Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

Best 9mm PM Build and Loadout

Black Ops 6 - 9mm PM Best Loadout and Build

The 9mm PM is a Handgun in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6). Read on to learn the best loadout and build for the 9mm PM, including info on how to unlock it in Black Ops 6.

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Best 9mm PM Loadout and Build

Best Attachment Loadout

9mm PM Loadout
Optic Accu-Spot Reflex
Muzzle Suppressor
Barrel Long Barrel
Rear Grip Quickdraw Grip
Fire Mod Rapid Fire

Given its high accuracy default stat for a pistol, you can turn the 9mm PM into a mini-marksman rifle by attaching a Accu-Spot Reflex Optic as it offers a significant boost to accuracy, plus you can zoom-in on targets a lot better. With the Long Barrel, you can deal effective damage on enemies that are slightly further away from you.

The Quickdraw Grip speeds up the time it takes to ADS and lets you aim faster should an enemy pop out of a corner. In addition to aiming faster, you can also get the Rapid Fire mod to increase fire rate, which in turn, also maximizes your DPS (damage-per-second).

Best Guns Tier List

Best Paired with the Marine SP

The 9mm PM has an excellent Handling stat, meaning you can switch to your primary weapon fast. Equipping the Marine SP shotgun as your primary weapon is a good choice to swap into in case an enemy charges towards you, or if you run out of ammo for your pistol during a heated close-range gunfight.

Marine SP Best Loadout and Build

Best Class Build

Perk Loadout
Ghost Icon Ghost Tracker Icon Tracker Vigilance Icon Vigilance
Specialty Recon
Lethal Blast Trap
Tactical Smoke
Field Upgrade Spring Mine

This 9mm PM build is best played stealthily by silently killing your enemies at medium range. For that to work, you will need these 3 Perks: Ghost, to keep you hidden from the enemy team's radar. Vigilance, which gives a warning that you have been spotted on their minimap. Tracker, to see enemy footsteps and sneak up on them.

With these 3 perks, you unlock the Recon Specialty, which lets you see enemies through walls for a brief time after respawning. This gives you a head start on where to go and who to kill based on the limited information provided by this specialty.

How to Unlock 9mm PM

Unlocked by Default

The 9mm PM is unlocked by default. You'll be able to equip it once you unlock Custom Loadouts after reaching account Level 4.

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LMG Loadouts
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SMG Loadouts
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KSV IconKSV PP-919 IconPP-919 Kompakt 92 IconKompakt 92
SaugSaug - -
Shotgun Loadouts
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Marksman Rifle Loadouts
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AEK-973 IconAEK-973 - -
Sniper Loadouts
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Pistol Loadouts
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Special Guns
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Melee Weapon Loadouts
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Power DrillPower Drill - -
Launcher Loadouts
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