Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

Best Launchers

Black Ops 6 - Best Launchers

This is a list of the best Launchers in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6). Read on to see the best Launcher loadouts including info on the stats of each gun and how to unlock them.

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Best Launcher

Cigma 2B

Cigma 2B

How to Unlock Unlocked by default.
Weapon Type Launcher

The Cigma 2B is the best launcher due to its lock-on capability for enemy vehicles and Scorestreaks. Though the HE-1 has 1 more ammo reserve over this launcher, the Cigma 2B beats for having more practical value.

With lock-on, it's very easy to take out enemy mechanical targets like Watchdog Helos. You do not have to take too much time aiming and will give you more time to think of other things while on the move or during high-pressure situations.

Cigma 2B Best Loadout and Build

All Launchers Loadouts

※ Loadouts are rated using a star (★) rating. 5★ loadouts are the best, while 1★'s are secondary or struggle in the current meta.

Weapon Details
Cigma 2B Icon Cigma 2B
Level Unlock: Default
HE-1 Icon HE-1
Level Unlock: 19

Best Guns Tier List

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