Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

Separation Anxiety and Checkmate Mission Walkthrough

Black Ops 6 Separation Anxiety and Checkmate

Separation Anxiety and Checkmate are the last two campaign missions in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6). Read on to see a complete walkthrough of Separation Anxiety and Checkmate including info on their Dark Ops challenge, completion rewards, and achievements.

Separation Anxiety and Checkmate Walkthrough

Notice IconNotice from Game8 Separation Anxiety and Checkmate will have multiple missions that happen at the same time. This guide will take you through all the missions in order, as listed below.
All Final Missions
Separation Anxiety
Separation Anxiety: Lies
Checkmate: Detonation
Separation Anxiety: Truth
Checkmate: Black Sea

Separation Anxiety

1 Talk to the Child (Jane)

A whole scene with Adler injecting Jane with the Separation drug will play. Afterward, the setting will shift, and you will be playing as Jane inside her own mind. Head inside the run-down house and talk to the child version of Jane by the bed.
2 Open the Door and Hide Under the Bed

A flashback will ensue, and the setting will change again to Jane's room, but this time, it is not broken-down. Open the door, and a short cutscene will play. Jane's mom will tell you to get under the bed. Listen to her and make your way under the bed.
3 Inspect Jane's Mirror

The scene will change again, and you will be transported back to the broken-down room. Inspect Jane's mirror, and a cutscene will play where the mirror gets shattered by Jane's alter-ego. You will then be taken to a foggy version of Vorkuta.
4 Read Jane's Scavenger Hunt

A short cutscene will play with Jane as a child, witnessing the first mirror shard get locked in a box. You will then proceed to pick up a note on a gravestone with instructions on how the numbers should be ordered.
Tip: If you're in it for completion and not the story, you can safely skip steps 5~7 by inputting 9 1 8 to open Jane's locked box. Jump to step 9 if you decide to use this method.
5 Get the Number for the Desk

Follow the quest markers to find the entrances to each clue area. For the Desk clue, the answer will be 9 since that is the highest score among the three test papers you find.
6 Get the Number for the Tea Party

For the Tea Party clue, the answer will be 8. There are 4 guests in Jane's imaginary tea party. Double that (according to the Scavenger Hunt rules) to get 8.
7 Get the Number for the Scouts

Finally, for the Scouts clue, the answer will be 1. Subtract the number of badges (5) from the number of trophies (6) to get 1.
8 Input the Code 9 1 8

With all 3 numbers secure, head back to the locked box and arrange your obtained numbers according to the rules in the Scavenger Hunt paper: Desk, Scouts, Tea Party. Input 9 1 8 to solve Jane's puzzle. The box will open, giving you the first of three mirror shards and triggering a new cutscene.
9 Open the Door and Witness the Scene

Get out from under the bed and open the door. You will witness Jane's mom getting shot and Jane's dad putting her inside the wardrobe. Another cutscene will play in which Jane is watching Pantheon soldiers moving the bio-weapon. The scene will cut to black, and you will be prompted to open your flashlight.
10 Attempt to Obtain the Shard

Open the door in front of you and walk to the rickety-looking bridge where the shard is. The bridge will collapse. From there, press the red button for the lift in the middle of the room. Jane will realize that there is no power.
11 Power up the Generators

Power up the four generators by following the markers for each. Do note that as you power each generator, zombie Janes will spawn and start chasing you. Keep your head on a swivel and kill them as they spawn to avoid getting mobbed.
12 Take the Lift Up and Collect the Shard

Press the red button in the middle of the room to bring the lift up and climb the ladder to collect the shard. You will be taken back again to the run-down house with Jane's mirror. Place the second shard in the mirror.
13 Transition into Checkmate
Checkmate Mission Start
After placing the second shard, a cutscene will play. Jane will witness her father getting killed. From there, the setting will snap back to reality with Case's PoV. You will now be in the Checkmate mission.


1 Take out the Waves of Pantheon Soldiers
First Wave of Pantheon Troops
Gear up and make sure you have all the possible equipment you can stack up to use in the fight. There will be a lot of Pantheon Soldiers and Pantheon Elites attacking the team relentlessly. Be sure to utilize the initial C4s attached to the rocks to deal with the first wave more easily.
2 Destroy the APC
Taking out the APC
Grab the Rocket Launcher (HE-1) on the patio right beside where Sev is and use it to take out the APC. After destroying it, Woods will say that Jane is finally coming to and the mission will transition back to Separation Anxiety.

Separation Anxiety: Lies

1 Attempt to Enter Jane's Office
Back to the Broken-down Room
You will be back in the broken-down room with the mirror. Open the door, and the scene will transition to the CIA area. Attempt to enter Jane's office to progress. Jane's alter-ego will grab her and kick her down.
2 Get to Jane's Office Within 30 Seconds
Parkouring to Jane
Take the path to the left, where the stone hand is, and enter the building with a hole and red barrels in it.

Jump over the cupboard on the right, then crouch under the first set of barrels. For the second set of barrels, you are going to have to prone to get through.

Make your way through the white pipes and ignore the gunfire of Jane's alter-ego. Finally, grab the Grappling Hook, which should be in a box after you cross the pipes. Then, grapple your way to the ledges until you reach Jane's Office.
3 Take the Floppy Disk
Getting the Floppy Disk
After reaching Jane's office, there will be a bit of dialogue before a floppy disk is slid under her office door. Take the floppy disk.
4 Find Out What's on the Disk
Floppy Disk Contents
Go to Jane's computer and insert the disk. You will have to solve a codeword puzzle to access the files on the disk and progress the mission. The word is: Pantheon. After this, you will go back to the scene with Jane as a child.
5 Check on Jane's Dad and Follow Her Alter-Ego
Checking on Jane
After the cutscene, check the corpse of Jane's dad. You will then transition back to the office, where you will have to follow Jane's alter-ego to the elevator as she talks. Another cutscene will play where Jane gets confused about whether or not it was Adler who killed her parents.
6 Finish the Quick Time Event
Stopping the Alter-Ego
Jane's alter-ego will try to stab you with the mirror shard in the elevator. There will be a quick time event to prevent her from doing so. Press the corresponding button in time.
7 Kill the Jane Clones/Zombies
Killing the Jane Clones
You will be transported to yet another area. Here, you will be chased and attacked by Zombie/Clone versions of Jane. Take them all out.

