Once Human

How to Complete Long Journey Quest

Long Journey is a side quest in Once Human. Read on for a detailed walkthrough on how to complete Long Journey, as well as how to start the quest, its location, summary, and rewards.

How to Complete Long Journey

Long Journey Guide

Take a Picture by the Wind Turbine

Follow the quest marker to Wind Farm, just west of Rippleby and eliminate the patrolling enemies. With the area clear, go to the wind turbine and use the Aqua Bell to summon the Glass Jellyfish.

When she appears, take a picture of her by holding the Tab key and selecting Camera in the radial wheel.

Note: We recommend equipping the Aqua Bell to your hotbar for the duration of the quest!

Take a Picture by the Scarecrow

Follow the quest marker again and to the south and find the scarecrow in the middle of the field. Summon the Glass Jellyfish again and take another picture of her with the scarecrow.

Take a Picture by the Bonfire

Head southeast towards the next quest marker and climb the building using the scaffolding. Approach the small bonfire and summon the Glass Jellyfish to take another picture of her.

Take a Picture by the Gravestone

Proceed to Brookham and go to the graveyard just beside the church. Summon the Glass Jellyfish one last time and snap another picture of her. This concludes the side quest and you'll earn your rewards.

Brookham Crate Locations Guide

How to Start Long Journey

Talk to the Glass Jellyfish South of Rippleby

The Long Journey side quest is started by talking to the Glass Jellyfish sitting by the beach just south of Rippleby.

Interactive Map and All Locations Guide

Long Journey Location

Found in Iron River

Long Journey Location

Map Location

Overworld Location

You can start Long Journey by going to the exact location indicated above in Iron River and interacting with Glass Jellyfish.

Long Journey Summary and Rewards

Level 18
Quest Type World Task
Location Iron River
Quest Giver Glass Jellyfish
How to Unlock Talk to the Glass Jellyfish by the beach in Iron River.
Rewards ・Energy Link x500
・Exp x1000
・Stellar Planula x10
・Eclipse Cortex Lv. 2 x1

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