Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

Campaign Missions List and Walkthrough

Black Ops 6 - Campaign Missions List and Walkthrough

There are 11 missions in the Campaign of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6). See a list of all Campaign missions in this walkthrough hub, as well as the rewards that you can get throughout the Campaign!

Black Ops 6 Campaign Missions List

All 11 Campaign Missions

# Mission Rewards
1 Bishop Takes RookBishop Takes Rook
Slip Sauce Spray
2 The Rook ArrivalThe Rook: Arrival Unlocks Campaign Operator Perks
3 Blood FeudBlood Feud
Forging Fate Sticker
4 The Rook AssembleThe Rook: Assemble None
5 Most WantedMost Wanted
Hook, Line, and Sinker Finishing Move
6 The Rook ReunionThe Rook: Reunion None
7 Hunting SeasonHunting Season Fire Support for The Cradle Mission
8 The CradleThe Cradle
Onyx Echo Weapon Blueprint
9 The Rook ReconciliationThe Rook: Reconciliation None
10 EmergenceEmergence
Allied Effort Sticker
11 The Rook RecoveryThe Rook: Recovery None
12 High RollersHigh Rollers
Heist Operator Skin for Marshall
13 The Rook ContactThe Rook: Contact None
14 Ground ControlGround Control
Tank Charm
15 Under the RadarUnder the Radar
Mindstorm Loading Screen
16 The Rook InterrogationThe Rook: Interrogation None
17 Separation AnxietySeparation Anxiety None
18 CheckmateCheckmate
The Cradle Charm

Black Ops 6 has a total of 11 missions for players to complete (excluding The Rook filler missions). All missions can be replayed in any order from the Campaign Mission menu.

The point of no return will be the mission Separation Anxiety. Once you start this mission, you will have to complete it and Checkmate in one sitting to finish the BO6 campaign.

Other Campaign Guides

Related Campaign Guides
Safehouse Safe Code Solutions All Campaign Safe Locations
How to Solve All Safehouse Puzzles Piano Puzzle Solution
Radio Puzzle Code Solution Jane Code and Puzzle Solution
Keypad Code and Location How to Open Basement Door
All Emergence Phone Locations All Hunting Season Audio Log Locations
All Keen Eye Challenge Answers Under the Radar Computer Codes
Campaign Length and Rewards Campaign Ending Explained
Is Campaign Co-Op Available? Campaign Difficulty Differences
List of All Death Quotes

Black Ops 6 Campaign Rewards

Operators, Calling Cards, Blueprints, and more

Completing Campaign missions will reward players with Operators, Calling Cards, Blueprints, Stickers/Charms, Sprays, Finishing Move and XP Tokens that can be used in Multiplayer mode.

Mission Reward
“Slip Sauce” Spray
“Forging Fate” Weapon Vinyl
“Hook, Line, and Sinker” Finishing Move
“Onyx Echo” Blueprint (Sniper Rifle: LR 7.62)
“Allied Effort” Weapon Vinyl
“Heist” Operator
“Tank” Charm
“A Good Look at the Devil” Wallpaper
“The Cradle” Charm
“Case Cracker” Blueprint (Melee Weapon: Knife)
“Truth Serum” Blueprint (Assault Rifle: AMES 85)
“Pocket Aces” Blueprint (SMG: Jackal PDW)
“The Bastion” Blueprint (Shotgun: Marine SP)

Campaign Difficulty Options

4 Difficulty Options

Difficulty Description
Recruit For players who are new to Call of Duty.
Regular Your abilities in combat will be tested.
Hardened Your skills will be strained.
Veteran You will not survive.

Like previous Call of Duty games, there are 4 Difficulty Options: Recruit, Regular, Hardened, and Veteran. These Difficulty Options can be changed at any time during a mission via the Pause Menu.

Campaign Difficulty Differences

Will There be Campaign Co-Op?

No Campaign Co-Op Available

Black Ops 6 Co-Op Details

Unfortunately, there is no option to form a party to play the campaign which means the Black Ops 6 Campaign mode has no Co-Op available. The absence of this feature is likely due to the fact that you play a single character during the story, and an additional story player character will interfere with the plot.

Is Campaign Co-Op Available?

Black Ops 6 (BO6) Related Guides

Black Ops 6 Walkthrough Wiki

Black Ops 6 Wiki

Black Ops 6 Guides

BO6 Wiki Contents
CampaignCampaign ZombiesZombies
Best LoadoutsBest Loadouts MapsMaps
CamosCamos Tips and TricksTips and Tricks
Guns and WeaponsGuns and Weapons AttachmentsAttachments
PerksPerks EquipmentEquipment
WildcardsWildcards Combat SpecialtiesCombat Specialties
MultiplayerMultiplayer Modes ScorestreaksScorestreaks
OperatorsOperators Calling CardsCalling Cards
EmblemsEmblems BlueprintsBlueprints
CharmsCharms StickersStickers
Loading ScreensLoading Screens EmotesEmotes
Store BundleStore Bundles SeasonsSeasons
AchievementsAchievements NewsNews and Updates
Bugs and ErrorsBugs and Errors Black Ops 6 - Battle PassBattle Pass
Black Ops 6 - Double XPDouble XP -


1 Anonymous3 months

The cradle charm is given on separation anxiety im looking at it right now


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