Be careful with the final wave, as they will be strapped with explosives that deal a lot of damage. You will also only have pistols.
8 Place the Final Shard in the Mirror
Placing the Final Shard
After killing all the Jane Zombies, you will be able to obtain the final shard of the mirror. Place it, and a cutscene will play. From here, the mission will transition back to Checkmate and Case's PoV.

Checkmate: Detonation

1 Deploy the Sentry Turrets
Deploying Sentry Turrets
Keep taking out the Pantheon Soldiers until you get prompted to deploy the Sentry Turrets. Push forward with Adler towards the shed in front of you, and place the Sentry Turrets that you find there. Make sure to take out and deploy all three Sentry Turrets in the shed to progress.
2 Take Out the Mini-gun Elites
Taking out the Mini-gun Elites
Continue to fight your way through the waves of Pantheon Soldiers. They will eventually throw smokes, and two Mini-gun Elites will emerge from the smokes. Take them out to progress.
3 Kill the Pantheon Soldiers inside the House
Taking Out Pantheon Inside the House
There will be a handful of Pantheon Soldiers, including Gas-throwing Elites that you will have to take care of inside the house.
4 Destroy the Bridge
Pushing Up to the Bridge
Make your way outside and push towards the bridge while taking out more of the hostiles. Assist Felix as he plants the C4s on the bridge by taking out the Pantheon Soldiers swarming the area.
5 Drag Felix Out of the Bridge Area
Dragging Felix to Safety
After setting up the C4s, Felix will get shot and grounded. Drag him out of there. After this sequence, the mission will transition back to Separation Anxiety and Jane's PoV.

Separation Anxiety: Truth

1 Look Into the Mirror
Looking Into Jane
You will find yourself back in Jane's room with the mirror intact. Interact with the mirror.
2 Take Out Jane's Clones and Alter-Ego
Looking Into the Mirror Once More
After looking into the mirror, you will be transported into some sort of compound. There will be multiple Jane clones and her alter-ego here. Take them all out and interact with the mirror once more.
3 Get to Frank's Helicopter
Running to Frank
The scene abruptly shifts to Jane hanging by a rope on a helicopter. Take out the Jane clones chasing after you. Eventually, your rope will get snagged, and there will be a quick time event. Press the corresponding button in time to cut the rope. From there, make your way to Frank's Helicopter. After this sequence, the mission will transition back to Checkmate.

Checkmate: Black Sea

1 Rescue Woods
Rescuing Woods
Fight through the Pantheon Soldiers and Pantheon Elites to return to the house and rescue Woods.
2 Go After Jane
Hanging on Jane
After securing Woods, Marshall will ask you to help him move a shelf. He will spot Jane and take a shot, and a Pantheon Soldier will shoot an RPG towards the house, grounding Marshall. Chase after Jane's Helicopter.
3 Take Out the Soldiers and Confront Jane
Attacking Jane
As you try to board Jane's helicopter, there will be three quick time events. Make sure to press the button in time for all of them. From there, the pilot will get shot accidentally, and the helicopter will crash.

There will be one final quick time event to pick up the cradle. Afterward, listen to the voice telling you to keep attacking Jane until you eventually lose control of Case. This marks the end of the Checkmate mission.

Separation Anxiety and Checkmate Rewards

Completion Rewards

Mission Completion Reward
Checkmate: Black Sea The Cradle Weapon Charm

Dark Ops Challenge Reward

Challenge How to Complete
Kineticist Challenge
Complete the time trial in a single run in Separation Anxiety.

Separation Anxiety: Lies will have a secret Dark Ops Mastery Challenge during the time trial sequence of the mission. Reach Jane's office within 30 seconds on the first try to get the secret Calling Card, Kineticist.

Note: Resetting to the last checkpoint will not work. If you fail, the only way to re-attempt this hidden challenge is to restart the entire mission.

Separation Anxiety and Checkmate Achievements

Mission Achievements

Achievement How to Complete
Capitol Punishment Complete Separation Anxiety in Campaign on any difficulty.
Buried at Sea Complete Checkmate in Campaign on any difficulty.
David vs Goliath In Checkmate, destroy the APC using an RC-XD.

Separation Anxiety and Checkmate Mission Info

Separation Anxiety Mission Details

Separation Anxiety
Separation Anxiety
Mission Overview I never thought it would come to this with Jane. Adler's plan may be risky, but we've got nothing to lose at this point.
Location The Rook, Bulgaria
Date & Time February, 16, 1991 - 10:05 EET
Playable Character Jane Harrow, William "Case" Calderon

Checkmate Mission Details

Mission Overview Pantheon was able to track us all the way to the Rook. Thought we had more time, but whatever. Gonna leave it all on the field.
Location The Rook, Bulgaria
Date & Time February, 16, 1991 - 10:20 EET
Playable Character William "Case" Calderon

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5 Most Wanted
6 The Rook: Reunion
7 Hunting Season
8 The Cradle
9 The Rook: Reconciliation
10 Emergence
11 The Rook: Recovery
12 High Rollers
13 The Rook: Contact
14 Ground Control
15 Under the Radar
16 The Rook: Interrogation
17 Separation Anxiety and Checkmate


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