New World

Where to Find Firm Fish Filets and How to Use

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Firm Fish Filets, a resource in New World. Read on to see the basic information of Firm Fish Filets, including how to get Firm Fish Filets and their uses!

Firm Fish Filet Basic Information

Item Type Rarity Tier
Firm Fish Filet IconFirm Fish Filet Ingredient - 2
Gold / Token Price Weight
- 0.2
A firm piece of fish, well-suited to a wide variety of preparations.

How to Get Firm Fish Filets

Salvaged From Other Items

Item Source
Firm Fish Filet IconFirm Fish Filet

Purchase From Trading Posts

Lastly, if you don’t feel like finding them on your own, Firm Fish Filet can also be purchased from Trading Posts, granted that another player has placed a Sell Order. You can enter the Trading Post and search for this item directly by clicking on SEARCH ITEMS and entering ‘Firm Fish Filet’. For the best deal, be sure to sort by price from Lowest to Highest!

Trading Post Guide: How to Sell Items

How to Use Firm Fish Filets

Restore Health

New World - Using Ingredient as a Consumable
Firm Fish Filet is an Ingredient. You can consume this item on its own, although it will only provide a very small amount of health recovery.

Create Consumables

Firm Fish Filet can also be used as a crafting material to create consumable food items in the Kitchen. Crafting it along with another ingredient provides greater health restoration or even buffs.

Kitchen Guide: Crafting Recipes and Skills

Related Links


List of Resources

New World Ingredients

Abaia SerpeAbaia Serpe AlbenajaAlbenaja AppleApple
AquanajaAquanaja Aquatic SnailAquatic Snail BarleyBarley
BasilBasil BerryBerry Blue-blooded BarbBlue-blooded Barb
Blue-Winged SerpeBlue-Winged Serpe BlueberryBlueberry BreadBread
BroccoliBroccoli ButterButter CabbageCabbage
CarrotCarrot CauliflowerCauliflower CheeseCheese
CinnamonCinnamon ClamClam CoconutCoconut
Cooking OilCooking Oil CornCorn CranberryCranberry
DaemonajaDaemonaja Delicate Fish FiletDelicate Fish Filet DillDill
Egede SerpeEgede Serpe EggEgg Firm Fish FiletFirm Fish Filet
Fish FiletFish Filet Fish OilFish Oil Fish RoeFish Roe
FlourFlour Game MeatGame Meat GarlicGarlic
GingerGinger Glowing GnufishGlowing Gnufish Glowing GuardfishGlowing Guardfish
HoneyHoney Horned-Tooth MandjeHorned-Tooth Mandje Juicy Ham HockJuicy Ham Hock
Large BassLarge Bass Large BluefishLarge Bluefish Large CatfishLarge Catfish
Large CodLarge Cod Large Dragon FishLarge Dragon Fish Large Electric EelLarge Electric Eel
Large FlounderLarge Flounder Large FrogfishLarge Frogfish Large HakeLarge Hake
Large HalibutLarge Halibut Large MackerelLarge Mackerel Large MadtomLarge Madtom
Large PaddlefishLarge Paddlefish Large PerchLarge Perch Large PikeLarge Pike
Large PiranhaLarge Piranha Large SalmonLarge Salmon Large SculpinLarge Sculpin
Large SnapperLarge Snapper Large Speartooth SharkLarge Speartooth Shark Large SquidLarge Squid
Large StingrayLarge Stingray Large SturgeonLarge Sturgeon Large SunfishLarge Sunfish
Large SwordfishLarge Swordfish Large TroutLarge Trout Lava BarbLava Barb
LemonLemon Mandje MandjeMandje Mandje Medium BassMedium Bass
Medium BluefishMedium Bluefish Medium CatfishMedium Catfish Medium CodMedium Cod
Medium Dragon FishMedium Dragon Fish Medium Electric EelMedium Electric Eel Medium FlounderMedium Flounder
Medium FrogfishMedium Frogfish Medium HakeMedium Hake Medium HalibutMedium Halibut
Medium MackerelMedium Mackerel Medium MadtomMedium Madtom Medium PaddlefishMedium Paddlefish
Medium PerchMedium Perch Medium PikeMedium Pike Medium PiranhaMedium Piranha
Medium SalmonMedium Salmon Medium SculpinMedium Sculpin Medium SnapperMedium Snapper
Medium Speartooth SharkMedium Speartooth Shark Medium SquidMedium Squid Medium StingrayMedium Stingray
Medium SturgeonMedium Sturgeon Medium SunfishMedium Sunfish Medium SwordfishMedium Swordfish
Medium TroutMedium Trout MelonMelon MilkMilk
MintMint MushroomMushroom NutNut
NutmegNutmeg OnionOnion OrangeOrange
OreganoOregano OysterOyster PaprikaPaprika
ParsleyParsley PastaPasta Pastry CrustPastry Crust
PeppercornPeppercorn PorkPork Pork BellyPork Belly
PotatoPotato PoultryPoultry Poultry BreastPoultry Breast
Poultry ThighPoultry Thigh Prime Red MeatPrime Red Meat Ray-Finned BarbRay-Finned Barb
Red MeatRed Meat RiceRice Rich Bear FlankRich Bear Flank
RosemaryRosemary SaffronSaffron SageSage
SaltSalt SausageSausage Seasoning BlendSeasoning Blend
Small BassSmall Bass Small BluefishSmall Bluefish Small CatfishSmall Catfish
Small CodSmall Cod Small Dragon FishSmall Dragon Fish Small Electric EelSmall Electric Eel
Small FlounderSmall Flounder Small FrogfishSmall Frogfish Small HakeSmall Hake
Small HalibutSmall Halibut Small MackerelSmall Mackerel Small MadtomSmall Madtom
Small PaddlefishSmall Paddlefish Small PerchSmall Perch Small PikeSmall Pike
Small PiranhaSmall Piranha Small SalmonSmall Salmon Small SculpinSmall Sculpin
Small SnapperSmall Snapper Small Speartooth SharkSmall Speartooth Shark Small SquidSmall Squid
Small StingraySmall Stingray Small SturgeonSmall Sturgeon Small SunfishSmall Sunfish
Small SwordfishSmall Swordfish Small TroutSmall Trout SquashSquash
Squid InkSquid Ink Squid MeatSquid Meat StrawberryStrawberry
String BeanString Bean SugarSugar Sumptuous RabbitSumptuous Rabbit
TadpoleTadpole TarragonTarragon Tender Fish FiletTender Fish Filet
Tender Wolf LoinTender Wolf Loin ThymeThyme TomatoTomato
Varanus MandjeVaranus Mandje VenisonVenison Venison TenderloinVenison Tenderloin
WaterWater WheatWheat YeastYeast


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