Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Piper Best Builds and Teams

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Zenless Zone Zero - Piper Character Guide

Piper is a playable Physical Anomaly character in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). See Piper's best build, best teams and bangboo, skill priority, W-Engines, Drive Discs, how to play Piper, and Piper's upgrade materials here!

Related Articles
Piper IconPiper Builds ZZZ - Roaring Ride Piper W-Engine Trust Events IconPiper Trust Events

Piper Character Profile

Piper Agent Information

Agent Information
Piper Piper Wheel
VA (EN):
Suzie Yeung
Core Stat Energy Regen
How to Get Gacha

Piper Tier List Ranking

Overall DPS Stun Support
ZZZ - Tier 2 ZZZ - Tier 2 - -

Best Character Tier List

How would you rate Piper?

Tier 0 (SS Tier) 353
Tier 1 (S Tier) 35
Tier 2 (A Tier) 17
Tier 3 (B Tier) 2
Tier 4 (C Tier) 1

Let us know why in the comments!

Piper Base Stats

Stat Base @ Lv. 60
HP 6976
ATK 683
DEF 612
Impact 86
Anomaly Mastery 116
Anomaly Proficiency 118

Piper Strengths and Weaknesses

• Can increase her own Anomaly Buildup with her EX Special Attack and Ultimate
• Can increase the party's DMG when she has accumulated enough Power stacks
• Can reduce the damage she takes which is great for her playstyle
• Takes time and combos to build Power stacks, so needs more on-field time than most characters

Piper is an Anomaly, Physical damage dealer that can function as the team's Sub-DPS or its Main DPS. Her kit allows her to increase her Physical Anomaly Buildup and the party's DMG through Power stacks.

To build Power stacks efficiently, she must hit many enemies with her EX Special Attack or Ultimate.

Piper Best Builds

Piper DPS Build

Best W-Engine
Alt. W-Engines
Drive Disc Build
Swing Jazz IconSwing Jazz (2-pc)
Disc Main Stats 6: Anomaly Mastery
5: Physical DMG or PEN Ratio
4: Anomaly Proficiency
Disc Substats Anomaly Proficiency, ATK%, PEN

This build maximizes the damage Piper deals through her Physical Anomaly by increasing her Anomaly Proficiency and giving her access to Anomaly Buildup RES reduction.

Prioritize Anomaly Proficiency sub-stats on her Disks since they increase the damage of the Physical Anomalies she can inflict.

Piper Best Teams and Bangboo

Piper F2P EX Attack Team

Piper F2P Team Bangboo
Piper Piper
Anby Anby
Nicole Nicole
ZZZ - Avocaboo Avocaboo
Bangboo Alternatives

Piper will be the main DPS for this team. Anby's attacks inflict Daze onto the enemy and Nicole can reduce the enemies' DEF and gather them in one place.

Piper can then freely use her EX Special Attack - Engine Spin and Ultimate to deal damage, build up Physical Anomaly for even more damage, and stack Power.

Piper Premium Team

Piper Premium Team Bangboo
Piper Piper
Lucy Lucy
Burnice Burnice
ZZZ - Rocketboo Rocketboo
Bangboo Alternatives

Piper and Burnice will be your DPS units for this team. Use Burnice to inflict Burn on the enemy and then use Piper to inflict Assault right after to trigger Disorder.

Caesar is here to protect the party with her shield and increase Piper and Burnice's ATK.

Alternative Explanation
Nekomata Nekomata Attack Replacement
Nekomata can be used as your second DPS and her EX Special Attacks become stronger when someone triggers Assault.
Pulchra Pulchra Support Replacement
Pulchra can be used as a Support unit here if she has her M6 unlocked.

Piper Best W-Engines

Recommended W-Engines

W-Engine Effect
1 ZZZ - Roaring Ride Roaring Ride Collision Potential
When EX Special Attack hits an enemy, one of three possible effects is randomly triggered for 5 seconds. This effect can trigger once every 0.3s. The same types of effects cannot stack. Repeated triggers reset the duration, allowing several effects to be active at once: increases the equipper's ATK by 8%, increases the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency by 40, or increases the equipper's Anomaly Buildup Rate by 25%.
2 ZZZ - Fusion Compiler Fusion Compiler Data Flood
Increases ATK by 12%. When using a Special Attack or an EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 25 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
3 ZZZ - Electro-Lip Gloss Electro-Lip Gloss Kiss of Death
When there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 10% and they deal an additional 15% more DMG to the target.
4 ZZZ - Rainforest Gourmet Rainforest Gourmet Dinner's Ready!
For every 10 energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 2.5% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

All W-Engine (Weapon) Guides

Roaring Ride is the Best for Piper

Roaring Ride is an A Rank W-Engine and is the best for Piper since it allows her EX Special Attack to have an additional effect, which all lead to an overall damage increase for her.

