Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Reroll Guide and Tier List

Zenless Zone Zero - Reroll Tier List
Here's a reroll guide for getting the best agents in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). See how to reroll, our reroll tier list, and whether or not rerolling is worth it here!

Zenless Zone Zero Reroll Tier List

Best Characters to Reroll for in ZZZ

We'll update this section once we have more information after ZZZ's release on July 4, 2024. Stay tuned!

Zenless Zone Zero Release Date Guide

Should You Reroll in Zenless Zone Zero?

It's Not Worth Rerolling in ZZZ

We don't recommend rolling in Zenless Zone Zero because it will take you a lot of time and hinder you playthrough experience. The time you spend rerolling can instead be used to progress your account and unlock more agents!

How to Reroll in Zenless Zone Zero

Create a New Account and Unlock Signal Search

  1. Create a new account
  2. Advance in the game until Signal Search is unlocked
  3. Roll for the character you want
  4. If the character is not what you want, start over

Rerolling for the character you want will take time, which can slow down your player experience. Only do this when you are willing to spend the time to get your desired character as soon as possible.

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

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Other Tier List Guides

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