Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Reroll Tier List

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★ Current Update: Version 1.6 & 1.6 Livestream
☆ 1.6 Agents: Soldier 0 Anby & Pulchra
★ Upcoming: Trigger, Vivian, & Hugo
☆ Tier Lists: Agents | W-Engines | Bangboos | Teams
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Zenless Zone Zero Reroll Tier List

Rerolling lets you cherry-pick the characters you want using free currency at the start of Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). Check out our guide for the best characters to reroll, our reroll tier list, and explanations on why you should reroll!

Reroll Guides
Reroll Tier List How to Reroll

Zenless Zone Zero Reroll Tier List

Best Characters to Reroll for in ZZZ

Tier 0 LycaonLycaon - -
Tier 1 KoledaKoleda RinaRina -
Tier 2 NekomataNekomata Soldier 11Soldier 11 GraceGrace

All characters here are only the S-Rank Agents you can get in the Star-Studded Cast Standard Banner.

Reroll Guide: How to Reroll

Tier 0 (SS Tier) Explanation

Agent Explanation
LycaonLycaon • Earns Daze points when attacking consecutively
• Attacks are mostly close-range, so it may be a glaring weakness especially when facing multiple enemies
• Special Attacks are easy to use and have huge AoE.

Tier 1 (SS Tier) Explanation

Agent Explanation
KoledaKoleda • Deals increased Daze DMG with her Core Skill
• Works well with Ben
• Easy to earn Daze points with her normal attacks and special attacks.
RinaRina • Increases the PEN Ratio of allies even when off-field
• An overall multi-purpose Supporter that can be slotted in any team

Tier 2 (SS Tier) Explanation

Agent Explanation
NekomataNekomata • A multi-hit attacker that can increase her self-damage with her core skill
• Special Attacks have a huge AoE in front of Nekomata
• Assists are also easy to use as it has a wide range
Soldier 11Soldier 11 • High power Attacker agent
• Mostly uses dashes to deal damage
GraceGrace • Basic Attacks deal damage in a wide range in front of Grace
• Can deal with any small enemies at once because of the AoE
• Easy to use for beginners because of the long-range attacks

Don't Reroll For A-Rarity Characters

A-Rarity Characters
AnbyAnby NicoleNicole BillyBilly
CorinCorin AntonAnton BenBen
SoukakuSoukaku PiperPiper LucyLucy

All the unrated characters in this list are all A-rank Agents. It is usually not recommended to reroll for them as it is way easier to get them unlike S-rank Agents. For every 10 pulls, you have a chance to get an A-rank character so you can just get them passively.

List of All A-Rank Characters

Try to Get Anton for A-Rarity Agents

If you are looking for the best A-rank character to go for, we recommend aiming for Anton. He is one of the best Electric DPS character in the game and currently have a tech that allows him to proc Electric and Shock indefinitely.

Though there will be S-rarity Electric characters in the future, having Anton would greatly help your account especially in the mid-game.

Anton Best Builds and Teams

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Other Tier List Guides

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1 Anonymousabout 1 month

Hi this tier list won't be updated??? But thanks for the great walkthroughs works


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