Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Undercover R&B Special Episode

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Zenless Zone Zero Undercover R&B Special Episode
Undercover R&B is a Special Episode featuring Jane Doe in Version 1.1 of Zenless Zone Zero. See details on the Undercover R&B Special Episode, its release date, and how to unlock Undercover R&B here.

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The Midnight Pursuit -

Undercover R&B Special Episode Details

Side Story Featuring PubSec and Jane Doe

Undercover R&B Control Jane

Undercover R&B is the first Special Episode of Zenless Zone Zero. Special Episodes are new experiences separate from Agent Stories and Phaethon's Story.

In Undercover R&B, Proxies will control Jane to complete quests. The story revolves around the "conflicts and meetings of fate within PubSec."

Jane Doe Character Information

How to Unlock Undercover R&B

Complete Chapter 3: The Midnight Pursuit

Chapter 3 The Midnight Pursuit

Undercover R&B is unlocked after completing main story Chapter 3: The Midnight Pursuit. This will permanently be available starting from Version 1.1.

Chapter 3: The Midnight Pursuit Quest Guide

Undercover R&B Quest Walkthrough

Undercover R&B Guide

  1. Take Care of Matters at the Public Security Reception Desk
  2. Defeat the Mountain Lion Gang and Jane
  3. Flawless Disguise
  4. Complete the Gangster's Request
  5. Justice Crosses Paths
  6. Beliefs Come to Light

Take Care of Matters at the Public Security Reception Desk

Take Care of Matters at the Public Security Reception Desk

You can start Undercover R&B by talking to your sibling after completing Chapter 3. This will unlock New Eridu Public Security on your map. Head to NEPS Lumina Branch and speak to the reception to renew the business license.

Defeat the Mountain Lion Gang and Jane

Defeat the Mountain Lion Gang and Jane

Next, you'll be in control of Qingyi, Seth, and Zhu Yuan as they take down the Mountain Lion Gang. Defeat them along the way and beat Jane at the end.

Flawless Disguise

Try Reaching Out to Seth

Try Reaching Out to Seth

After the events at the construction site, you'll be controlling Jane for the rest of the Special Episode. Speak to Seth to continue the story.

Gather Intel from Lower Ranking Gang Members

Gather Intel from Lower Ranking Gang Members

Talk to the marked underlings to gather intel until you need to head out. Once you're out, follow the markers to activate consoles and defeat Ethereals along the way. Avoid getting hit by lasers, too, by waiting for them to turn from red to yellow.

Continue to Seek Clues from Gang Members

Transit Hub Underling

Once you reach a console that won't give you permission, Jane will return to the transfer station. Speak to the marked NPCs until you're asked to find a way to leave the transfer station.

Complete the Gangster's Request

Mountain Lion Gang Liaison

Objective Location
Obtain more supplies Ballet Twins Road
Find the master keycard Lumina Square
Obtain "The Port Peak" videotape Random Play (Sixth Street)

During this section, you're free to roam as Jane in the locations above until you collect the needed items. Speak to the Liaison to leave the current area and move to the next.

Undercover R&B Code

During the portion where you enter the Public Safety station, you'll need to enter a six-digit passcode. The required code is 101225.

Justice Crosses Paths

Talk to Wise/Belle

You'll temporarily control the Proxy again. Speak to the sibling to continue the story.

Chase after Seth

Smart Underling

Once you're in control of Jane again, speak with the sharp-witted henchman (Smart Underling) to proceed. You'll need to go through the station again, avoiding lasers and mines while chasing after Seth and the others.

Beliefs Come to Light

Check the Supply Point and Get Ready for the Final Showdown

Supply Point

Interact with the Supply Point to begin exploring the Hollow. Pick up all the marked Target Items and defeat all the enemies along the way to the final boss of the story.

Defeat Razor

Defeat Razor

Pick up the [Onslaught] Claw Hammer Resonium before starting the final battle to boost Jane's Daze. Defeat Razor together with Seth and then watch the cutscenes that follow.

After that, you'll be controlling the Proxy again. Rest with the Proxy to complete the Undercover R&B Special Episode.

Undercover R&B Rewards

Quest Rewards

All Quest Rewards
Senior Investigator LogSenior Investigator Log x4 PolychromePolychrome x50 DennyDenny x25000
W-Engine Energy ModuleW-Engine Energy Module x2 Inter-Knot CreditInter-Knot Credit x600 Ether Plating AgentEther Plating Agent x1

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