Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

Best Zombies Weapons Tier List (March 2025)

Black Ops 6 - Best Zombies Guns Tier List

This is a tier list for the best guns in Zombies mode of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6). Learn the best guns and weapons to use in Zombies mode in this guide!

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Best Guns Tier List Best Zombies Guns Tier List

Best Zombies Weapons Tier List

Date Changes Made
01/31/2024 Updated Tier list for Season 2 release.
Added new weapons to the Tier List:
Staff of Ice (B Tier)
PP-919 (A Tier)
▲ Raised XM4 to A Tier from B Tier
Phased out Power Drill from the Tier List (previously S Tier)
1/13/2025 Added new weapons to the Tier List:
Power Drill (S Tier)
Sirin 9mm (A Tier)
LW3A1 Frostline (B Tier)
Removed weapons from the Tier List:
・ GPMG-7
▲ Raised Krig C from B to A
12/09/2024 Added new weapons to the Tier List:
SAUG (S Tier)
Model L (A Tier)
Krig C (B Tier)
Balmung (B Tier)
Caliburn (B Tier)
Dropped CIGMA 2B from S to A Tier
11/15/2024 Updated Tier list for Season 1 release.
・Added Cigma 2B (S Tier)
10/31/2024 Added new weapons to the Tier List:
LR 7.62 (A Tier)
GMPG-7 (B Tier)
SVD (A Tier)
Mutant Injection (S Tier)
▲ Raised Sally and Forth from A to S
▲ Raised ASG-89 from A to S
Dropped Thrustodyne M23 from S to A Tier
10/27/2024 Tier List Published

Overall Tier List

Tier Guns and Weapons
S TierS Tier ASG-89 ASG-89
GS45 Akimbo ZombiesGS45
(Sally and Forth Akimbo)
Ray GunRay Gun
(Wonder Weapon)
Saug Saug
BeamsmasherDRI-11 Beam-smasher
(Wonder Weapon)
Mutant InjectionMutant Injection (Support Equipment)
A TierA Tier Thrustodyne M23Thrustodyne M23
(Wonder Weapon)
(Assault Rifle)
PP-919 PP-919
Sirin 9mm Sirin 9mm
Model L Model L
(Assault Rifle)
Cigma 2B Cigma 2B
Krig C Krig C
(Assault Rifle)
Cigma 2B Cigma 2B
Krig C Krig C
(Assault Rifle)
B TierB Tier LR 7.62 LR 7.62
(Sniper Rifle)
LW3A1 Frostline LW3A1 Frostline
(Sniper Rifle)
Balmung InspectBalmung
(Wonder Weapon)
Caliburn InspectCaliburn
(Wonder Weapon)
Staff of Ice
Staff of Ice
(Wonder Weapon)

The best weapons in BO6 Zombies are the loadout guns ASG-89 and GS45 Sally and Forth Akimbo, followed by the Wonder Weapons with the special inclusion of Mutant Injection, due to their sustainable effectiveness at high level Zombie Mode rounds.

For the best normal guns you can find and have as a starting loadout, these are the Saug, ASG-89, and the GS45 Sally and Forth. This are great to have at the start due to their excellent weapon damage, rate-of-fire, and accuracy that will help you at higher levels.

All Zombies Weapon Locations

Best Zombies Weapons Explained

Best Zombies Weapons Ranking
1 ASG-89 (Shotgun)
2 Sally and Forth (Akimbo Pistols)
3 Ray Gun (Wonder Weapon)
4 Saug (SMG)
5 DRI-11 Beamsmasher (Wonder Weapon)
6 Mutant Injection (Support Equipment)
7 Thrustodyne M23 (Wonder Weapon)
8 XM4 (Assault Rifle)
9 PP-919 (SMG)
10 Sirin 9mm (Special)
11 Cigma 2B (Launcher)
12 Model L (Assault Rifle)
13 Krig C (Assault Rifle)
14 LR 7.62 (Sniper Rifle)
15 LW3A1 Frostline (Sniper Rifle)
16 Balmung (Wonder Weapon)
17 Caliburn (Wonder Weapon)
18 Staff of Ice (Wonder Weapon)



Loadout Unlock Reach account level 31.
Weapon Type Shotgun

The ASG-89 is a semi-automatic shotgun that is faster than the pump-action Marine SP. With the ASG-89, you'll have the powerful damage of a shotgun while also being able to fire at a faster firing rate, which is something you'll need when facing hordes of the undead.

