Once Human

Shadow Hound Boss Guide

Once Human - How to Beat Shadow Hound

Shadow Hound is a Monolith boss you can defeat in Once Human. Read on for an overview of Shadow Hound, their location, how to unlock, weaknesses, the best loadout, how to beat them, their attack patterns, and rewards!

Shadow Hound Overview

Shadow Hound Information

Shadow Hound Information
Once Human - Shadow Hound
Behavioral analysis of the Shadow Hound Great One show its main methods of attack to be clawing, tearing, and the release of Stardust energy. The Monolith's activation appears to have made its behavior more dangerous and unpredictable.
Level Recommended Players Type
40 2 Monolith

Shadow Hound Location

Found in Monolith of Thirst

Once Human - Shadow Hound Map Location
You can find Shadow Hound's domain in Monolith of Thirst, more specifically in the location indicated on the map above!

Monolith Boss Fight is Different From Doppelganger Version

Once Human - Doppelganger fight

Prior to taking on Shadow Hound, you will fight its doppleganger version in a preceding quest. Do note that these are different boss fights where the doppleganger version serves as an introduction to the actual boss.

The fight with the doppleganger lets you preview its attacks and plan how to take on the actual boss in the Monolith.

How to Unlock Shadow Hound

Unlocked During the In The Tall Grass Quest

You can fight Shadow Hound by heading to the Monolith of Thirst in the Chalk Peak region during the In The Tall Grass quest. Enter the building and interact with the Rift Beacon to select which difficulty you wish to play on.

After defeating Shadow Hound, you may return to its location and fight it once again either at the same difficulty or at higher ones. Do note that you will need to meet the required levels in order to fight it at higher difficulties.

Shadow Hound Weaknesses

Shadow Hound Weakspots

Head Weakspot

Once Human - Shadow Hound head weakspot

During the first phase of this boss fight, Shadow Hound will have no weak spot. You will need to deplete two health bars to bring out its weak spot which is its inside head. Once the inside head is exposed, focus your attacks there.

Shoulder Weakspot

Once Human - Shadow Hound shoulder weakspot

To remove Shadow Hound's immunity, you will need to shoot the two red spots on its shoulders. Do note that Shadow Hound can still attack you so keep an eye on it and dodge accordingly.

Best Loadout for Shadow Hound

Best Weapon and Mods

Weapon DMG Weak% Crit%
MG4 - Predator 32 TBD 8
SOCR - Outsider 41 TBD 6
SOCR - The Last Valor 45 TBD 6

The best weapons to use against Shadow Hound are Assault Rifles to effectively counter most of its patterns and gimmicks!

As for your secondary weapon, you can also use any Light Machine Guns to round out your weapon loadout!

List of All Assault Rifles

How to Beat Shadow Hound

How to Beat Shadow Hound

Fight From a Distance

Once Human - Fight From a Distance

Shadow Hound's attacks can easily bring your health to half in an instant so it would be best to keep your distance as this gives you time to react. You can either dodge to the side or walk through the portals to teleport you across the area.

Shoot the Duskorbs

Once Human - Shoot the Duskorbs

During Shadow Hound's immune phase, it will summon Duskorbs that attack you with projectiles. They will stay on the battlefield until they get destroyed so take them out first before going for the weak spots on the shoulder.

Run Away Anytime It Gets Close

Once Human - Run Away Anytime It Gets Close

Shadow Hound has attacks that not only deal massive damage but also easily closes the gap. Once it gets close to you, prioritize running away and creating space to make anticipating its attacks easier.

Shadow Hound Attack Patterns

Shadow Hound Attack Patterns

3 Projectile Attack

Shadow Hound jumps in the air and shoots out three projectiles that deal damage. This can be avoided by looking at Shadow Hound as it jumps and dodging away from the projectiles.

Spawns Spikes In Phase 2

Once Human - Shadow Hound spikes

During its phase 2, the projectiles will leave spikes behind that slow you down when you come into contact with them. Check your surroundings during this phase and move to a different area to avoid getting slowed down.

Double Swipe

Shadow Hound performs two quick swipes forward. Dodge to the side when you see it about to do this attack as dodging back leaves you vulnerable to the second swipe.

Laser Attack

Shadow Hound charges an attack then shoots a laser attack in front of it. This attack can be avoided with a well timed jump and can also be avoided if you are far away enough from it.

2 Projectile Attack

Shadow Hound shoots two projectile attacks twice. Avoid this attack by continously running to the side as it travels toward you.

Underground Attack

Shadow Hound burrows underground then heads to your location then jumps out from the ground to deal damage. Once you see it travel past you from below, roll forward to avoid receiving damage.

Duskorbs (Immune Phase)

Upon depleting two health bars, Shadow Hound will summon Duskorbs that will attack you with projectiles while becoming immune to damage. At this point, Shadow Hound can still attack you like normal so keep an eye on it and dodge accordingly.

Shoot Shadow Hound When It Becomes An Orb

Once Human - Shadow Hound orb

When Shadow Hound jumps into the air and becomes an orb, start shooting it immediately. This is essentially a damage check and failure to fully deplete the white bar underneath its health bar results in it killing you in one shot.

AOE Attack

Shadow Hound will start pulling you towards it then unleashes an AOE attack. Keep running away as it pulls you in to keep a distance then roll away before the actual attack.

Shadow Hound Rewards

  • Energy Link
  • Gear Mod x2
  • Weapon Mod Parts
  • Stardust Source
  • Electronic Part

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