Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

Most Wanted Mission Walkthrough

Black Ops 6 Most Wanted

Most Wanted is the fifth campaign mission in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6). Read on to see a complete walkthrough of Most Wanted including tips for beating the mission as well as its completion, challenge, and achievement rewards.

Most Wanted Walkthrough and Objectives

Most Wanted Mission Objectives
Get Briefed by Sev
Secure an Audience with the Senator
 ┣ Covert Affair Sub-Mission (Option 1)
 ┣ Highest Bidder Sub-Mission (Option 2)
 ┗ Mystery Man Sub-Mission (Option 3)
Rescue Adler and Escape the Black Site

Get Briefed by Sev

1 Enter the Gala and Meet with Sev
Enter the Gala and Meet Sev
Enter the Gala and go to Sev's table. She will then tell you to take pictures of the Senator to get a better look.
2 Choose Your Retinal Scan Sub-Mission
Gala Map Options
Sev will give you a Gala Map on which you can mark the sub-mission you want to complete to obtain the Senator's Retinal Scan. You can only choose one, and your choice does not affect the ending of the mission.
3 Open the Most Wanted Safe (Optional)

Before undergoing 1 of the 3 sub-missions, you can opt to open the nearby safe to get $1000 cash. The safe can be found inside the white curtained area next to the guest check-in desk. The yellow curtained doorway that leads to this area will be found next to the bar at the southeast corner of the main hall.
All Campaign Safe Locations and Codes

Secure an Audience with the Senator

Methods Point of No Return
Covert Affair If you decide to go after the accomplice and secure their blackmail material, you'll be locked into this route.
Highest Bidder If you decide to go for the Antique Clock after hacking the Auction terminal, you'll be locked into this route.
Mystery Man If you decide to follow Grisham after finding the note in MchKenna's coat, you'll be locked into this route.

Click on any link above to jump to a Sub-Mission.

This section of the mission will have you choose one of three options for meeting the Senator. You can check out all 3, but as soon as you start progressing each step past the points shown above, you'll be locked into a route.

Covert Affair Sub-Mission

1 Talk to Mrs. McKenna
Mrs. McKenna Opening Conversation
Approach Mrs. McKenna and talk to her. After a bit of dialogue, she will direct you to the Auction Hall where Mr. McKenna's aide is.
2 Talk to Sev and Listen to the Aide
Listening in on the Aide
Talk to Sev in the Auction Hall, then use the Spy Camera to listen to the aide's conversation with her accomplice.
3 Pickpocket the Accomplice and get the Tape
Pickpocket the Accomplice
Pickpocket the accomplice and make sure that security does not see you. Afterward, go to his car to collect the evidence.

There will be a quick time event as the accomplice catches you stealing from his car. Press the button prompted to knock him out.
4 Sneak Back Inside and Talk to Mrs. McKenna
Talk to Mrs. McKenna Again
Go back inside the Gala, but be careful of the CIA agents heading towards the car. Once inside, talk to Mrs. Kenna again to progress the sub-mission.
5 Confront the Aide
Confronting the Aide
Head inside the Auction Hall and confront the Senator's aide.
6 Take a Picture of the Senator's Eyes
Finally, use the Spy Camera to take a picture of the Senator's eyes. With the retinal scan secure, head up to the roof in the next phase of Most Wanted.

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Highest Bidder Sub-Mission

1 Meet with Armato

To begin the Highest Bidder sub-mission, head over to the trio of attendees next to the main gala stage. Interrupt their conversation by calling the attention of Armato and speaking to him.

Note: The sub-mission will progress regardless of the dialogue choices you pick during your conversation with Armato.
2 Find the Secret Auction Computer

Next, you'll have to find out what Sen. McKenna bid on by hacking the auction computer. Head to the northeast section of the main hall. Bypass the guard and enter through the yellow curtains. Loop around until you reach the back of the Auction section to find the auction computer.
3 Hack the Secret Auction Computer

Once you're behind the Auction section, take out the guard and hack the auction computer. The code word will spell MCKENNA. You'll find out then that McKenna bid a fortune on the Antique Clock.
4 Find the Antique Clock

Armed with this info, head into the Auction Hall and look for the Antique Clock at the very back of the hall (behind the motorcycles).
5 Reach the Back of the Clock

After spotting the clock, you'll be tasked to reach the area behind it. Return to the entrance of the Auction Hall and look to its north side. You'll notice a narrow corridor behind the auction items that you can use to reach the clock. Bypass the guard standing watch and make your way to the clock.
6 Obtain the Diskette

Once you're behind the clock, interact with it to open its secret compartment. Solve the Keypad puzzle to retrieve the diskette that Armato was looking for.
Tip: To solve the Keypad puzzle, use your Blacklight to find all the numbers that have fingerprints. Since it's a only 3-number code, simply input 3 numbers until you end up with either all numbers in the correct positions or with all numbers showing up in yellow.
7 Deliver the Diskette

With the diskette in hand, head back to Armato who should now be talking to a waiter. Interrupt their interaction by conversing with the fixer and handing in the disk.
8 Go to the Constitution Pub

Since you delivered your end of the bargain, Armato will direct you to a pub in the West Hall called Constitution. Sneak past the guards (since this is a Restricted Section) until you reach the bar.
Warning: Once this conversation ends a trio of CIA agents will enter the gala. They'll start actively looking for you, so make sure to stick to the shadows when making your way to the West Hall.
9 Take a Photo of Senator McKenna

Once there, head to the back to find Armato's guys detaining Senator McKenna. Quickly snap a picture to get the Senator's retinal scan before proceeding to the next phase of Most Wanted.

