Once Human

Best Deviants Tier List

Once Human - Best Deviants

The best Deviants in Once Human include the Lonewolf's Whisper, The Digby Boy, and Logging Beaver. Read on for a best Deviants tier list, the best combat deviants, best territory deviants, best crafting deviants, as well as their functions and how to get them in this guide!

All Deviant Guides
Best Deviants Tier List List of All Deviant Locations

Best Deviants

Best Combat Deviants

Best Deviants by Category
Combat Deviants Territorry Deviants Crafting Deviants
Deviant Explanation and How to Get
Once Human - LonewolfLonewolf's Whisper Lonewolf's Whisper is like having your very own battle-hardened wolf pack at your side! This Combat Deviant is a beast—literally and figuratively—ready to charge into the fray, taking on multiple enemies while keeping you safe. With its ability to tank damage, distract foes, and boost your Weapon DMG, it’s the ultimate partner for when you want to unleash some chaos.

But here’s where it gets wild: for every enemy this ferocious canine takes down, it spawns a clone of itself, creating a mini-army of howling wolf warriors!
Dropped by the Shadow Hound boss.
Once Human - Zeno-PurifierZeno-Purifier Zeno-Purifier—your personal teleporting samurai, ready to slice and dice with unmatched precision. Armed with a sleek katana and a cool-as-ice demeanor, this Combat Deviant doesn’t just fight; it teleports right into the heat of battle, striking enemies before they even know what hit them.

With its Blink Strike ability, Zeno-Purifier randomly dashes toward nearby enemies, delivering devastating katana blows that increase in damage based on its skill rating. And here’s the kicker—while your trusty samurai is busy carving up foes, you get access to the same blink melee attack, making you just as fast and lethal.
Season Reward for defeating 200 enemies with melee attacks.
Mr. Wish Mr. Wish is your dream marksman, ready to make your enemies' worst wishes come true! This Combat Deviant specializes in raining down rapid fire on foes, all while applying the devastating Bull's Eye effect. Once summoned, Mr. Wish locks onto enemies and begins his assault, ensuring no target escapes his sharp aim.

After his barrage, he switches to auto attacking, keeping up the pressure and turning your enemies into sitting ducks. For builds focused on Bull's Eye, Mr. Wish is the perfect companion to keep the damage flowing and the targets marked!
Can be farmed from Securement Silo Sigma in PvP Servers.
Once Human - Polar JellyPolar Jelly Polar Jelly—your own personal blizzard in a jellyfish that turns the battlefield into an icy trap! This frosty Deviant continuously deals Frost Status DMG to all surrounding enemies, forcing them to get uncomfortably close to you, whether they like it or not. And here’s the kicker: it ramps up the Frost DMG those enemies receive, making sure they freeze solid in no time.

If you’re rocking a Frost Vortex build, Polar Jelly is your best friend. When Frost Vortexes form within its icy radius, it creates additional Ice Spikes to really drive the chill home.
The Polar Jelly deviant is obtained by completing a round of Cargo Scramble, which is an overworld event that occurs randomly.
Once Human - Pyro DinoPyro Dino Pyro Dino is exactly what it sounds like—your very own fire-breathing dino that turns enemies into toast! This ferocious Combat Deviant automatically targets enemies and unleashes devastating AoE Blaze DMG, with a solid chance to leave them burning. And once they're on fire, things heat up fast—if the target is Burning, Pyro Dino triggers a fiery Explosion that brings even more chaos to the fight.

While it’s dishing out damage, it also amps up the Blaze DMG those enemies receive, making sure they roast faster than a marshmallow at a campfire. If you want to watch your enemies go up in flames, there’s nothing cooler—or hotter—than a Pyro Dino!
The Pyro Dino can be obtained as a drop from Securement Silo Phi.

Best Territory Deviants

Best Deviants by Category
Combat Deviants Territorry Deviants Crafting Deviants
Deviant Explanation and How to Get
Once Human - Logging BeaverLogging Beaver Logging Beaver—the ultimate lumberjack on four legs! This industrious little critter doesn’t just chew through wood, it dominates the forest. When placed in an Isolated Securement Unit, the Logging Beaver automatically goes to work, farming logs like it’s got something to prove.

No more wasting time chopping trees yourself—let this beaver handle all your logging needs while you kick back and focus on other tasks. It’s literally a wood-chewing, log-farming machine!
Capture In Front of Margerie’s Store at Broken Delta (5698, -6667).
Once Human - The Digby BoyThe Digby Boy Digby Boy is a very good boy when it comes to ore farming! Just place him in an Isolated Securement Unit, and he’ll passively gather ore for you, no questions asked.

With Digby Boy on your side, you can relax while he takes care of all the heavy lifting, proving once again that he’s not just hardworking—he’s the best boy for the job!
Complete Lowe's Deviation Expert side quest.
Once Human - GrowshroomGrowshroom Growshroom is a literal mushroom with a green thumb! This quirky fungi automatically plants seeds and speeds up crop growth. The more Deviant Energy it has, the quicker your crops will thrive. With Growshroom around, you’ll be reaping a harvest that’s nothing short of magical!
Farm mushrooms at Chalk Peak.
Once Human - Buzzy BeeBuzzy Bee Buzzy Bee is the buzzing hero of your farm! This busy bee increases the chances of growing Deviated Crops—special ingredients that don’t spoil and are essential for advanced recipes.

