Cunning Hares
AnbyAnby NekomataNekomata NicoleNicole BillyBilly Kid
Belobog Heavy Industries
KoledaKoleda AntonAnton BenBen Bigger GraceGrace
Vicotria Housekeeping Co.
CorinCorin LycaonLycaon EllenEllen RinaRina
Criminal Investigation
Zhu YuanZhu Yuan QingyiQingyi Jane DoeJane Seth IconSeth
Sons of Calydon
Caesar KingCaesar LucyLucy PiperPiper Burnice White Burnice
LighterLighter Pulchra Pulchra
Section 6
Miyabi Miyabi YanagiYanagi Harumasa Harumasa Soukaku Soukaku
Stars of Lyra
Astra Yao Astra Yao EvelynEvelyn
Obol Squad Others
Soldier 11Soldier 11 InkyInky


20 Anonymous5 months

I just encountered this one and came to the comments to see if I needed to say anything, but you beat me to it by a month... And yet it's still not added to the page xD

19 Anonymous5 months

you can sometimes find jane near the train station sometimes in the morning 1/4 /Selected second option - Take a break (Trust up)


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