Once Human

Securement Silo PSI (Way of Winter) Walkthrough

Securement Silo PSI reappears in the Once Human Way of Winter Scenario and can be found in Vena Fjord. Read on for a guide on how to clear this deviant-infested version of Securement Silo PSI, and the rewards you earn for completing it.

Securement Silo PSI Location and Recommended Level

Located in Vena Fjord

Way of Winter
Recommended Level
Normal: Lv. 30 (1 Player)
Hard: Lv. 50 (3 Players)
Pro: Lv. 60 (4 Players)

Securement Silo PSI can be found in the northeastern quarter of the Vena Fjord.

Specifically, it is east of the Whalebone settlement and a short ride away from the Harbor District Teleportation Tower.

Vena Fjord Region Guide

Securement Silo PSI Walkthrough

Securement Silo PSI Objectives

Securement Silo PSI Objectives

Glide to the Entrance Beneath and Follow the Linear Path

Securement Silo PSI is a pretty straightforward dungeon. Its difficulty does not come from complex navigation, but rather from the variety of enemies to deal with.

It is best to progress slow and steady, dealing with enemies one or two at a time, rather than running in guns blazing and getting overwhelmed.

Use Deviations to Help Clear Mobs

Past the part with the glass floor and rocks beneath is an open area with about a dozen different Deviations waiting to get their claws on you.

Keep the high ground advantage and use a Combat Deviant like Invincible Sun to block the only stairway up. Staying atop the staircase ensures that you won't be swarmed by the enemies, and that they'll all funnel in the one pathway.

Grab the Rosetta V3 Access Card

With the enemies cleared, press forward towards the gate to the next area. It will be locked behind a door, though.

Grab the Rosetta V3 Access Card on the crate on the coffee table in the seating area just by the door.

Continue Ahead and Descend Into the Base

With the door open, you can proceed through. Like before, it is recommended to take advantage of your high ground and take out enemies few at a time as you descend.

You'll eventually reach a swanky bar area with a large piano organ. From here another assortment of deviations will stand in your way. Employ a similar tactic as recommended before by maintaining high ground and sending in a Combat Deviant to safely deal damage.

Clearing the enemies here is likely to reward you with a Deviant as well. In our experience we were able to obtain an Extradimensional Cat, and the Strange Door this way.

Navigate Through The Lasers

The final leg of the dungeon will have you pass through a hall of lasers. Patiently wait for openings for you to safely proceed to avoid getting damaged by the lasers.

Once past their sections, you can also deactivate the lasers with the yellow control panels on the walls.

Shoot Empty House From Safety

Following the philosophy we've suggested for the entire Silo, its best to handle this Silo's boss from range. You will still be able to damage Empty House by shooting from outside its chamber.

This is the safest way for you to deal damage while also staying away from the overwhelming forces it'll send your way. It also lets you better anticipate the additional deviants so that you can react accordingly.

Securement Silo PSI Secret Room (Seepage Zone)

No Secret Room or Seepage Zone

Unlike the other Securement Silos, Securement Silo PSI has no secret room or Seepage Zone.

Securement Silo PSI Rewards

List of Rewards

Securement Silo PSI Rewards
Ice Pot
・Pants Mod
・Top Mod
Stardust Source
・Energy Link
・Armor Mod Parts
・Eclipse Cortex Lv. 3 (Hard and Pro Mode)

Securement Silo PSI Details

Securement Silo PSI Info

Recommended Level
(Way of Winter)
Normal: Lv. 30 (1 Player)
Hard: Lv. 50 (3 Players)
Pro: Lv. 60 (4 Players)
Region Vena Fjord
Boss Empty House
Rewards Ice Pot
・Pants Mod
・Top Mod
Stardust Source
・Energy Link
・Armor Mod Parts
・Eclipse Cortex Lv. 3 (Hard and Pro Mode)
Deviant Ice Pot
Secret Room / Seepage Area? No

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