Once Human

List of Tactical Items

Tactical Items provide support in combat and defending your base in Once Human. See a list of Tactical Items here.

List of All Tactical Items

Item Details
Once Human - Copper GrenadeCopper Grenade An expertly crafted grenade that is infused with Stardust harvested from Deviants. It is capable of dealing devastating damage.
How to Get: Craft on Synthesis Bench
Deadly Molotov Cocktail When you're about to burn out, burn everything that stands in your way instead! A basic weapon, which shatters and engulfs the target in flames upon impact, dealing damage equal to 2579 + 100% Psi Intensity.
How to Get: Craft on Advanced Synthesis Bench
Explosives An improvised explosive device made of simple materials, which uses shock waves and fragments to attack the enemy. Deals 996+800% Psi Intensity DMG.
How to Get: Explore Settlements
Grenade A powerful Grenade with a wide blast range. It deals damage equal to 698 + 400% Psi Intensity, which is halved at the outer ring.
How to Get: Explore Settlements
Once Human - HE GrenadeHE Grenade An expertly crafted grenade that is infused with Stardust harvested from Deviants. It is capable of dealing devastating damage.
How to Get: Craft on Synthesis Bench
High Explosives An improvised explosive device madew of simple materials, which uses shock waves and fragments to attack the enemy. Deals 3639 +800% Psi Intensity DMG.
How to Get: Craft on Advanced Synthesis Bench
Once Human - High-Explosive GrenadeHigh-Explosive Grenade A powerful Grenade with a wide blast range. It deals damage equal to 3074 + 400% Psi Intensity, which is halved at the outer ring.
How to Get: Craft on Advanced Synthesis Bench
High-Explosive Shrapnel Grenade Grenade that contains volatile explosives. Will unleash a violent explosion upon impact, dealing 1622 + 200% Psi Intensity DMG.
How to Get: Craft on Advanced Synthesis Bench
Improved Claymore Mine It unleashes a lethal explosion upon detecting movement within its designated arc, dealing AoE DMG equal 2612 + 600% of Psi Intensity.
How to Get: Craft on Synthesis Bench
Once Human - Improved ExplosivesImproved Explosives An improvised explosive device made of simple materials, which uses shock waves and fragments to attack the enemy. Deals 2683+800% Psi Intensity DMG.
How to Get: Craft on Synthesis Bench
Improved Grenade A powerful Grenade with a wide blast range. It deals damage equal to 1812 + 400% Psi Intensity, which is halved at the outer ring.
How to Get: Craft on Synthesis Bench
Improved Molotov Cocktail When you're about to burn out, burn everything that stands in your way instead! A basic weapon, which shatters and engulfs the target in flames upon impact, dealing damage equal to 668 + 100% Psi Intensity.
How to Get: Craft on Synthesis Bench
Improved Portable MG Turret A good offense is the best defense. Deploy on the ground, and this gun tower will attack enemies within range. This MG Turret has HP equal to 750% Psi Intensity and deals damage equal to 259 + 100% Psi Intensity.
How to Get: Craft on Synthesis Bench
Improved Scout Drone A reconnaissance drone designed for remote intelligence gathering, automatic cruising, and capable of supressing enemies. It has HP equal to 500% Psi Intensity and deals damage equal to 259 + 100% Psi Intensity when firing.
How to Get: Craft on Advanced Synthesis Bench
Improved Shrapnel Grenade Grenade that contains volatile explosives. Will unleash a violent explosion upon impact, dealing 956 + 200% Psi Intensity DMG.
How to Get: Craft on Synthesis Bench
Lightning Bottle Use to enhance allied Turrets, Drones, and Portable Machine Gun Towers nearby, increasing their DMG by 25%, with a 33% chance to trigger Power Surge when hitting the enemy. Lasts 15s.
How to Get: Craft on Supplies Workbench
Molotov Cocktail When you're about to burn out, burn everything that stands in your way instead! A basic weapon, which shatters and engulfs the target in flames upon impact, dealing damage equal to 262 + 100% Psi Intensity.
How to Get: Explore Settlements
Portable MG Turret A good offense is the best defense. Deploy on the ground, and this gun tower will attack enemies within range. This MG Turret has HP equal to 750% Psi Intensity and deals damage equal to 78 + 100% Psi Intensity.
How to Get: Under Investigation!
Projection Generators A portable device capable of producing a replica of the user, functioning as a decoy that taunts nearby enemies. The projection has HP equal to 2010 + 500% Psi Intensity and deals damage equal to 488 + 400% Psi Intensity.
How to Get: Craft on Synthesis Bench
Scout Drone A reconnaissance drone designed for remote intelligence gathering, automatic cruising, and capable of supressing enemies. It has HP equal to 500% Psi Intensity and deals damage equal to 78 + 100% Psi Intensity when firing.
How to Get: Craft on Synthesis Bench
Shrapnel Grenade Grenade that contains volatile explosives. Will unleash a violent explosion upon impact, dealing 460 + 200% Psi Intensity DMG.
How to Get: Explore Settlements
Smoke Grenade Don't underestimate the power of smoke. Upon activation, it releases a dense cloud of smoke for 30 seconds, providing immediate cover and bewildering enemies.
How to Get: Craft on Synthesis Bench
Space Twister One that opens up space and you can use it to summon teammates to your side.
How to Get: Craft on Supplies Workbench
Spectrum Generators An optical device with internal circuitry made of an unknown metal that can manipulate light refraction to achieve a cloaking effect. Use it to remain invisible for 15 seconds. The effect vanishes when certain actions are performed.
How to Get: Craft on Advanced Synthesis Bench
Stardust Barriers Special device that takes surrounding Stardust energy and concentrates it into a light barricade. Capable of absorbing kinetic energy, the barrier can effectively deflect bullets and have HP equal to 1500% Psi Intensity. Originally designed and manufactured by Rosetta, this marvel of Stardust tech is now acessible to Meta-Humans.
How to Get: Craft on Synthesis Bench
Once Human - Staroid ResonatorStaroid Resonator Used in Stronghold Conquest to detect Staroid Restrainer within 30 meters.
How to Get: Craft on Synthesis Bench
Thermite Grenade Sticks to the surface of its target after being thrown. deals 2579 + 100% Psi Intensity DMG, and deals continuous DMG and Burn.
How to Get: Craft on Advanced Synthesis Bench
Vortex Generators At the very end, an empty despair took hold. Produced by combining an EMP Grenade with Deviant Energy, this Grenade produces a destructive electric surge, drawing the enemy towards the center of the blast. It deals damage equal to 14 + 5% Psi Intensity per second.
How to Get: Craft on Advanced Synthesis Bench
Whistle Blow thw whistle to summon high - Tameness domesticated animal to your side.
How to Get: Craft on Intermediate Armor Workbench

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