It performs extremely well especially when upgraded with a Pack-a-Punch. It is also one of the best weapons to use against elite enemies and bosses, especially the Sentinel Artifact boss in The Tomb easter egg.

Best ASG-89 Build and Loadout

Sally and Forth

Pack-a-Punched GS45

Loadout Unlock Reach account Level 28.
Akimbo Unlock Akimbo Stock attachment unlocked at weapon level 31.
Weapon Type Handgun

Sally and Forth are dual pistols that function similarly to a grenade launcher, as it fires explosive rounds capable of blowing up a horde in one blast. Try pairing this with the PHD Flopper perk so you can wreak havoc by causing a lot of explosions in a crowded area.

The only downside to this weapon is that you will have to grind the GS45 to Level 31 in order to unlock the Akimbo attachment needed to get the Sally and Forth.

How to Get Sally and Forth

Ray Gun

Ray Gun Gameplay

The Ray Gun can easily annihilate groups of zombies because of its splash damage ability. The weapon itself is also powerful enough to one-shot kill zombies in a single shot and is the ideal weapon for solo players.

Just like the other wonder weapons, the Ray Gun is obtainable via the Mystery Box.

How to Get the Ray Gun


Saug Loadout

Loadout Unlock Set as active Armory Unlock unlock challenge and earn 250,000 XP.
Weapon Type SMG

The SAUG is a top-tier choice for those who prefer to run-and-gun in Zombies. Once equipped with the Akimbo attachment, players can shred through hordes of zombies while being highly mobile at the same time since the accuracy of it while moving is pretty decent and your bullets won't be flying around like most guns.

Best Saug Build and Loadout

DRI-11 Beamsmasher (Terminus Only)


The DRI-11 Beamsmasher is the best gun to use in Terminus due to its ability to stun and slow enemies down, which gives you and your team some breathing room should all of you get swarmed by hordes of zombies. The wonder weapon itself also packs a tremendous amount of damage and can disintegrate zombies with its laser beam.

This wonder weapon is exclusive to the Terminus map and can be obtained via an easter egg or through the Mystery Box.

How to Get the DRI-11 Beamsmasher

Mutant Injection

Mutant Injection Zombies

The Mutant Injection deserves special mention in this list since its damage scales up even at higher levels (over 100k damage) where other weapons would drop off. Its range attack is great for blowing away zombies and its melee is amazing for taking down bosses, such as Abominations.

Though other Support Equipment like the Chopper Gunner are better for map clears and exfil, the Mutant Injection's portability makes it the best to bring in in-door Easter Egg missions such as the one with multiple boss fights in the Liberty Falls church.

The Mutant Injection has a chance to drop from bosses, but it can be made at a Crafting Table with 1250 Salvage at account level 39.

How to Get Mutant Injection

Thrustodyne M23 (Liberty Falls Only)

Thrustodyne M23 Location

The Thrustodyne M23 is the strongest weapon you can get your hands on in Liberty Falls because of its crowd control potential. This gun has the ability to suck all nearby zombies and grind them into small bits, as well as a secondary mode where upon activation, releases a powerful shockwave that can stun a large group of zombies.

This wonder weapon is unique to the Liberty Falls map and can be obtained via an easter egg or through the Mystery Box.

How to Get the Thrustodyne M23



Loadout Unlock Unlocked by default.
Weapon Type Assault Rifle

The XM4 is the best starting weapon that you can bring in Zombies due to its versatility. It has above average accuracy, damage, and rate-of-fire, perfect for farming points in earlier rounds to save up for more powerful weapons later on.

To make things even better, the XM4 is already unlocked by default and you can already equip it even if you're just a brand new player in Zombies mode.

Best XM4 Build and Loadout


PP-919 Default

Loadout Unlock Unlock at account level 37.
Weapon Type Special

The PP-919 is a reliable, high-capacity SMG that is great for dealing with zombie hordes due to the amount of ammo it can hold (70-rounds with Extended Mag III). This SMG is also lightweight for the ammo it holds, having a faster reload time than most LMGs and Assault Rifles.

