Once Human

All Securement Silo Locations

Once Human - Securement Silos

Securement Silos in Once Human are dungeons that give valuable rewards like mods, weapons, and deviants. See all securement silo locations, a complete list of all securement silos, the enemies and bosses for each silo, as well as the rewards you can get for each securement silo.

Securement Silos Interactive Map

The Interactive Map both shows the location of key points on the map, and doubles as a collectible checker.

  1. Click an icon on the right side to show all the pins of a specific type, or click the magnifying glass button to search for a specific pin by name.
  2. Click a pin on the map to see its name and description, and a relevant picture or video if available.
  3. From here, click Mark as Acquired to indicate that you've gotten a collectible already. This will change its icon on the map to show that it has been collected, and add 1 to that pin type's Counter.
  4. To undo this, click on the same pin and click Restore to unclaimed.
  5. To check how many pins you have marked so far, check the Counter in the bottom left, and click the icon that looks like a checklist to see counters for all pin types.
  6. If the collected pins start to get in the way, you can hide them all by clicking the green Show Pins button on the left side.
Icon How to Use
Name Button.png Show Names
This button reveals the Name of every icon currently shown.
Show Pins Button.png Show Pins
This button will toggle between showing and hiding all the pins which you have already marked as acquired.
Full Button.png Fullscreen
This button will change the map display to fill the screen.
Search Button.png Search Mode Toggle
This button will display a searchbar which you can use to search for an individual pin by its name.
Icon Mode Button.png Icon Mode Toggle
In Search Mode, this button will toggle you back to Icon Mode, removing the search bar and displaying the icons again.
All Pins Button.png All Pins
This button is shown along with the Icons on the right when there are over 6 types of pins. Click it for a full selection of all available pin types.
Interactive Map Counter.png Counter
Tracks the number of pins you have of a certain type. The pin type shown is set to the page and currently cannot be changed; however, all pin type counters can be viewed by clicking the checklist icon on the right side.
Interactive Map View All Counters.png View All Counters
This icon is found on the right side of the Counter. When a map has more than one pin type, click this icon to see Counters for all pin types.
Diablo 4 - Zoom In Zoom Out Icons.png Zoom In / Zoom Out
This icon is found on the top left side of the map. You can press these buttons, or use your scroll wheel while hovering, to Zoom In and Out of the interactive map.

All Securement Silo Location

Jump to a Section
Securement Silo Sigma Securement Silo PHI Securement Silo Alpha
Securement Silo EX1 Securement Silo PSI Securement Silo Theta
Securement Silo Delta Securement Silo EX1 (Way of Winter) Securement Silo PSI (Way of Winter)
Securement Silo 08

Securement Silo Sigma

Recommended Level
(Manibus and Evolution's Call)
Normal: Lv. 15 (1 Player)
Hard: Lv. 50 (3 Players)
Pro: Lv. 60 (4 Players)
Recommended Level
(Prismverse's Clash)
Normal: Lv. 25 (1 Player)
Hard: TBD
Pro: TBD
Region Broken Delta
Boss ・Claw Machine
・Captain Dave II - S2401
Rewards ・Gloves Mods
Stardust Source
・Energy Link
・Armor Mod Parts
Weapon / Armor
・Eclipse Cortex Lv. 3 (Hard and Pro Mode)
Deviant Mr. Wish
Secret Room / Seepage Area? Yes

Securement Silo Sigma
Walkthrough and Location

Securement Silo PHI

Recommended Level
(Manibus and Evolution's Call)
Normal: Lv. 25 (1 Player)
Hard: Lv. 50 (3 Players)
Pro: Lv. 60 (4 Players)
Recommended Level
(Prismverse's Clash)
Normal: Lv. 15 (1 Player)
Hard: Lv. 50 (3 Players)
Pro: Lv. 60 (4 Players)
Region Iron River
Boss ・Rainfall Reaper
Rewards ・Shoes Mods
Stardust Source
・Energy Link
・Armor Mod Parts
Weapon / Armor
・Eclipse Cortex Lv. 3 (Hard and Pro Mode)
Deviant Chefosaurus Rex
Pyro Dino
Secret Room / Seepage Area? Yes

Securement Silo PHI
Walkthrough and Location

Securement Silo ALPHA

Recommended Level
(Manibus and Evolution's Call)
Normal: Lv. 35 (1 Player)
Hard: Lv. 50 (3 Players)
Pro: Lv. 60 (4 Players)
Recommended Level
(Prismverse's Clash)
Region Chalk Peak
Boss ・Sergeant Major Dutch III - S0012
Rewards ・Helmet Mods
Stardust Source
・Energy Link
・Armor Mod Parts
Weapon / Armor
・Eclipse Cortex Lv. 3 (Hard and Pro Mode)
Deviant Butterfly Emissary
Secret Room / Seepage Area? Yes

Securement Silo Alpha
Walkthrough and Location

Securement Silo EX1

Recommended Level
(Manibus and Evolution's Call)
Normal: Lv. 35 (1 Player)
Hard: Lv. 50 (3 Players)
Pro: Lv. 60 (4 Players)
Recommended Level
(Prismverse's Clash)
Region Chalk Peak
Boss ・Sennacherib
Rewards ・Mask Mods
Stardust Source
・Energy Link
・Armor Mod Parts
Weapon / Armor
・Eclipse Cortex Lv. 3 (Hard and Pro Mode)
Deviant Polar Jelly
Atomic Lighter
Secret Room / Seepage Area? No

