Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Rally Commission Guide

Zenless Zone Zero - Rally Commission Guide

Rally Commissions are Combat-Centric commissions that you can take in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). See how to unlock it, its hidden challenges, rewards, and the release date here!

The information here comes from the Closed Beta Test 3 (CBT3) of the game and might change on release. We'll update this page once more details are available. Stay tuned!

What are Rally Commissions?

Battle-Focused Commissions

ZZZ - Rally Commission Guide - Battle-Focused Commissions
Rally Commissions are battle-focused challenges where instead of exploring the board like most Commissions, it takes the players straight into the battlefield and test their agents in combat.

These commissions are one-time clears, meaning you only get rewards from them once except for the Area Purge commission.

Area Purge Rally Commission

ZZZ - Rally Commission Guide - Area Purge Rally Commission
The Area Purge Rally Commission is the only Rally Commission that resets, meaning you can obtain its rewards again. The commission resets weekly so you can get the rewards once again.

Collect Resonia to Enhance Agents

ZZZ - Rally Commission Guide - Collect Resonia to Enhance Agents
When entering Rally Commissions or Fissures, you may spot a purple coin that you can collect. These are called Resonia and they provide buffs for your Agents during the commission.

Rally Commission Difficulties

ZZZ - Rally Commission Guide - Rally Commission Difficulties
In Rally Commissions, each commission has a set difficulty and can range from Difficulty I to Difficulty V. Commissions can have varying rewards depending on their difficulty.

The higher the difficulty, the better the quantity and quality of rewards. Also, higher difficulties can affect how difficult the Hidden Challenges are.

Enter Special Fissures

ZZZ - Rally Commission Guide - Enter Special Fissures
As you progress through the Commission, you might encounter Special Fissures which bring you into the Hidden Challenge area. Completing these Hidden Challenges will net you bonus rewards.

Simply interact with the Fissure once again to return to the Rally Commission. There will be different types of challenges once you enter, such as Coin Races and even potential boss fights.

All Hidden Challenges ▼

Use the Rewind to Restart

ZZZ - Rally Commission Guide - Use the Rewind to Restart
If the battle gets too tough, you can Rewind and repeat the battle. Take note that there is only a limited amount of Rewinds per Rally Commission.

There will be a countdown timer for Rewinds once all Agents in your squad get knocked out. Once it ends you have an opportunity to revive all of them and generate 3000 Decibels. Otherwise, the commission will end.

Get Buffs From Food

Back in CBT2, players can head to Coff Cafe to drink coffee which can boost certain effects specifically to Rally Commissions. Some of the menu items can boost Rally Commission rewards making it worthwhile.

Unfortunately in CBT3, this isn't viable anymore since the coffee has been removed. However, you can still get Noodles from the Waterfall Soup that can buff your Agents.

How to Unlock Rally Commissions

Complete Earlybird Ticket to Safety

As of the third beta test, Rally Commissions can be unlocked after completing the commission Earlybird Ticket to Safety. Afterward, your Inter-Knot permissions will increase and allow you to get Rally commissions.

We will update this page if there are any new changes about Rally Commissions on the release of the game.

Rally Commissions Hidden Challenges

Hidden Path Fissures

Hidden Path Fissures detours players to various challenges to earn their bonus rewards. These challenges can range from Coin Races, Joint Assault, or One Punch Challenges.

Boss Challenge Fissures

In higher difficulties, Special Fissures can contain a boss fight within Special Fissures. Boss Challenge Fissures give players a chance to end the current commission immediately along with bonus rewards.

Rally Commission Rewards

Get Polychromes and Plating Agents

ZZZ - Rally Commission Guide - Get Polychromes and Plating Agents
Rally Commission rewards range from Inter-Knot Credits, Polychromes, Plating Agents, Coup-En and Dennies. Plating Agents are needed to tune Drive Discs, so they are important materials.

Rally Commissions Release Date

Releases on July 4, 2024

Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) Release Date
ZZZ - Official Release Date July 4, 2024
Release Date July 4, 2024

Rally Commissions and Zenless Zone Zero will release on July 4, 2024. Stay tuned for the latest news and updates on our page below!

Zenless Zone Zero Release Date Guide

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

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Zenless Zone Zero Tips and Tricks

Gameplay Tips
Basic Combat Guide How to Daze and Stun
Chain Attack Guide Ultimate and Decibel Rating
Perfect Dodge and Counter Perfect Assists and Parries
Hollow Deep Dive Explained Attribute Anomaly


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