Once Human

Sniper Build (Bull's Eye Build)

Once Human - Sniper Build
The Sniper Build or Bull's Eye Build in Once Human is one of the best builds in the game. See the Sniper build, the best weapons, armor, mods, deviants, and cradle override for the Sniper Build (Bull's Eye Build) in this comprehensive guide!

Best Sniper Build (Bull's Eye Build) in Once Human

Sniper Build (Bull's Eye Build) Basic Info

Once Human - AWS.338 - Bullseye Best Builds Sniper

Slot Item Mod
Primary Weapon AWS.338 - Bullseye Vulnerability Amplifier
Secondary Weapon SOCR - Last Valor or SOCR - Outsider Obliterate
Melee Stun Baton Any
Helmet Agent Helmet Precise Strike
Face Agent Mask Targeted Strike
Gloves Renegade Gloves or Lonewolf Gloves Weakspot DMG Boost or Crit DMG Boost
Shoes Seasoned Hunter Leather Boots Covered Advance
Top Agent Top Weakspot DMG Boost (Blue)
Bottoms Agent Pants Unstoppable or Reload Rampage
Notes ・Equipping 2 pieces of the Agent set will grant additional weakspot damage. If you’re not using Reload Rampage, a full 4-piece Agent set will provide a 20% reload speed boost.
・Consuming Mixed Fried Hot Dog enhances your damage by 20% against enemies affected by The Bull's Eye effect.
・For Cradle Overrides, use Long Range Enhancement and Bounty Hunter.

The Sniper Build, known as The Bull's Eye Build, revolves around the Bull's Eye effect, which highlights marked targets, outlines them, and increases their vulnerability by +8% for 12 seconds. This build maximizes the damage output from weakspot hits, ensuring that each shot counts.

The AWS.338 - Bullseye sniper rifle, along with the Agent armor set, is modded to amplify enemy vulnerability and weakspot damage. Complementing this, the secondary weapon and melee options provide versatility, making this build lethal in long-range combat.

Best Weapons for Sniper Build (Bull's Eye Build)

Best Weapons for Sniper Build (Bull's Eye Build)
Primary Secondary Melee

Primary Weapon: AWS.338 - Bullseye or AWS.338 Bingo

Once Human - AWS.338 - Bullseye Sniper Build
The AWS.338 - Bullseye is the star of Sniper Build (Bull's Eye Build), thanks to its knack for consistently landing The Bull's Eye effect. With a 70% chance to trigger this on weakspot hits, it marks enemies with vulnerability +8% for 12 seconds, making them easy targets for precise shots.

The weapon doesn’t stop there—it also boosts weakspot damage by +15% for 10 seconds with each hit, stacking up to three times. Plus, the first hit after switching weapons always activates The Bull's Eye. Defeating enemies with weakspot hits further ramps up the damage with a +15% attack boost for 20 seconds. It’s a bullseye in every sense, turning enemies into sitting ducks!

AWS.338 - Bullseye: How to Get and Location

Secondary Weapon: SOCR - Last Valor or SOCR - Outsider

SOCR - The Last Valor rains damage with its Shrapnel effect, giving you a 4% chance to spread 50% Attack damage to random unhit parts and boosting Crit DMG by 30%.

Meanwhile, SOCR - Outsider sparks trouble with its Power Surge, boasting a 35% chance to zap enemies with 50% Psi Intensity Status DMG and a 40% accuracy drop. Choose your weapon of choice to maximize chaos and damage on the battlefield.

Melee: Stun Baton

The Stun Baton is a great choice for this build. It has a 33% chance with light strikes to inflict Power Surge, dealing 50% Psi Intensity Status DMG and reducing enemy accuracy by 40% for 6 seconds. Heavy hits on Power Surge targets send an extra jolt of 50% Power Surge DMG to nearby enemies, making it a zapping good choice for crowd control and adding electric flair to your melee game.

Stun Baton: How to Get and Location

Best Armor for Sniper Build (Bull's Eye Build)

Agent Set for Helmet, Face, Top and Bottoms

Once Human - Agent Set
The Agent Set is a powerhouse for the Sniper Build (Bull's Eye Build), amplifying your precision and efficiency. It starts with a 10% reduction in head damage, making you tougher in a fight. The set also boosts weakspot damage by 10%, helping you make those critical shots count.

After a precise kill, you get a Bullet Saver effect, increasing weakspot damage by 15% for 8 seconds, stacking up to three times for even greater impact. Additionally, it enhances reload speed by 20% and increases fire rate by 10% when you land a weakspot kill, keeping you on target and deadly.

This set's fragments can be found in Iron River.

Renegade Gloves or Lonewolf Gloves for Gloves

Renegade Gloves speed up your reloads by +15%, helping you get back into the action faster. Lonewolf Gloves enhance your sniping efficiency by increasing magazine capacity by +10%, allowing for more shots before reloading.

Choose Lonewolf for more firepower per clip or Renegade for quicker reloads to keep the pace high.

Seasoned Hunter Leather Boots for Shoes

Seasoned Hunter Leather Boots make every shot count after triggering The Bull's Eye.

