Fallout 4 (FO4)

Rubber ID and How to Farm

Rubber is a crafting material in Fallout 4 (FO4). Read on to learn Rubber's ID, shipment ID, and what junk items to scrap to get Rubber!

Rubber ID

Rubber ID: 00106D98

Material ID 00106D98
Console Command player.additem 00106D98 [amount]

On PC: To spawn Rubber, press the tilde (~) key to open the console, then type the above code. Replace [amount] with the number of Rubber you want to spawn in your inventory.

List of All Crafting Material IDs

Rubber Shipment ID

Shipment ID
Shipment of Rubber - 25 001EC14E

The console command for spawning shipments is also player.additem [shipment ID].

How to Farm Rubber

By Scrapping Junk

Junk Junk ID Amount Produced
Basketball 000DF264 x3
Deflated Kickball 0002D9AC x3
Kickball 000822D3 x3
Unfilled Kickball 0002D9AB x3
Plunger 00059AFB x2
Extinguisher 0001F8F9 x2
Thermal Coupler 00022265 x2
Rubber 00106D98 x1
Saw 001AD8CA x1
Piezonucleic Liner 0002CC42 x1
Large Baby Bottle 001A899B x1
Small Baby Bottle 001A89A0 x1
Spatula 00059B0F x1
Bonesaw 00059B40 x1
Toy Alien 00059B2B x1
Baby Bottle 0009B4BA x1

Rubber Stats Overview

Rubber Rarity, Weight, and Value

Fallout 4 - Rubber Image
Rarity Common
Weight 0.1
Value 2

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