Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Best Banners (Signal Searches) to Pull On

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★ Current Update: Version 1.6 & 1.6 Livestream
☆ 1.6 Agents: Soldier 0 Anby & Pulchra
★ Upcoming: Trigger, Vivian, & Hugo
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Zenless Zone Zero Best Banners To Pull On

Here are the best banners to pull on in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) as of Version 1.4. Check out which Signal Search banners are worth it with this guide!

What is the Best Banner to Pull On?

Miyabi is Worth the Pulls

Miyabi is Worth the Pulls

Miyabi is the current featured S-Rank Agent, an Anomaly Agent who possesses the new Frost Attribute. Piper and Soukaku join in as the featured A-Ranks in the Honed Blade of Reflection Banner.

Unleash Miyabi's prowess over the blade and frost against any Ethereal that stands in your way!

Miyabi Banner Release Date

Miyabi Banner Rate-Ups

Feat. S Rank Rate-Up A Rank Characters
Miyabi Miyabi Piper Piper Soukaku Soukaku

There is a 50% chance to get Miyabi as your first S-rank pull. If you get a different S-rank on this limited banner, your next S-rank pull is guaranteed to be Miyabi.

When pulling an A-rank in the Miyabi Banner, there is a 50% chance that it will be one of the featured A-rank characters. If the A-rank pull is not one of the featured characters, your next pull is guaranteed to be one of the featured characters.

Signal Search Banner Recommendations

Dissonant Sonata (W-Engine Banner)

Dissonant Sonata 1.4 Phase 1 Banner

To fully maximize Miyabi's damage, getting her signature W-Engine, Hailstorm Shrine is highly recommended.

Hailstorm Shrine provides large increases to offensive stats to increase Miyabi's damage even further. With Hailstorm Shrine equipped, Miyabi has her CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG with Ice Attacks, and Ice DMG% increased.

Dissonant Sonata Banner Guide

Hailstorm Shrine Banner Rate-Ups

Feat. S Rank Rate-Up A Rank W-Engines
ZZZ - Hailstorm Shrine Hailstorm Shrine ZZZ - Roaring Ride Roaring Ride ZZZ - Bashful Demon Bashful Demon

When pulling an S-rank W-Engine, there is a 75% chance it will be Hailstorm Shrine. If you don't get the featured S-rank, the next one you pull is guaranteed to be Hailstorm Shrine.

Similarly, there is a 75% chance that the A-rank you pull will be one of the rate-up A-ranks. If the A-rank pull is not one of the featured W-Engines, your next pull is guaranteed to be one of them.

Dazzling Choir (W-Engine Banner)

Dazzling Choir 1.4 Phase 1 Banner

Zanshin Herb Case is well worth your attention if you want to push Harumasa's damage even higher.

Zanshin Herb Case provides large increases to Harumasa's CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, while also increasing the Electric DMG% for his Dash Attacks.

Dazzling Choir Banner Release Date and Guide

Zanshin Herb Case Rate-Ups

Feat. S Rank Rate-Up A Rank W-Engines
ZZZ - Zanshin Herb Case Zanshin Herb Case ZZZ - Kaboom the Cannon Kaboom the Cannon ZZZ - Peacekeeper - Specialized Peacekeeper - Specialized

When pulling an S-rank W-Engine, there is a 75% chance it will be Zanshin Herb Case. If you don't get the featured S-rank, the next one you pull is guaranteed to be Zanshin Herb Case.

Similarly, there is a 75% chance that the A-rank you pull will be one of the rate-up A-ranks. If the A-rank pull is not one of the featured W-Engines, your next pull is guaranteed to be one of them.

Star-Studded Cast (Permanent Banner)

Star-Studded Cast Banner

Star-Studded Cast is the game's permanent banner. While there are no limited S-Rank Agents nor W-Engines here, we still recommend pulling in this banner as long as you only use the free Master Tapes you earn when you play the game.

Once you reach 300 pulls on the Star Studded Cast banner, you are allowed to choose a specific non-limited S-Rank Agent!

Star-Studded Cast Banner Guide

An Outstanding Partner (Bangboo Banner)

Bangboo Banner

An Outstanding Partner is the game's Bangboo banner where you can select a specific S-Rank Bangboo you want to pull for. You are guaranteed to get the S-Rank within 80 pulls.

Currently, you cannot buy Boopons, the currency used to pull on the banner, anywhere. It can only be obtained as a reward from events and other game modes such as Hollow Zero.

We only recommend pulling on the banner if you already have a team comp built that needs a specific Bangboo to become more effective. An example would be pulling for Sharkboo if you have Ellen and her best-in-slot Ice teammates.

An Outstanding Partner Banner Guide

List of Gacha Simulations

Zenless Zone Zero - Bare Minimum 10-Pull

Try our Signal Search Gacha simulators below to see how you might fare with the real deal!

All Gacha simulators are based on the in-game odds for each Agent and W-Engine.

All Signal Search Gacha Simulators

Zenless Zone Zero Related Guides

Zenless Zone Zero - Gacha (Signal Search)

Signal Search Guide

List of Current Signal Search Banners

All Current Signal Search Banners
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Soldier 0 Anby Banner
Dissonant Sonata 1.6 Phase 1
Dissonant Sonata
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Burnice Rerun Banner
Vibrant Resonance 1.6 Phase 1
Vibrant Resonance

List of Gacha Guides

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