Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

List of All Equipment

List of All Equipment

Equipment for player loadouts are classified as Tacticals, Lethals, and Field Upgrades in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6). See a list of all the equipment you can use, what they do, and how to unlock them.

List of All Equipment

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Equipment Type Lvl Effect
ConcussionConcussion Tactical 0 Grenade that slows victim’s movement and aiming.
Frag GrenadeFrag Grenade Lethal 0 Cookable fragmentation grenade.
Spring MineSpring Mine Field Upgrade 0 Deploy an anti-infantry mine.
Assault PackAssault Pack Field Upgrade 0 Deploy a box of extra ammo and equipment to resupply your team.
FlashbangFlashbang Tactical 6 Grenade that blinds targets for a duration.
SemtexSemtex Lethal 9 Reliable sticky grenade with a timed fuse.
Spy CamSpy Cam Tactical 12 Quickly mark enemies and hostile Equipment and Scorestreaks for your team.
Trophy SystemTrophy System Field Upgrade 12 Deployable defense system that destroys enemy projectiles in the air.
C4C4 Lethal 14 Double-tap your Interact Button for a quick detonation.
SmokeSmoke Tactical 17 Deploys a smoke screen that blocks vision and automated targeting systems.
ScramblerScrambler Field Upgrade 18 Creates an area that disrupts enemy equipment, Field Upgrades, Scorestreaks, and minimaps.
Thermo GrenadeThermo Grenade Lethal 21 Creates a large fuel-air cloud that explodes after a duration.
Prox AlarmProx Alarm Tactical 23 Set of two sticky alarms that ring and flash when an enemy is nearby. Tripped alarms show on allied minimaps.
Impact GrenadeImpact Grenade Lethal 26 Precision grenade that explodes on impact.
Signal LureSignal Lure Field Upgrade 27 Reveal your position to enemies but earn bonus score for kills and for surviving.
Stim ShotStim Shot Tactical 30 Combat stim that heals wounds and refreshes Tactical Sprint.
MolotovMolotov Lethal 32 Thrown incendiary weapon creates a patch of flames.
Decoy GrenadeDecoy Grenade Tactical 35 Grenade that simulates footsteps and gunfire sounds to confuse enemies. Sticks to surfaces.
War CryWar Cry Field Upgrade 35 Rally your team, improving nearby allies’ movement speed and health regen speed for a duration.
Tactical InsertionTactical Insertion Field Upgrade 39 Marks a location as your next spawn point.
Blast TrapBlast Trap Lethal 41 Planted explosive device detonates when enemies come near.
Acoustic AmpAcoustic Amp Field Upgrade 41 Personal audio amplifier that makes enemy footsteps louder for a duration.
Shock ChargeShock Charge Tactical 42 Planted explosive device detonates when enemies come near.
Morphine InjectorMorphine Injector Field Upgrade 44 For a duration, fatal damage puts you into a Last Stand state. Teammates can revive you or get a kill to self-revive.
NeurogasNeurogas Field Upgrade 48 Deployed trap which emits a neurotoxic gas cloud, causing severe hallucinations and disorienting and damaging victims.
Drill ChargeDrill Charge Lethal 50 Thrown axe that kills enemies in one hit. Bounces off surfaces.
Sleeper AgentSleeper Agent Field Upgrade 51 Infiltrate the enemy team, appearing as a friendly to them for a short duration. Kills extend the time. Gunfire and enemy content reveal your true identity.
Combat AxeCombat Axe Lethal 53 Thrown axe that kills enemies in one hit. Bounces off surfaces.

All Equipment Types

Type Description
Tactical Tacticals grant players strategic advantages in combat. However, they do not deal direct damage. Tacticals can be used by pressing Q on keyboard or L1/LB on controller.
Lethal Lethals are able to inflict damage and eliminate enemies. Lethals can be used by pressing E on keyboard or R1/RB on controller.
Field Upgrade Field Upgrades provide offensive and defensive support for your team, allowing you to gain the upper hand in combat. These recharge over time and can be used multiple times throughout the match. Field Upgrades are used by pressing X on keyboard or L1+R1/LB+RB on controller.

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