Piper Best Drive Discs

Best Drive Discs and Set Bonuses

Drive Disc Rating and Merits
ZZZ - Freedom BluesFreedom Blues
ZZZ - Swing JazzSwing Jazz
★★★ - Best Set!
Freedom Blues increases Piper's Anomaly Proficiency and allows her Special Attack to decrease the enemy's Anomaly Buildup Resistance, which goes really well with her kit. 2-piece Swing Jazz gives Piper additional Energy Regen which allows her to do more EX Special Attacks.
ZZZ - Fanged MetalFanged Metal
ZZZ - Freedom BluesFreedom Blues
★★☆ - 2nd Best
Fanged Metal also works for Piper since it increases her Physical DMG and increases her DMG when a party member inflicts Assault to a target enemy. 2-piece Freedom Blues is a great combo for this since it will improve Piper's Anomaly Proficiency.

Piper Skill Priority

Skill Priority Explanation
Zenless Zone Zero - Core Skill Core Skill ★★★★★ Piper's Core Skill enhances the value of Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate on her Power stacks, so make sure to max this out as well.
Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Attack ★★★☆☆ Piper still uses her Basic Attack but not as much as other DPS characters. You can level this Skill up after her Chain Attack.
Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge ☆☆☆☆ Piper's playstyle is centered on using her Special Skill to the fullest and reducing the damage she takes, so you don't get to dodge a lot. Level this Skill last.
Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAssist ★★☆☆☆ Piper's Assist still deals some damage, but not as much as her other Skills. You can level up her other Skills first before this one.
Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpecial Attack ★★★★★ This skill is Piper's main source of damage and where she can stack a lot of Power and Physical Anomaly Buildup. Max this first.
Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain Attack ★★★★ Some of Piper's damage comes from her Chain Attack and she can also stack Power and Physical Anomaly Buildup using it, so level this up after maxing out her Special Attack.

As Piper is an Anomaly unit, focus on leveling up her Special Attack to allow her to stack Power and Physical Anomaly buildup more effectively. After that, you can invest on her Core Skill and Chain Attack as they can also provide enhancements to Physical Anomaly buildup.

Core Skill

Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Core Passive - Power Charge
When Piper's EX Special Attack: Engine Spin or Ultimate hits an enemy, she gains 1 stack of Power, up to a maximum of 20 stacks, lasting for 12s. Repeated triggers reset the duration. For every stack of Power, Piper's Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 2%.
Additional Ability - Synced Acceleration
When another character in your squad shares the same Attribute or Faction: When Piper has 20 or more stacks of Power, all squad members' DMG is increase by 18%.

Core Skill Enhancements

Total Core Stat Upgrade Bonus
Base Energy Regen +0.36/s
Base ATK +75
Final Core Passive Upgrade Effect
When Piper's EX Special Attack: Engine Spin or Ultimate hits an enemy, she gains 1 stack of Power, up to a maximum of 20 stacks, lasting for 12s. Repeated triggers reset the duration. For every stack of Power, Piper's Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 4%.

Core Enhancement
A • Base Energy Regen increases by 0.12/s
• Core Passive: Power Charge Skill Lv. +1
B • Base ATK increases by 25
• Core Passive: Power Charge Skill Lv. +1
C • Base Energy Regen increases by 0.12/s
• Core Passive: Power Charge Skill Lv. +1
D • Base ATK increases by 25
• Core Passive: Power Charge Skill Lv. +1
E • Base Energy Regen increases by 0.12/s
• Core Passive: Power Charge Skill Lv. +1
F • Base ATK increases by 25
• Core Passive: Power Charge Skill Lv. +1

Basic Attack

Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Basic Attack - Load Up and Roll Out
Press Basic Attack to activate: Unleashes up to 4 slashes, dealing Physical DMG.


Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Dodge - Handbrake Drift
Press Dodge to activate: A rapid dodge. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Dash Attack - Pedal to the Metal
Press Basic Attack during a dodge to activate: Slashes enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG.
Dodge Counter - Power Drift
Press Basic Attack during a Perfect Dodge to activate: Unleash a downward smash attack in front, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.


Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Quick Assist - Brake Tap
When the on-field character is launched, press Perfect Assist to activate: Launches a downward smash attack at enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable during the attack.
Defensive Assist - Emergency Brake
When the character on field is about to be attacked, press Perfect Assist to activate: Parries the enemy's attack, dealing massive Daze. This skill excels at parrying enemy attacks and reduces the consumption of Assist Points when the character is under intense attacks. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Assist Follow-Up - Overtaking Maneuver
Press Basic Attack after a Defensive Assist to activate: Charge and slash enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Special Attack

Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Special Attack - Tire Spin
Press Special Attack to activate: Piper spins and launches a sweeping slash around her, dealing Physical DMG. Hold Special Attack to extend the skill duration, unleashing increasingly powerful spinning slashes and increasing the charge level of the skill up to 2 times. If the skill is used after the first 3 hits of a Basic Attack, Dash Attack, or Dodge Counter, you can quickly activate Special Attack: Tire Spin of an increased charge level. During the skill activation, Anti-Interrupt level increases, and DMG taken is reduced by 40%.
Special Attack - One Trillion Tons
While Special Attack: Tire Spin is active, release Special Attack to trigger a downward smash attack based on the charge level of Special Attack: Tire Spin, dealing Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
EX Special Attack - Engine Spin
With enough Energy, continue holding EX Special Attack after Special Attack: Tire Spin reaches maximum charge level to activate: Rapidly spins, unleashing powerful spinning slashes around her and dealing massive Physical DMG. This skill consumes Energy continuously for up to 3s. During the skill activation, Anti-Interrupt level increases, and DMG taken is reduced by 40%.
EX Special Attack - Really Heavy
During EX Special Attack: Engine Spin, release EX Special Attack to activate: Piper unleashes a downward smash attack, dealing massive Physical DMG. If the duration of EX Special Attack: Engine Spin reaches its limit or Energy drops to 20, EX Special Attack: Really Heavy will automatically activate. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Chain Attack

Zenless Zone Zero - Core SkillCore Zenless Zone Zero - Basic AttackBasic Zenless Zone Zero - DodgeDodge Zenless Zone Zero - AssistAsst Zenless Zone Zero - Special AttackSpe Zenless Zone Zero - Chain AttackChain
Skill Effects
Chain Attack - Buckle Up
When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the character to activate: Unleashes a powerful downward smash at enemies ahead in a large area, dealing massive Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Ultimate - Hold~ On~ Tight~
When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, Press Chain Attack to activate: Rapidly spins, unleashing powerful spinning slashes at enemies in a large area ahead, followed by a downward smash, dealing massive Physical DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

How to Play Piper

Get Energy With Basic Attacks

Piper Basic Attack Combo
Basic Attack 1 → Tap Special Attack

Piper needs Energy for her to use her EX Special Attack, which is where most of her damage comes from. Get Energy by using her Basic Attacks while also building up Physical Anomaly.

Another combo you can do with her Basic Attacks is to just tap her Special Attack after using a Basic Attack to do a quick combo for more damage, but this does not restore Energy.

Hold Special Attack to Charge

Piper can hold her Special Attack to spin and deal damage, but this changes when she has enough Energy. Hold it down long enough to charge her EX Special Attack, which deals more damage and grants her Power stacks.

Each stack of Power increases Piper's Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate and increases the team's DMG at max stacks, so obtaining it is a necessity to increase Piper's overall damage.

Hold EX Special Attack and Release

Piper EX Special Attack
Hold Down EX Special Attack → Release or Wait for Energy to Deplete

Keep holding Piper's EX Special Attack to deal more damage, build up Physical Anomaly, and keep obtaining Power stacks. Afterward, release it to unleash a final attack that deals massive Physical DMG.

Also, the final attack automatically happens when Piper runs out of Energy or when the EX Special Attack reaches its duration limit.

Beware of Taking Damage When Using EX Special Attack

Piper gets damage reduction while doing her EX Special Attack, but that doesn't mean you won't take damage from enemies. Try to use her EX Special Attack when the enemy is Stunned or vulnerable to avoid taking damage.

Deal Massive Physical DMG with Ultimate

Piper's Ultimate deals a lot of Physical DMG and also grants her Power stacks. Use it after her EX Special Attack combo to deal even more damage and cap out her Power stacks if needed.

