Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Until Your Memory Fades Rina Agent Story Guide

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Zenless Zone Zero - Rina Agent Commission Guide

Until Your Memory Fades is Rina's Agent Story in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). See all of the quests in the Rina Agent Story, how to unlock them, and the rewards for completing them.

Rina Agent Stories
Until Your Memory Fades (I) Until Your Memory Fades (II) Sweetcakes that Never Expire

Rina Agent Story Information

Until Your Memory Fades Overview

Location Random Play, Video Archive
Client Rina
Req. Level None
Time Anytime

Unlocked After Chapter 3

Commission Requirements
Until Your Memory Fades (I) ・Clear Chapter 3: The Midnight Pursuit
Until Your Memory Fades (II) ・ Complete Until Your Memory Fades (I)
・Inter-Knot Level: 37
Sweetcakes that Never Expire ・Complete Until Your Memory Fades (II)
・Inter-Knot Level: 38

Rina's Agent Story, also known as Until Your Memory Fades, can be unlocked after clearing Chapter 3 and the Saving Hacker Rain commission.

Chapter 3: The Midnight Pursuit Quest Guide

Rina Agent Story Mission Rewards

All Quest Rewards

Quest Rewards
Until Your Memory Fades (I)
ZZZ - Denny Denny x10000
Until Your Memory Fades (II)
ZZZ - Denny Denny x12500
Sweetcakes that Never Expire
ZZZ - Denny Denny x10000

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

Zenless Zone Zero -  Agent Commissions Guide

All Agent Commissions

List of All Agent Commissions

Character Agent Commissions
Nekomata Nekomata 1. Cat and Mouse Misplaced
2. Cat on Patrol
3. Caught by the Cat Burglar
Soldier 11 Soldier 11 1. Passing Off as Fake
2. Deep Treason
3. Mole in the Hole (III)
Grace Grace 1. Grace's Frankenstein
2. The Iron Witch (II)
3. Witch's Trial
Koleda Koleda 1. Schoolyard Powerhouse (I)
2. Back to School
3. Farewell, School
Lycaon Lycaon 1. Thieves and Guardians
2. And the True Heroes are Always Behind the Scenes (II)
3. Liars and Traitors
Rina Rina 1. Until Your Memory Fades (I)
2. Until Your Memory Fades (II)
3. Sweetcakes that Never Expire
Qingyi Qingyi 1. The Case of a Missing Bangboo (I)
2. The Case of a Missing Bangboo (II)
3. Save Bangboo Teddy

All Commissions Guide


1 Anonymous8 months

Until Your Memory Fades (I)'s polychrome reward should be 25 not 60. There's no hollow exploration, and 25 is the only reward I got


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