Once Human

Season 2 Server Difficulty Differences

Once Human - Season 2 Server Difficulty Differences
In Season 2 of Once Human, two new server difficulties have been introduced: Normal and Hard. See the differences between Normal and Hard server difficulties in this guide.

Season 2 Server Difficulty Differences

Choose the Server Difficulty
Normal Hard

Normal Difficulty

Once Human - Season 2 Normal Difficulty

Normal Difficulty
Basic Survival Difficulty Ideal for most players, this mode features standard gameplay with no extra Stardust Pollution or adjustments to Energy and Hydration mechanics.
Basic Combat Difficulty Enemies have standard stats and abilities, with no enhancements to their awareness, speed, or attack frequency, suitable for most players.

Normal Difficulty provides a balanced experience ideal for most players. This level of difficulty is well-suited for players who want a straightforward experience without the added complexities of harder modes.

Hard Difficulty

Once Human - Season 2 Hard Difficulty

Hard Difficulty
Survival Challenges In Hard mode, Pollution Zones are larger and more severe, with increased Contamination levels. Your Energy and Hydration will deplete twice as fast, and the benefits of staying topped up will diminish more quickly.
Harder Difficulty Enemies come with boosted stats, sharper awareness, faster movement, and more frequent attacks. In Territory Purification mode, expect a rotating cast of tougher Deviants attacking your territory, raising the challenge level significantly.
Increased Rewards Rewards in Hard mode are enhanced: Starchrom earned from completing Season Goals is increased by 20%, and you’ll receive more Starchrom from purifying Eclipse Cortexes and Chaotic Cortexes.

Hard Difficulty ramps up the challenge with tougher environmental hazards and more demanding gameplay mechanics. This mode also offers increased rewards, making the extra challenge worthwhile.

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How to Prepare For Season Reset Manibus Scenario Guide
How to Sign Up for a New Season How to Defeat Immune Morphic Crates
Season 2 Server Difficulty Differences Eternaland Item Transfer Guide


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