Piper Promotion and Skill Upgrade Materials

Piper Total Upgrade Materials

Total Promotion Materials
Denny Icon Denny x800,000
Total Skill Upgrade Materials
Denny Icon Denny x500,000
Total Core Skill Upgrade Materials
Denny Denny x400,000

Promotion Materials Per Level

Lv. Character Promotion Materials

ZZZ - Denny Denny x24,000

ZZZ - Denny Denny x56,000

ZZZ - Denny Denny x120,000

ZZZ - Denny Denny x200,000

ZZZ - Denny Denny x400,000

Skill Materials Per Level

Lv. Skill Materials
ZZZ - Denny Denny x2,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x3,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x6,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x9,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x12,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x18,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x45,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x67,500
ZZZ - Denny Denny x90,000
ZZZ - Denny Denny x112,500
ZZZ - Denny Denny x135,000

Core Skill Materials Per Level

Denny Denny x5,000
Denny Denny x12,000
Denny Denny x28,000
Denny Denny x60,000
Denny Denny x100,000
Denny Denny x200,000

Piper Mindscape Cinema (Duplicates)

Recommended Cinema

Why We Recommend It
M1 ★★★★★ - Amazing
This increases Piper's max stacks of Power and gives her more chances to gain it. This means that she will stack the Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate more easily.
M2 ★★★★★ - Amazing
This increases Piper's overall damage on her Special Attack and Ultimate. This synergizes well with her C1 since it scales with stacks of Power.
M4 ★★★★☆ - Great
This lets Piper recover Energy whenever a squad member inflicts any Attribute Anomaly. This helps her use more EX Special Attacks, which is great for her damage.
M6 ★★★★☆ - Great
This lets Piper deal more damage since it extends the duration of her Special Skill and Power stacks. Great to have but not a must.

M3 and M5 are excluded since they are only for skill enhancement.

Mindscape Cinema List and Effects

Cinema Effect
M1 Leisure Moment
When Piper's Special Attack: Tire Spin, EX Special Attack: Engine Spin, or Ultimate hits an enemy with a spinning slash, there is a 50% chance to gain an additional stack of Power. The maximum stack limit of Power is increased to 30.
M2 Motivation
During Special Attack: Tire Spin and EX Special Attack: Engine Spin, Piper's movement speed increases. When using Special Attack: One Trillion Tons, EX Special Attack: Really Heavy, or Ultimate to launch a downward smash that hits an enemy, the Physical DMG dealt by the move is increased by 10%. For each stack of Power, this buff is further increased by 1%.
M3 Truck Expert
Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
M4 Refined Techniques
Whenever a squad member inflicts an Attribute Anomaly on an enemy, Piper recovers 20 Energy. This effect can trigger once every 30s.
M5 Personal Hobbies
Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
M6 Mild Excitement
Increases the duration limit of EX Special Attack: Engine Spin by 2s and extends the duration of Power by 4s.

How to Get Piper

Rate-up in the Caesar Banner

Ember-Crowned Overlord Banner
Caesar BannerEmber-Crowned Overlord
Latest Run
Version 1.2
September 25, 2024 - October 16, 2024

Caesar Banner Guide

Rate-up in the Miyabi Banner

Honed Blade of Reflection Banner
Miyabi BannerHoned Blade of Reflection
Latest Run
Version 1.4
December 18, 2024 - January 21, 2025

Miyabi Banner Guide

Obtain From All Character Banners

All Current Signal Search Banners
Vibrant Resonance IconVibrant Resonance Electric Reflection IconElectric Reflection
Born to Burn IconBorn to Burn Dissonant Sonata IconDissonant Sonata
Star-Studded Cast IconStar-Studded Cast

Piper is an A-Rank character that is available to get from all Character and W-Engine banners available right now in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)!

All Banners and Signal Search Guide

Piper Voice Actor and Lore

Voice Actor and Basic Info

English VA Suzie Yeung
Japanese VA Manaka Iwami
Korean VA Son Jeong-min
Chinese VA Wu Zheru (吴哲茹)
Gender Female
Birthday October 21
Height 151cm

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Harumasa IconHarumasa Astra IconAstra Evelyn IconEvelyn
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A Rarity Characters

Anby IconAnby Billy IconBilly Nicole IconNicole
Anton IconAnton Corin IconCorin Ben IconBen
Soukaku IconSoukaku Lucy IconLucy Piper IconPiper
Seth IconSeth Pulchra IconPulchra

Unreleased Characters

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24 Anonymousabout 1 month

How much of each stat should piper have? I'm doing 40k dmg with her m6 and r5 sig wengine. im on 22%cr and 88% cd 40%physical dmg bonus what am I doing wrong

23 Anonymousabout 1 month

Guys I need help in piper's build what numbers sold i put my stats in


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