Once Human

Once Human 1.3.1 Patch Notes and Updates (November 7, 2024)

Once Human 1.3.1 Patch Notes and Updates

The 1.3.1 patch for Once Human releases on November 7 and includes the new PvE Scenario, The Way of Winter! Read on to learn about all the updates for Patch 1.3.1, including the new region, mechanics, and events.

1.3.1 Patch Notes and Updates

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New Season Calendar

The developers have added a Season Calendar feature to let you check the game's schedule at a glance. On the calendar, you'll be able to view upcoming scenario openings, game updates, and events, as well as subscribe to notifications for the latest news..
How to Access: Events screen > Season tab > Season Calendar

New Livestock Animals

New Livestock Animals

The following animals can now be tamed as livestock: Wild Buffalo, Polar Bear, Snow Fox, Fox, Snapping Turtle, and Sea Turtle. Randomized patterns for the above animals will be added in a future update. The patterns of existing tamable animals will not be affected.

New Shop Arrivals

New Battle Pass: Sailor's Spirit


・Available from November 7, after the maintenance.
・A new Battle Pass theme featuring the 'Sailor's Spirit' fashion set (Epic), 'Gemmed - DE.50' weapon skin (Epic), 'Undersea Memories' Cradle skin (Epic), and many other exciting cosmetics.
・Optimized the Battle Pass screen. You can now switch to a preview of your character holding the selected weapon from the Details panel.

Lightforge Loot Crate: Urban Oddities

Lightforge Loot Crate

・Available from November 8, 10:00 AM.
・A new Lightforge Loot Crate is available for a limited time! This 'Urban Oddities'-themed crate consists of three rounds and includes the 'Doomsday Dominator' fashion set (Legendary), 'Abyssal Mirror' Cradle skin (Legendary), and 'LCD TV' interactive furniture formula (Epic).
・ Lightforge Loot Crate: Cloud Command will no longer be available after November 7, 6:00 AM.

New Arrivals: The 'Boundary Breaker' Set

・Available from November 7, after the maintenance.
・Also arriving are the 'Peninsula' hairstyle (Epic) and various Rare individual pieces. For more details, check out Shop > Cosmetics in the game.

Event Updates

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Wish Land Party

Event Period: November 7 – November 18

Wishland Party

In a region of turbulent spacetime, a peculiar Eternaland has appeared—and it seems like there's a party going on there! Grab your friends and join the autumn celebration together! Wish Land Party is accessible from the Events screen. Once there, you can invite your friends to join you via the event interface.

H37 Unstable S-Vessel Phase II

Unstable S-Vessel Phase II

This event is now available in The Way of Winter (after reaching Phase 3) with a new series of exclusive Snowy Realm tasks. The update also adds Phase II of 'Nutcracker' Morphed Deviations to nurture, with a total of nine new variants including two rare colors! You can freely choose which phase you want to nurture and collect!


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Server Optimizations

1. Optimized server performance to reduce latency when many players are assembled in the same place, such as when fighting Chaosweavers.
・We will continue to optimize and adjust server performance. Please continue to send us your feedback.
2. In certain regions, we are piloting a new network protocol that is expected to improve latency issues on some servers. If the pilot test is successful, we will roll out the new protocol to the other regions and servers.

Prismverse's Clash Optimizations

In response to your feedback, we have been working to resolve various issues with the Prismverse's Clash scenario. This update includes optimizations to Public Crisis Events and Prism Deviation drop rates. More optimizations will be delivered in the next update on November 21.

Changed the following Public Crisis Events:
・Removed Dig to Hell from Phase 1.
・ Moved Sproutlet Conquest to Phase 1.

Adjusted Prism Deviation

Adjusted Prism Deviation spawn time and quantity, and added more ways for individual players to get Prism Deviations:
・Changed the Prism Deviation spawn time from 18:00 to 20:00 (server time).
・Increased the number of Prism Deviations spawned at 20:00 (server time) to 100.
・Changed the spawn frequency of Berserkosaurus Rex and Radiant One to once every 24 hours.
・Added the following ways of obtaining Prism Deviations in contest areas: weapon crates, gear crates, and gathering plants.
・ Reduced the chance of obtaining Prism Deviations from fishing in contest areas.

Gameplay Rules Optimizations

Players with the same score in Prismverse's Clash will now all receive the highest tier of rewards they are eligible for.

