Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Best Bangboo Builds and Tier List

Zenless Zone Zero - Best Bangboo Tier List
Here is a tier list for the best Bangboos to get and build in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). See a list of the best Bangboos and our recommended mods for them, including how to unlock Bangboo modifications, here!

Zenless Zone Zero Bangboo Tier List

All ZZZ Bangboo Per Tier

We'll update this section once we have more information after ZZZ's release on July 4, 2024. Stay tuned!

Zenless Zone Zero Release Date Guide

Bangboo Tier List Criteria

How Game8 Ranks Bangboos

ZZZ - Tier 1 (SS Rank) SS Rank Top Tier Companions
Bangboos in this tier are those that can make your gameplay easier and much more efficient. It's recommended to get them whenever you can!
ZZZ - Tier 2 (S Rank) S Rank Reliable Sidekicks
Bangboos in this tier are overall great and can provide the necessary assistance you need when exploring and fighting.
ZZZ - Tier 3 (A Rank) A Rank Full Potential With the Right Agent
Bangboos in this tier provides decent help and are viable only when partnered with certain agents.
ZZZ - Tier 4 (B Rank) B Rank Sub-Par Companions
Bangboos here are generally sub-par and will require the right optimization to become useful.

All Bangboo Builds

Best Attack Bangboos

Recommended Bangboos
ZZZ - Amillion Amillion ZZZ - Bagboo Bagboo ZZZ - Boollseye Boollseye
Bangboo Plugins
S-Rank Electronic Positioning Lens
A-Rank Laser Holo-Scan Accessory
B-Rank Telescopic Spring Fist

Bangboos like Amillion, Bagboo, and Boollseye are great when used with characters focused on physical attack. Modify them with CRIT Rate or CRIT Dmg mods to increase their effectiveness!

Best Elemental Bangboos

Recommended Bangboos
ZZZ - Devilboo Devilboo ZZZ - Penguinboo Penguinboo ZZZ - Electroboo Electroboo
Bangboo Plugins
S-Rank High-speed Penetration Component
A-Rank Telescopic Spring Fist MK II
B-Rank Telescopic Spring Fist

For agents that mostly deal elemental damage, Bangboos like Devilboo (Ether), Penguin (Ice), and Electroboo (Electric), are the ideal companions! Modify them with element-boosting modifications to utilize their effectiveness.

Best Support Bangboos

Recommended Bangboos
ZZZ - Exploreboo Exploreboo ZZZ - Booressure Booressure ZZZ - Butler Butler
Bangboo Plugins
S-Rank Mini Bulletproof Vest MK III
A-Rank Extendable Moving Mount MK II
B-Rank Extendable Moving Mount

Support Bangboos are ideal when you need that extra buff in the battlefield or when just simply exploring! Be sure to equip them with modifications that increase their HP and Defense.

How to Unlock Bangboo Modifications

Unlock the Turbo Remodelling Shop After No Guts No Glory

ZZZ - Sixth Street - Turbo Remodelling Shop

Area Sixth Street
Location Beside Random Play with the stairs leading up.

You can modify your Bangboos in the Turbo Remodelling Shop in Sixth Street. Unlock this shop by completing the No Guts No Glory commission at the end of Chapter 2 of the main story.

Equip Your Bangboos With One of Each Rank of Plugins

Zenless Zone Zero - Bangboo Mods
Bangboo Plugins are fitted into 3x3 grids when you modify them in the Turbo Remodelling Shop.

There are three ranks for Bangboo Plugins: S-Ranks, A-Ranks, and B-Ranks. We recommend equipping one mod for each rank to maximize your Bangboo's effectiveness. These will be fitted into the grid depending on the shape of the mods, so be sure to fit them well!

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

Zenless Zone Zero - All Tier List Guides
Best Character Tier List

Other Tier List Guides

All Tier Lists in Zenless Zone Zero
Zenless Zone Zero - Best Team Comps in ZZZ Best Team Comps Zenless Zone Zero - Reroll Tier List in ZZZ Reroll Guide and Tier List
Zenless Zone Zero - Best W-Engines in ZZZBest W-Engines Zenless Zone Zero - Best Bangboos in ZZZBest Bangboos


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