Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

List of All Scorestreaks

Black Ops 6 - List of All Scorestreaks

This is a list of all Scorestreaks in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6). See a list of all scorestreaks, their costs, unlock level, how to use them, and the scorestreaks you can use in Zombies Mode.

List of All Scorestreaks

All Scorestreaks in Multiplayer

Scorestreak Cost Description
Dreadnought 1800 Progress Lvl.: 54
Type: Lethal
Heavily modified gunship equipped with multiple cannons, rocket pods ,and a Daisy Cutter bomb.
Interceptors 1250
DispatcherDispatcher Cost:
Progress Lvl.: 47
Type: Non-lethal
Call in a fighter jet squadron that eliminates enemy air targets.
Chopper Gunner 1600 Progress Lvl.: 45
Type: Lethal
Take control of the door gun turret on an assault chopper.
HARP 1450
DispatcherDispatcher Cost:
Progress Lvl.: 42
Type: Non-lethal
High altitude recon plane reveals enemy position and directions on the minimap in real time.
Strategic Bomber 1300 Progress Lvl.: 36
Type: Lethal
Stealth plane that carpet bombs a large targeted area.
Napalm Strike 900 Progress Lvl.: 30
Type: Lethal
Launch a targeted strike of explosive napalm.
AGR MK1 1200 Progress Lvl.: 27
Type: Lethal
Remotely piltoed quick assault tank armed with a machine gun and grenade launcher.
Care Package 750
DispatcherDispatcher Cost:
Progress Lvl.: 24
Type: Non-lethal
Call in an airdrop that contains a random Scorestreak.
LDBR 950 Progress Lvl.: 21
Type: Lethal
Launch a missile bombardment in a targeted area for a duration.
Counter UAVCounter UAV 700
DispatcherDispatcher Cost:
Progress Lvl.: 17
Type: Non-lethal
Launch a drone that scrambles enemy minimaps.
DispatcherDispatcher Cost:
Progress Lvl.: 15
Type: Non-lethal
Aerial recon drone that reveals enemy locations on the minimap for your team.
Sentry Turret 1000 Progress Lvl.: 12
Type: Lethal
Automated turret that scans for and attacks neaerby enemies in a forward-facing cone.
Archangel Launcher 650 Progress Lvl.: 9
Type: Lethal
Rocket launcher that fires remote-piloted rockets. Magazine size of two.
RC-XDRC-XD 450 Progress Lvl.: 5
Type: Lethal
Deploy a small remote controlled, remote-detonated explosive vehicle.
War MachineWar Machine 1300 Unlock: TBD
Type: Lethal
Powerful burst-fire grenade launcher with grenades that explode on impact. Large magazine.
Hand CannonHand Cannon 900 Unlock: TBD
Type: Lethal
Equip a powerful, one-shot kill handgun for a certain duration of time.
Scout PulseScout Pulse 400
DispatcherDispatcher Cost:
Unlocked by Default
Type: Non-lethal
Radar ping that reveals nearby enemies no the user's minimap
HellstormHellstorm 1050 Unlocked by Default
Type: Lethal
Control a long range missile with brake and boost capabilities and secondary missiles.
Watchdog HeloWatchdog Helo 1100 Unlocked by Default
Type: Lethal
Watchdog Helo that engages enemies and pings enemy locations for your team.

Scorestreaks in Multiplayer are earned by defeating enemies, completing objectives, and other related actions that grant you score (such as defending a point).

Some scorestreaks can have their costs reduced if you have a Dispatcher perk equipped in your loadout.

Beginner's Guide

All Zombies Scorestreaks

All Scorestreaks in Zombies Mode

Scorestreak Salvage Cost Description
Chopper Gunner 2500 Progress Lvl.: 45
Type: Lethal
Take control of the door gun turret on an assault chopper.
LDBR 1250 Progress Lvl.: 21
Type: Lethal
Launch a missile bombardment in a targeted area for a duration.
Sentry Turret 1500 Progress Lvl.: 12
Type: Lethal
Automated turret that scans for and attacks neaerby enemies in a forward-facing cone.
RC-XDRC-XD 1000 Progress Lvl.: 5
Type: Lethal
Deploy a small remote controlled, remote-detonated explosive vehicle.
Hand CannonHand Cannon Unlock: TBD
Type: Lethal
Equip a powerful, one-shot kill handgun for a certain duration of time.
HellstormHellstorm 1250 Unlocked by Default
Type: Lethal
Control a long range missile with brake and boost capabilities and secondary missiles.

Scorestreaks in Zombies Mode are purchased as Support Equipment from an Arsenal Machine with Salvage. Salvage can be looted from defeated Zombies in a similar way to Essence.

Zombies Guide

How to Use Scorestreaks

Scorestreak Default Controls

Use Scorestreak (Default)
3 Key4 Key5 Key6 Key
Controller (PS5/Xbox)
PNG - Dpad RightD-Pad
(hold to choose Scorestreaks)

To use Scorestreaks, acquire enough score from kills and objectives first (Multiplayer) or buy them from the Arsenal Machine with Salvage (Zombies), then use the buttons above to activate them.

Scorestreaks may sometimes have additional controls when used (such as the Hellstorm's secondary missile fire, steering, and speed). Pay attention to the controls that appear on your HUD to handle these scoretreaks.

What are Scorestreaks?

Scorestreaks are powerful lethal and non-lethal support equipment that can either be used to destroy and distract large groups of enemies or support your entire team through logistics and intelligence.

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