They ensure your next shot counts as a Weakspot hit, even if it misses the actual weak spot, and boosts Weakspot DMG by +30% against enemies affected by The Bull's Eye. Perfect for turning precision into guaranteed damage and maximizing your impact in every shot.

Seasoned Hunter Leather Boots: How to Get and Location

Best Mods for Sniper Build (Bull's Eye Build)

Best Weapon Mods

Weapon Mods for Sniper Build
Primary Secondary Melee

Vulnerability Amplifier for Primary

Mod Effect Description
Vulnerability Amplifier Enhances the vulnerability effect of Bull's Eye by +8% on marked targets.

Vulnerability Amplifier is a game-changer for the Sniper Build (Bull's Eye Build), cranking up the damage dealt to enemies marked by Bull's Eye.

Obliterate for Secondary

Mod Effect Description
Obliterate Increases Shrapnel damage by 15% for each additional part hit.

Obliterate is a perfect pick for this build, boosting Shrapnel damage significantly with each extra target hit. It turns your SOCR - Last Valor or SOCR - Outsider into a multi-part damage machine, making every shot count and ensuring you spread the pain!

Melee Amplifier for Melee

Mod Effect Description
Melee Amplifier Increases Melee DMG by +20.0%.

Melee Amplifier boosts your Melee DMG by 20%, making sure your close-quarters attacks hit harder. This mod is a great for when enemies close in, providing a strong punch to back up your sniper prowess.

Best Armor Mods

Armor Mods for Sniper (Bull's Eye Build) Build
Helmet Face Gloves
Shoes Top Bottoms

Precise Strike for Helmet

Mod Effect Description
Precise Strike Hitting Weakspots grants +12.0% Weakspot DMG for 3 seconds, up to 3 stacks.

Precise Strike enhances your weakspot hits with a 12% Weakspot DMG boost for 3 seconds per hit, stacking up to 3 times. This mod transforms each weakspot hit into a precision strike, making your shots increasingly devastating as you target those critical areas.

Targeted Strike for Face

Mod Effect Description
Targeted Strike When hitting marked enemies, Crit Rate +10% and Crit DMG +25%.

Targeted Strike sharpens your focus with a 10% boost to Crit Rate and a 25% increase in Crit DMG when enemies marked with Bull's Eye.

Weakspot DMG Boost or Crit DMG Boost for Gloves

Mod Effect Description
Weakspot DMG Boost Increases Weakspot DMG by +25% when hitting weak spots.
Crit DMG Boost Boosts Crit Rate by +10% and Crit DMG by +15%.

Weakspot DMG Boost turns every hit on weakspots into a precision strike, giving a solid 25% damage increase. Crit DMG Boost ramps up your critical hits with a +10% Crit Rate and +15% Crit DMG, making those crits hit harder and more often.

Choose between focusing on weakspot damage or amplifying critical hits based on your playstyle.

Covered Advance for Shoes

Mod Effect Description
Covered Advance Increases Melee, Weapon, and Status DMG by +20% for 30 seconds after avoiding damage for 4 seconds.

Covered Advance is ideal for the Sniper Build because it boosts your damage output significantly—20% more for Melee, Weapon, and Status DMG—when you stay out of the enemy's line of fire for just 4 seconds.

Keep your distance, and you’ll hit harder with every shot.

Weakspot DMG Boost (Blue) for Top

Mod Effect Description
Weakspot DMG Boost (Blue) Increases Weakspot DMG by +15% when hitting weak spots.

The blue version of Weakspot DMG Boost for the Top enhances your damage by +15% on weak spots, making your sniper shots even more lethal where it matters most!

Unstoppable or Reload Rampage for Bottoms

Mod Effect Description
Unstoppable Increases Weakspot DMG by +10% for shots more than 20m away, with an extra +1% per additional meter, up to +20%.
Reload Rampage Killing 2 enemies refills 2 bullets (up to half the mag) and boosts Weapon and Status DMG by +10% until the next reload.

For Bottoms, you can choose between Unstoppable and Reload Rampage. Unstoppable enhances your weakspot damage for long-range shots, making distant targets more vulnerable.

Reload Rampage keeps your ammo topped up and boosts your damage output after a few kills, ensuring you stay effective and efficient in battle. Pick based on whether you need to hit harder from afar or keep your firing power in check during intense moments!

Best Deviant for Sniper Build (Bull's Eye Build)

Lonewolf's Whisper

Once Human - Lonewolf
While any deviant can fit the bill, we recommend Lonewolf's Whisper for this build. This loyal pooch packs a punch and is tough enough to distract and tank for you, letting you line up those perfect sniper shots without worrying about getting mobbed.

Best Cradle Overrides for Sniper Build

Long Range Enhancement

Once Human - Long Range Enhancement Sniper Build
Long Range Enhancement is a no-brainer for this build. It boosts your damage by 20% with sniper rifles or crossbows, giving you a serious edge at long distances.

Plus, it has a 30% chance to automatically reload a bullet from your backpack when you take down a target, ensuring you stay in the fight longer without needing to reload manually.

Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter is a killer choice for this build. After you take down a marked target, it cranks up your Weapon DMG by 25% and boosts Weakspot DMG by a whopping 35% for 15 seconds.

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