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Mystery Man Sub-Mission

1 Go to the Coat Check

To start the Mystery Man sub-mission, head over to the Coat Check near the entrance to the gala. You'll need to enter from behind it, so go through the small restricted area next to it and enter through the yellow curtains to reach the back of the Coat Check.
2 Find McKenna's Coat and Note

Once inside, Sen. McKenna's coat will be described as a navy overcoat with gold buttons. Look for it and interact with the coat to get the note that Sev mentioned.
3 Look for Grisham

Next, look for the man named Grisham. He should be at the northeast end of the gala hall. He'll be the man in a white coat speaking to a security guard. Take his picture to continue.
Tip: If you keep getting a "not fully in frame" message from Felix, it means you aren't getting a clear picture of his face. You don't need to take a picture of his torso. Only his face is important.
4 Confront Grisham and Steal His Pager

After identifying Grisham, he'll leave the area. Go after him by following the quest markers. Sneak past the guards and you'll eventually come face-to-face with Grisham. Pass the quicktime event to knock him out and take his pager.
5 Meet McKenna at the Diner

Grisham's pager will direct you to his meetup location with McKenna. Head over to the restricted West Hall and look for the Diner at the north side of the hall. Reach it then enter the back to meet with McKenna.
6 Beat Up McKenna and Take His Picture

Regardless of the dialogue choices you pick, the conversation with McKenna will devolve into a brawl. Beat up McKenna and his guards by passing the quicktime event. Take his picture to get the retinal scan before leaving for the roof in the next phase of Most Wanted.

▲ Back to Sub-Mission Selection ▲

Rescue Adler and Escape the Black Site

1 Rendezvous with the Team
Rendezvous with the Team
Sneak through the rooftops until you reach the mechanical room and meet up with the team. Getting caught by the security will load you back to your latest checkpoint.
2 Enter the Black Site
Entering the Black Site
Rappel down with Marshall and head towards the Black Site. You will find that Pantheon has already infiltrated the area.
3 Make Your Way Through the Black Site
Black Site Metal Door
Fight and/or sneak your way through the multiple hostiles in the Black Site until you reach the metal door seen in the image above.
4 Pilot the RC Car
Driving the RC Car Blacksite
Insert the RC Car in the vent and drive it through the area until you reach the power box indicated by the quest marker. Detonate it once you are by the power box.
5 Escape the Black Site
Heavy Enemy with Minigun
Fight your way out of the Black Site. Be careful, as there will be heavily armored enemies that you will have to take down.
6 Get to the Motorcycles
Motorcycle Exfil
Follow the quest markers and keep fighting your way through the hostiles until you get to the motorcycls. Ride with Adler and Marshall to exfil from the area. This sequence marks the end of the Most Wanted mission.

Most Wanted Rewards and Achievements

Completion Reward

Mission Rewards

Hook, Line, and Sinker Finishing Move

Challenge Reward

Challenge How to Complete
Retina Ready Challenge
Retina Ready
Acquire the Senator's Retinal Scan three different ways. Requires 3 separate playthroughs.

Mission Achievements

Achievement How to Complete
Breaking News Complete Most Wanted in Campaign on any difficulty.
Party's Over In Most Wanted, perform 5 takedowns on guards in the gala without being spotted.

Most Wanted Mission Info

Mission Details

Most Wanted
Most Wanted
Mission Overview Thanks to Felix, we learned that Livingstone threw Adler into a black site under the streets of D.C. Not a place you'll find in a tourist guide. Hell, we just brought him in...and now we gotta go and break him out.
Location Washington D.C., Capitol Station
Date & Time Febuary 2, 1991 - 21:10 EST
Playable Character William "Case" Calderon

Most Wanted Previous and Next Mission

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The Rook: Assemble The Rook: Reunion

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1 Bishop Takes Rook
2 The Rook: Arrival
3 Blood Feud
4 The Rook: Assemble
5 Most Wanted
6 The Rook: Reunion
7 Hunting Season
8 The Cradle
9 The Rook: Reconciliation
10 Emergence
11 The Rook: Recovery
12 High Rollers
13 The Rook: Contact
14 Ground Control
15 Under the Radar
16 The Rook: Interrogation
17 Separation Anxiety and Checkmate


1 Anonymous5 months

There is another objective that I guess could be considered "secret," it wasn't available until I got it. It's the "Phantom Presence" challenge which is "Sneak through the black site intel center without being detected in Most Wanted." You don't have to stealth the entire time, only until you get to Adler. And you don't have to kill everyone on the way there, just enough for you to get through.


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