With Buzzy Bee around, your farm is not only more productive, but you’ll be cooking up some seriously advanced dishes in no time. It’s a beee-autiful partnership!
Capture in Citrus County (5707, -5211). (PvE Exclusive)
Once Human - Flame EssenceFlame Essence Flame Essence is the fiery frog that turns up the heat in your smelting operations. This little amphibian accelerates the smelting process at any tier of Furnace, making sure you get those materials processed faster than you can croak.
Capture in Sutherland Chemical Plant (4950, -6255).
Once Human - Lethal RabbitLethal Rabbit Lethal Rabbit is the dapper little hunter you never knew you needed! Sporting a red tie and a sharp knife, this murderous bunny takes to the wild to hunt down animals for you. Over time, it delivers a bounty of meat for your cooking needs and rawhide for all your crafting projects.
Hunt and skin Rabbits southwest of Sunbury (4512, -7414).
Once Human - Electric EelElectric Eel Electric Eel is a wriggly wonder that electrifies your base! This lively string of large batteries moves like an eel, bringing a spark of energy to your generator facilities. By increasing the power limit, Electric Eel ensures your crafting facilities run smoothly and efficiently.
Catch by Fishing in Meyer's Market (5728, -6664).

Best Crafting Deviants

Best Deviants by Category
Combat Deviants Territorry Deviants Crafting Deviants
Deviant Explanation and How to Get
Once Human - Space TurnerSpace Turner Space Turner is your cosmic travel buddy! With the ability to craft a Space Twister, this handy tool allows you to send invites to your party members, teleporting them right to your location in a flash.

Need to regroup or get your teammates to where you are? Just use a Space Twister, and watch as your friends are whisked away from where they are to join you.
Possible drop at Door Puzzles. Escape Dayton Hospital Puzzle.
Once Human - Frog the LeaperFrog the Leaper Frog the Leaper is your bouncy buddy, ready to help you reach new heights! This frog deviant lets you craft Spring Legs, giving you the ability to jump higher while using a bit of stamina.

Thanks to Frog the Leaper, gravity doesn’t stand a chance against your newfound leap!
Frog the Leaper can be found in ponds with bright blue lilypads.
Masonic Pyramid This enigmatic deviant allows you to brew the Predator and Parapsychology Whim Potions, both essential for turning the tide in battle in PVP.

With the Predator Whim Potion, you can land a critical hit straight from Stealth status, catching your foes off guard. Meanwhile, the Parapsychology Whim Potion alerts you when an enemy is aiming at you from outside your field of view.
The Masonic Pyramid deviant is a chance reward for participating in Stronghold Conquests, regardless of whether you achieve victory. (PvP Exclusive)
Upper World Spawn Upper World Spawn lets you create Upper World Protection, granting you the incredible ability to take no damage from enemies.

But there's a twist: while you're protected, you won't be able to move, effectively turning you into a turret.
The Upper World Spawn deviant is obtained as a chance reward for clearing the Securement Silo PSI at the coordinates (2514,-2616) in the Red Sands region.
Once Human - HarveseedHarveseed Harveseed is your plant-powered pal that whips up Heart Vines, the secret ingredient for crafting Living Armor! This nifty consumable swoops in to save the day when your health dips below 20%, giving you a healing boost right when you need it most.
Dropped by the Treant boss.
Once Human - ArtisanArtisan's Touch Artisan's Touch makes Universal Toolkits for crafting the All Purpose Hand, which immediately repairs the lowest durability equipment on the player.
Dropped by the Scorcher enemy. (PvP Exclusive)

Best Early Game Deviants

List of Best Early Game Deviants

Below is a list of Deviants that are recommended specifically for the early stages of the game, that are also acquired with relative ease.

Deviant Explanation and How to Get
Once Human - ButterflyButterfly's Emissary The Butterfy's Emissary is can amplify weakspot damage on enemies when Auto Attacking.
Given to players during the game's tutorial.
Once Human - Festering GelFestering Gel The Festering Gel can heal players when activated, and provides breathing room in a fight.
Dropped by the Ravenous Hunter boss.
Once Human - The Digby BoyThe Digby Boy The Digby Boy will passively farm ore for players when placed in an Isolated Securement Unit.
Complete Lowe's Deviation Expert side quest.
Once Human - Logging BeaverLogging Beaver The Logging Beaver will automatically farm logs when placed in an Isolated Securement Unit.
Capture southeast of Deadsville (6472, - 5897).
Once Human - Chefosaurus RexChefosaurus Rex Chefosaurus Rex improves the effects of any food cooked while it is active.
Complete Lowe's There's a Dragon Here side quest. (PvE Exclusive)
Once Human - Electric EelElectric Eel Electric Eel increases the power limit of generator facilities in the base.
Catch by Fishing in Meyer's Market (5728, -6664).

List of All Deviants

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