Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Intermission Reverberations Guide

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Zenless Zone Zero Intermission Reverberations

Intermission Reverberations is the open-ended postgame commission of Zenless Zone Zero. See what to do in Intermission Reverberations and how to complete the Rebuild the Inter-Knot account objective.

What is Intermission Reverberations?

Postgame of Zenless Zone Zero

Main Intermission Reverberations

Intermission Reverberations is the main commission you get after clearing the latest story chapter. This marks the postgame of Zenless Zone Zero meaning you're free to do anything until the next story chapter releases.

Main Commissions and Story Chapter List

Intermission Reverberations Objective

Life Has Returned to Normal. Rebuild the Inter-Knot Account.

Life Has Returned to Normal Objective

The objective of Intermission Reverberations is "Life has Returned to Normal. Rebuild the Inter-Knot Account." It is open-ended, so there is no real goal. It will remain the same until a new chapter is out so you can keep playing as you like or wait for the next update.

During this time, you can continue raising your Inter-Knot level to rebuild the Inter-Knot account by doing Side Commissions and Agent Stories. Life has returned to normal means you're also free to build trust ranks with your Agents or do other activities like play in the arcade since you're no longer doing a main quest.

List of Side Commissions and Hidden Quests

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

All Main Commissions

All Main Commissions

Prologue: Business X Strangeness X Justness
The Hare and the Proxy The Proxy and the Hare
Prologue: Intermission
Escape from Certain Doom
Chapter 1: Cat's Lost and Found
Explosive Last Train Earlybird Ticket to Safety
Chapter 1 Intermission
Path of the Proxy I Emergency Rescue
Emergency Rescue 2 Somewhat Totally Out of Control
Chapter 2: A Call From the Hollow's Heart
Let's Go, Bro! Mechanical Love
Speedy Chaser Trace to the Source
Chapter 2 Intermission
Path of the Proxy II
Chapter 2 Interlude: Mission Unthinkable
Invisible Assistant A Perilous Duty
Chapter 2 Interlude - Intermission
Chapter 3: The Midnight Pursuit
Strange Messages Ascending Dance
Footprints in Darkness Saving Hacker Rain
Intermission Reverberations

All Commissions and Types


2 Anonymous4 months

ZZZ players when minor inconvenience exists:

1 Laser6 months

This is the worst quest in the entire game. Cause it adds text to your top-left corner that you can not get rid of. Even if you "Stop" following the quest, the text stays. What an annoyance.


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