Best PP-919 Build and Loadout

Sirin 9mm

Loadout Unlock Set as active Armory Unlock unlock challenge and earn 250,000 XP.
Weapon Type SMG

The Sirin 9mm is a new Special weapon that has the capability to shoot as fast as SMGs and is able to hold a significant amount of ammo, almost like an LMG, making this one of the meta weapons in Zombies to date. Not to mention that it's the perfect weapon to complete main quests or run easter eggs with since you'll be able to move really fast with this weapon equipped.

Best Sirin 9mm Loadout and Build

Cigma 2B

Cigma 2B

Loadout Unlock Unlocked by default.
Weapon Type Launcher

When fully upgraded with Pack-a-Punch and rarity upgrades, the Cigma 2B becomes a formidable group-clear weapon in the right hands. It is extremely effective in destroying bosses such as Patient 13 when combined with the Free Fire GobbleGum which provides temporary infinite ammo.

You'll still want to have a primary weapon with you since the launcher's ammo reserve will be limiting without the Free Fire buff.

Cigma 2B Best Loadout and Build

Model L

Model L

Loadout Unlock Reach account level 40.
Weapon Type Assault Rifle

The Model L is a great Assault Rifle to use in Zombies as the recoil is almost non-existent and players who are using a mouse and keyboard will have an easier time controlling the weapon when bursting down a horde of zombies.

Best Model L Build and Loadout

Krig C

Krig C Loadout

Loadout Unlock Complete Page 6 of Season 1 Battle Pass.
Weapon Type Assault Rifle

The Krig C can melt away zombies as it has the highest damage output out of all the automatic Assault Rifles. It is also convenient to use at medium to long range due to its excellent accuracy, allowing players to stay at a reasonably safe distance when fighting a horde.

Best Krig C Build and Loadout

LR 7.62

LR 7.62

Loadout Unlock Reach account level 49.
Weapon Type Sniper Rifle

For Snipers, the LR 7.62 is a powerful weapon to use for blasting away zombies and dealing large burst damage to bosses. It will be only be strong once it's Pack-a-Punched due to its explosive rounds, so you will need to upgrade it as early as you can.

You will want to have PHD Flopper when you use this weapon at close-range starting at PaP I since the explosion will also damage you. It will also be heavy and slow, so get both the Speed Cola and Deadshot Daiquiri for better mobility and critical damage.

Best LR 7.62 Build and Loadout

LW3A1 Frostline

LW3A1 Frostline

Loadout Unlock Unlocked by default.
Weapon Type Sniper Rifle

The LW3A1 Frostline is another sniper rifle that can be extremely powerful when pack-a-punched and paired with the right augments. The higher its pack-a-punch level, the faster you can rechamber it, meaning you'll be able to spam shots consistently and abuse its high headshot damage potential.

You can even equip the Dead First Augment (Deadshot Daiquiri) to double the critical damage on headshots, further increasing its firepower.

Best LW3A1 Frostline Build and Loadout

Balmung Sword (Citadelle des Morts Only)

Balmung Void Sword

The Balmung Sword from the Citadelle des Morts map has a special attack that can create a void rift that sucks all nearby zombies into it and kills them in an instant.

To maximize its special power, players can trail a horde and once they've gathered enough zombies, they can cast out the special attack and vanish all of them in a blink of an eye.

How to Get the Balmung Void Sword

Caliburn Sword (Citadelle des Morts Only)

Caliburn Sword

The Caliburn is another sword exclusive to Citadelle des Morts. Its special power allows you to cast out a huge fireball that burns and disintegrates all zombies caught in it.

It is best used when you're surrounded by zombies, or if you've run into a horde pack and need a way to clear the path to avoid getting trapped.

How to Get the Caliburn: Dragon's Fire Sword

Staff of Ice (The Tomb Only)

Staff of Ice

The Staff of Ice is a Wonder Weapon exclusive to The Tomb and is required to solve puzzles for the mission's main easter egg.

This weapon is mainly the best for dealing ice area-of-effect damage. When upgraded, it is even better for crowd control through its freeze attacks.

How to Get and Upgrade the Ice Staff

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