Bug Fixes

1.3.1 Fixes List

・Fixed an issue where Medium Frame Ⅵ could not be interacted with.
・Fixed an issue that allowed Thermal Towers to be built in water.
・Fixed an issue that caused Ram byproducts to be incorrect.
・Fixed an issue where Butter was missing from the Memetics in The Way of Winter.
・Fdded a new fish pheromone formula: Large Freshwater Pheromone.
・Fixed an issue where ziplines in some areas would be obstructed by rocks.
・Forrected the 'Acquired from' descriptions for the Light Grip and Guardian Front Grip.
・Fixed an issue where gaps would sometimes appear in the ceilings of territory buildings.
・Fixed an issue where visual effects in the 'Surge of Fish' Public Crisis Event would be too bright.
・Fixed an issue where the game would lag when viewing animal details in the Backpack.
・Fixed an issue where the boss would not move in the Secret Servitor dungeon.
・Fixed an issue where sharing Thermal Tower permissions with teammates would sometimes fail to take effect.
・Fixed an issue where a message would incorrectly state that a facility could not be demolished because other objects were placed on it.
・Fixed an issue where dish categories and effects did not match up at cooking facilities.
・Fixed an issue where Dried Seaweed would still spoil, contrary to the description of the Air-Dried effect.
・Fixed an issue where animal younglings would not become adults even after their Maturity was at the maximum.
・Fixed an issue where livestock animals would consume too much or too little food while the player was offline.
・Fixed an issue where Stardust Mining Facilities could not gather Stardust in Pollution Zones.
・Fixed an issue where Thermal Tower tips would sometimes not disappear when the player was in a dungeon.
・Fixed an issue where an error popup would be triggered when opening the drops interface of a dead livestock animal.
・Fixed an issue where quick-switching ammunition types would fail when using a crossbow.
・Fixed an issue where the wrong number of Deviation traits was displayed in the Redemption Shop of the Halloween event.
・Fixed an issue where interior ceiling wallpapers could not be applied to 'Beehive Tile Sloped Roof - Misty Purple.'
・Fixed an issue where players would sometimes be unable to harvest from animals as the interaction hint would not appear.
・Fixed an issue where pick-up information would sometimes fail to appear on the left side of the screen when picking up items.
・Fixed an issue where if a material's position exceeded the Platform Trailer's range after being adjusted, the material would sometimes automatically be moved onto the territory.
・Fixed an issue where players would sometimes fall below the drum kit when teleporting in Securement Silo - Delta.
・Fixed an issue where players would sometimes not be teleported when the Secret Servitor changed from its light phase to its shadow phase.
・Fixed an issue where Deviations would sometimes fall below the 'Romantic Misty Purple Street' foundation when summoned onto it.
・Fixed an issue where the Fruity Pancake formula was missing from the 'Taste of the Past III' Memetic in The Way of Winter.
・Fixed an issue where the Thermal Tower's tech effects would prevent Growshrooms from producing Deviations when harvested.
・Fixed an issue where players would occasionally get stuck in the middle of an action, preventing them from summoning vehicles, switching weapons, and interacting with objects.
・Fixed an issue where the parapet of the Minimalist Plaster Pillar Balcony from the 'Romantic Misty Purple Street' building panel pack had no collision effect.
・Fixed an issue where colorless enemies would not disappear after defeating the Messenger in Securement Silo - Taurus on Hard or Pro difficulty.
・Fixed an issue where Deviation Energy Generators built after learning the 'Heat Dissipation' Memetic Specialization would produce too much electricity.
・Fixed an issue where players would sometimes be unable to enter a dungeon even after completing the corresponding Rift Anchor activation task.
・Fixed an issue causing a gap at the door and window frames of 'Textured Cement Door Frame Wall - Misty Purple' and 'Cement Window Wall - Misty Purple Ⅱ.'
・Fixed an issue where withdrawing then re-depositing a Deviation into a Secure Unit would cause the Deviation's Securement Environment to lose effect. If you encounter this issue, try removing and re-placing any items that affect the Deviation's Securement Environment.

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Once Human Patch Notes

Patch Release Date
1.4 Patch January 15, 2024
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1.3.4 Patch December 18, 2024
1.3.1 Patch November 7, 2024
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Once Human Patch Notes

Once Human Server Status

Once Human Server Status (January 17, 2025)
Servers are Live and Running!

Once Human Bugs and Errors

Once Human Bugs and Errors
Deposit Function Item Loss and Territory Module Loss Server Gone
Character Gone Error Server Full Error

All Once Human Bugs and Errors

Other News


1 Anonymous3 months

I have a problem after update today, my characters that I played until this moment have completely disappeared, how can I get them back and continue playing?


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