Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

Best AMR Mod 4 Build and Loadout

The AMR Mod 4 is a Sniper Rifle in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6). Learn the best build and loadout for the AMR Mod 4!

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Best AMR Mod 4 Build and Loadout

Best Attachment Loadout

AMR Mod 4
Barrel Gain-Twist Barrel
Magazine Extended Mag I
Rear Grip Quickdraw Grip
Comb Combat Riser
Fire Mod Rapid Fire

For this AMR Mod 4 build, you'll be turning it into a quickscope killing machine by improving its ADS speed, reload speed, and bullet velocity. The Quickdraw Grip greatly increases your scoping speed and the Gain-Twist Barrel lets your bullets travel a lot faster, allowing you to kill your opponents quickly and to avoid missing shots on fast-moving targets.

To speed up its firing rate, you should also get Rapid Fire just in case you have to deal with multiple enemies at once. Don't forget to also equip the Extended Mag I to increase the AMR Mod 4's magazine size.

Best Class Build

Perk Loadout
Flak Jacket Icon Flak Jacket Fast Hands Icon Fast Hands Quartermaster Icon Quartermaster
Specialty Strategist
Lethal Semtex
Tactical Stim Shot
Field Upgrade Trophy System

Strategist perks are the best to equip when running a quickscope AMR Mod 4 build, since you'll be out on the field often and hunting down opponents rather than camping at one spot. The Flak Jacket strengthens your defense against incoming explosives and fire damage and the Quartermaster lets you recharge your Stim Shots quicker, increasing your overall survivability.

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Sniper Loadouts
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Pistol Loadouts
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Special Guns
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Melee Weapon Loadouts
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Launcher Loadouts
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