Fallout 4 (FO4)

Steel ID and How to Farm

Steel is a crafting material in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on to learn Steel's ID, shipment ID, and what junk items to scrap to get Steel!

Steel ID

Steel ID: 000731A4

Material ID 000731A4
Console Command player.additem 000731A4 [amount]

On PC: To spawn Steel, press the tilde (~) key to open the console, then type the above code. Replace [amount] with the number of Steel you want to spawn in your inventory.

List of All Crafting Material IDs

Steel Shipment ID

Shipment ID
Shipment of Steel - 50 001EC132
Shipment of Steel - 100 001EC131

The console command for spawning shipments is also player.additem [shipment ID].

How to Farm Steel

By Scrapping Junk

Junk Junk ID Amount Produced
Giddyup Buttercup 00163A12 x5
Extinguisher 0001F8F9 x4
Stew Pot 00059A7A x3
Shovel 000822CB x3
Shopping Basket 00090E5E x3
Saw 001AD8CA x3
Radar Transmitter 000C4F5B x3
Poseidon Radar Transmitter 0009139E x3
New Power Cables 00091FD2 x3
Mr. Handy Fuel 000B91FF x3
Mini Nuke Stabilizer Fins 0017A774 x3
Mini Nuke Detonator Shell 0017A776 x3
Luxobrew Coffee Pot 001C7F1B x3
Lantern 00096A21 x3
Kitchen Scale 000AF8EF x3
Industrial Solvent 001C7F26 x3
Hoe 000AF88F x3
Gas Canister 00059B33 x3
Fumigus Blowtorch 001C7F2B x3
Yellow Paint 0001D95B x2
Wrench 0004D1F7 x2
Unused Enamel Bucket 000E3776 x2
Untarnished Metal Bucket 000E377E x2
Untarnished Coffee Pot 0019930E x2
Turpentine 00059B1E x2
Tube Flange 000E1FF6 x2
Toy Truck 0015E8F6 x2
Tongs 001A0B15 x2
Toaster 00059B1A x2
Tin Can 0001F90A x2
Tea Kettle 00020199 x2
Screwdriver 0004D1F4 x2
Scissors 00059B44 x2
Sauce Pan 0003D3A6 x2
Restored Desk Fan 000F15BF x2
Power Relay Coil 00091FDE x2
Paint Can 00059B3B x2
Oil Canister 001AB5ED x2
Office Desk Fan 00192D5D x2
New Toy Truck 0015E8F7 x2
Mini Nuke Hemisphere Core 0017A772 x2
Mini Nuke Beryllium Cap 0017A778 x2
Metal Bucket 00059A80 x2
Medical Liquid Nitrogen Dispenser 00060EA2 x2
Masonry Hammer 001A0B12 x2
Ladle 00059B11 x2
Handcuffs 00059B3F x2
Hammer 001A4AB0 x2
Hack Saw 00173F01 x2
Giddyup Buttercup Head 00163A13 x2
Giddyup Buttercup Body 00163A16 x2
Frying Pan 0003D3A5 x2
Enamel Bucket 0006D140 x2
Empty Paint Can 00059B3A x2
Desk Fan 0001F905 x2
Covered Sauce Pan 0003D3A8 x2
Cooking Pot 00059ABA x2
Cooking Pan 00059AEC x2
Connecting Rod 000E1FF7 x2
Combination Wrench 0004D1F6 x2
Coffee Pot 000211CC x2
Clothing Iron 00059ADE x2
Clean Tea Kettle 00020196 x2
Claw Hammer 001A0B14 x2
Can 0001F909 x2
Bunsen Burner 000EC8B8 x2
Bonesaw 00059B40 x2
Blue Paint 0001D95A x2
Blowtorch 0011DA0F x2
Blood Can 0022750C x2
Blacksmith Hammer 001A0B13 x2
Ball-Peen Hammer 0004D1F3 x2
Adjustable Wrench 0004D1F5 x2
Used Oil Can 0004B273 x1
Unused Flip Lighter 000E377C x1
Unrusted Tin Can 000F15BB x1
Torque Rod End 000E1FF8 x1
Tack Hammer 001A0B11 x1
Table Spoon 00060E96 x1
Table Knife 00059AE1 x1
Swan Boat Fragments 001CC26F x1
Surgical Scalpel 000C9ADA x1
Steel 000731A4 x1
Spatula 00059B0F x1
Small Sauce Pan Lid 0003D3AA x1
Small Sauce Pan 0003D3A9 x1
Small Covered Sauce Pan 0003D3AB x1
Silver Submachine Gun Prop 0008BB31 x1
Sensor Module 001ACC8E x1
Scribe Faris’ Holotag 000B1DBA x1
Scalpel 00059B43 x1
Sauce Pan Lid 0003D3A7 x1
Ruptured HalluciGen Gas Canister 0016D041 x1
Ring Stand 000EC8B3 x1
Reflex Capacitor 000C30E0 x1
Rat Poison 00060ED8 x1
Plate 00140B27 x1
Piezonucleic Liner 0002CC42 x1
Paladin Brandis’ Holotag 000B1DBB x1
Knight Varham’s Holotag 000B1DB8 x1
Knight Rylan’s Holotag 000BDCDD x1
Initiate Clarke’s Holotag 000BDA4E x1
HalluciGen Gas Canister 000E69AF x1
Gold Plated Flip Lighter 00060E88 x1
Giddyup Buttercup Front Leg 00163A14 x1
Giddyup Buttercup Back Leg 00163A15 x1
Gear 1 000E1FF9 x1
Fork 00140B29 x1
Flux Sensor 000C30DE x1
Flip Lighter 00058224 x1
Empty Can 0016D8C9 x1
Dog Tags 00060EBF x1
Dinner Plate 00060E90 x1
Dinner Fork 00060E93 x1
Danse’s Holotags 000D10AB x1
Cutting Fluid 000657FB x1
Collander 0011DA11 x1
Clothes Hanger 001BE890 x1
Brotherhood of Steel Holotag 000BDA4F x1
Bandage Scissors 000C9AD7 x1
Antique Table Knife 00140B2F x1
Aluminum Tray 0016D8CA x1
Aluminum Oil Can 000FCE33 x1

Steel Stats Overview

Steel Rarity, Weight, and Value

Fallout 4 - Steel Image
Rarity Common
Weight 0.2
Value 1

Fallout 4 Related Guides

Fallout 4 - Materials Banner

List of All Materials and Components

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Fallout 4 - Plastic ImagePlastic Fallout 4 - Rubber ImageRubber Fallout 4 - Screw ImageScrew
Fallout 4 - Silver ImageSilver Fallout 4 - Spring ImageSpring Fallout 4 - Steel ImageSteel
Fallout 4 - Wood ImageWood


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