Once Human

List of All Helmets

Helmets are a kind of armor that you can equip in Once Human. Read on and learn about all the helmets that you can find and equip in the game.

Once Human All Helmets

List of All Helmets

Armor HP Pollution Resist psi intensity Rarity
Rustic Hat IconRustic Hat 42 9 11 Common
Scout Hood IconScout Hood 48 9 13 Fine
Blast Helmet IconBlast Helmet 48 9 13 Fine
Raid Face Shield IconRaid Face Shield 48 9 13 Fine
Snow Panther Hat IconSnow Panther Hat 54 9 14 Epic
Beret IconBeret 54 9 14 Epic
Mayfly Goggles IconMayfly Goggles 54 9 14 Epic
Falcon Helmet IconFalcon Helmet 54 9 14 Epic
Heavy Duty Clothing Helmet IconHeavy Duty Clothing Helmet 54 9 14 Epic
Agent Helmet IconAgent Helmet 54 9 14 Epic
Stormweaver Hood IconStormweaver Hood 60 9 16 Legendary
Treacherous Tides Helmet 60 9 16 Legendary
Blackstone Helmet IconBlackstone Helmet 60 9 16 Legendary
Bastille Hood IconBastille Hood 60 9 16 Legendary
Shelterer Hood IconShelterer Hood 60 9 16 Legendary
Savior Hood IconSavior Hood 60 9 16 Legendary
Renegade Hood IconRenegade Hood 60 9 16 Legendary
Lonewolf Hood IconLonewolf Hood 60 9 16 Legendary
Gas Mask Hood IconGas Mask Hood 60 9 16 Legendary
Yellow Paint Mask IconYellow Paint Mask 60 9 16 Legendary
Gas-tight Helmet IconGas-tight Helmet 60 9 16 Legendary
Cage Helmet IconCage Helmet 60 9 16 Legendary

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Once Human - Armor Partial

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All Armor Types

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