Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

How to Upgrade Weapon Rarity

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 - Weapon Rarity Explained
Weapon rarity determines additional bonus damage effect in Zombies Mode of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6). Read on to learn the different weapon rarity effects and how to upgrade weapon rarity.

How to Upgrade Weapon Rarity

Spend Salvage in the Arsenal Machines

Rarity Total Salvage Cost
Uncommon 500
Rare 1500
Epic 4000
Legendary 9000

※ Total Salvage Cost is how much Salvage you need to spend to upgrade from Common.

You can spend the Salvage that you have collected from killing zombies in the Arsenal Machine to upgrade the rarity of your weapons.

Salvage Farming Guide: How to Earn Salvage Fast

Some Wall-Buy Weapons Upgrade Every After 5 Rounds

BO6 Wall Buy.png
At the beginning of each game, all wall-buy weapons start with an Uncommon rarity. Every after five rounds, the rarity of some wall-buy weapons will increase to the next level.

Round Rarity
Rounds 1-5 Uncommon
Rounds 6-15 Rare
Rounds 16-20 Epic

All Zombies Weapon Locations

Complete S.A.M. Trials

BO6 SAM Trial UI

S.A.M. Trials become available midway through each match. These trials will ask you to complete mini-challenges, giving you the chance to obtain an Aether Tool as a reward, which can then be used to upgrade your weapon rarity.

S.A.M. Trials Explained

Weapon Rarity Explained

Weapon Rarity Bonus Damage Effects

Rarity Color Effect
Common White No Effect
Uncommon Green 50% Bonus Damage
Rare Blue 100% Bonus Damage
Epic Purple 200% Bonus Damage
Legendary Orange 300% Bonus Damage
Wonder Yellow No Effect

Weapon Rarity Determines Bonus Damage

The rarity of each weapon is indicated by a color behind the ammo and a diamond icon. Depending on the weapon's rarity, you can get bonus damage effects that are essential for taking down enemies as you push through higher rounds. In Zombies Mode, there are a total of six different rarity types.

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