Securement Silo EX1
Walkthrough and Location

Securement Silo PSI

Recommended Level
(Manibus and Evolution's Call)
Normal: Lv. 45 (1 Player)
Hard: Lv. 50 (3 Players)
Pro: Lv. 60 (4 Players)
Recommended Level
(Prismverse's Clash)
Region Red Sands
Boss ・Empty House / Deviated Fridge
Rewards ・Pants Mods
Stardust Source
・Energy Link
・Armor Mod Parts
Weapon / Armor
・Eclipse Cortex Lv. 3 (Hard and Pro Mode)
Deviant Upper World Spawn
Snow Globe
Secret Room / Seepage Area? No

Securement Silo Theta

Recommended Level
(Manibus and Evolution's Call)
Normal: Lv. 45 (1 Player)
Hard: Lv. 50 (3 Players)
Pro: Lv. 60 (4 Players)
Recommended Level
(Prismverse's Clash)
Region Red Sands
Boss ・Saint El
・Chagas Weevil
Rewards ・Top Mods
Stardust Source
・Energy Link
・Armor Mod Parts
Weapon / Armor
・Eclipse Cortex Lv. 3 (Hard and Pro Mode)
Deviant Enchanting Void
Dr. Teddy
Secret Room / Seepage Area? Yes

Securement Silo Theta
Walkthrough and Location

Securement Silo Delta

Recommended Level
(Way of Winter)
Normal: Lv. 10 (1 Player)
Hard: Lv. 50 (3 Players)
Pro: Lv. 60 (4 Players)
Region Onyx Tundra
Boss ・Party Kin Hearst
Rewards Deviants
・Shoes Mod
・Gloves Mod
Stardust Source
・Energy Link
・Armor Mod Parts
・Eclipse Cortex Lv. 3 (Hard and Pro Mode)
Deviant Invincible Sun
Secret Room / Seepage Area? No

Securement Silo Delta involves going through a Vulture Base and fighting off Party Kin Hearst. This Silo is notable for being the location of one of Invincible Sun, one of the new deviants introduced in the Way of Winter scenario.

At normal difficulty, it is recommended to challenge at Level 10.

Securement Silo Delta
Walkthrough and Location

Securement Silo EX 1 (Way of Winter)

Securement Silo EX 1
Recommended Level
(Way of Winter)
Normal: Lv. 20 (1 Player)
Hard: Lv. 50 (3 Players)
Pro: Lv. 60 (4 Players)
Region Onyx Tundra
Boss Claw Machine
Rewards Hydronaut Fish
・Other Random Deviants
・Mask Mod
Stardust Source
・Energy Link
・Armor Mod Parts
・Eclipse Cortex Lv. 3 (Hard and Pro Mode)
Deviant Hydronaut Fish
Secret Room / Seepage Area? No

Like the previous Silo, Securement Silo EX 1 is also found within Onyx Tundra. It can be found to the south of Moose City Food Factory. At normal difficulty, it is recommended to challenge at Level 20.

Securement Silo EX1 (Way of Winter) Walkthrough

Securement Silo PSI (Way of Winter)

Recommended Level
(Way of Winter)
Normal: Lv. 30 (1 Player)
Hard: Lv. 50 (3 Players)
Pro: Lv. 60 (4 Players)
Region Vena Fjord
Boss Empty House
Rewards Ice Pot
・Pants Mod
・Top Mod
Stardust Source
・Energy Link
・Armor Mod Parts
・Eclipse Cortex Lv. 3 (Hard and Pro Mode)
Deviant Ice Pot
Secret Room / Seepage Area? No

Securement Silo PSI can be found in Vena Fjord. It can be found due east of Whalebone. At normal difficulty, it is recommended to challenge at Level 30.

Securement Silo PSI (Way of Winter) Walkthrough

Securement Silo 08

Recommended Level
(Way of Winter)
Normal: Lv. 40 (1 Player)
Hard: Lv. 50 (3 Players)
Pro: Lv. 60 (4 Players)
Region Ember Strand
Boss Messenger
Rewards Snowsprite
・Helmet Mod
・Top Mod
Stardust Source
・Energy Link
・Armor Mod Parts
・Eclipse Cortex Lv. 3 (Hard and Pro Mode)
Deviant Snowsprite
Secret Room / Seepage Area? No

Securement Silo 08 (Way of Winter) Walkthrough and Location

What are Securement Silos?

Dungeons With Valuable Rewards

Once Human - Rosetta soldiers in Securement Silo

Securement Silos are dungeons scattered all over Nalcott that give valuable rewards like armor mods, stardust source, weapons, armor, armor mod parts, eclipse cortex, deviants, and even shiny deviants.

Every dungeon is riddled with enemies and strong bosses, so make sure you're all geared up before taking on one.

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Once Human - Tips and Tricks Tips and Tricks Once Human - Builds PartialBest Builds
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Once Human - ArmorArmor Once Human - Memetic SpecializationsMemetic Specializations
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