Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

List of All Augments

Black Ops 6 All Augments Guide

Augments are upgrades to your Perks, Ammo Mods, and Field Upgrades that can give you a strategic advantage in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6) Zombies Mode. Read on for a list of Augments and all available Augments for Zombies.

List of Augments

Field Upgrade Augments

Augment Type What it Augments Effect
ExtensionExtension Minor Augment Aether Shroud Aether Shroud duration is significantly increased.
Extra ChargeExtra Charge Minor Augment Aether Shroud Increase max charges by one.
Group ShroudGroup Shroud Major Augment Aether Shroud Nearby players are also cloaked.
Burst DashBurst Dash Major Augment Aether Shroud Warp forward a short distance, killing all normal enemies in your path.
Void SheathVoid Sheath Major Augment Aether Shroud Swap to your dedicated melee weapon as it’s imbued with Dark Aether energy. Kills allow you to stay in Aether Shroud for longer.
Instant ReloadInstant Reload Minor Augment Aether Shroud Activation instantly reloads your currently held weapon
Heavy ShadowHeavy Shadow Minor Augment Dark Flare The beam slows enemies on contact.
SupernovaSupernova Major Augment Dark Flare The beam is replaced with a sphere that damages nearby enemies as it travels. The ball detonates at the end of Dark Flare’s duration.
Extra ChargeExtra Charge Minor Augment Dark Flare Increase Max Charges by one.
Broad BeamBroad Beam Minor Augment Dark Flare Significantly increase the size of the beam.
Dark PactDark Pact Major Augment Dark Flare Beam heals and revives other players on contact.
ExtensionExtension Major Augment Dark Flare Significantly increase Dark Flare duration.
Extra ChargeExtra Charge Minor Augment Energy Mine Increase max charges by 1.
Frequency BoostFrequency Boost Minor Augment Energy Mine Increase detonation count or duration of Energy Mine.
SirenSiren Minor Augment Energy Mine Energy Mine now attracts neaby Normal zombies for 5 seconds.
CarouselCarousel Major Augment Energy Mine 3 Energy Mines will float around you, detonating once a zombie is within the base trigger radius.
ScatterScatter Major Augment Energy Mine The Energy Mine will split into 3 mines that scatter and detonate 1 time each.
TurretTurret Major Augment Energy Mine Instead of a mine, deploy a turret that shoots at the nearest enemy
PhalanxPhalanx Major Augment Frenzied Guard Teammates can also repair armor from kills while near you.
RallyRally Minor Augment Frenzied Guard On activation, repair all nearby teammates’ armor to full.
ExtensionExtension Minor Augment Frenzied Guard Increase Frenzied Guard duration.
Repair BoostRepair Boost Minor Augment Frenzied Guard Repair more armor per kill.
Frenzy FireFrenzy Fire Major Augment Frenzied Guard While Frenzied, use ammo from stock.
RetributionRetribution Major Augment Frenzied Guard Trigger an explosion on activation. Normal enemies that melee the player are damaged and knocked down.
ResilienceResilience Major Augment Healing Aura All affected players have their health regeneration delay reduced and their rate of healing increased temporarily.
Enduring RadianceEnduring Radiance Major Augment Healing Aura The beams and their healing effects persist for a short time after leaving the area of effect.
PersistencePersistence Major Augment Healing Aura Revived players keep all Perks on their bleed-out bar.
Inner StrengthInner Strength Minor Augment Healing Aura Affected player damage is slightly increased for a short time.
ProtectionProtection Minor Augment Healing Aura Healed players have damage slightly mitigated for a short time.
Stoic PresenceStoic Presence Minor Augment Healing Aura On activation, Special and Elite enemies are stunned while normal enemies are knocked down.
TransformerTransformer Major Augment Tesla Storm The field's damage is increased by the number of allies that are connected.
ShockwaveShockwave Major Augment Tesla Storm On activation, stun and damage all nearby enemies.
Static DischargeStatic Discharge Major Augment Tesla Storm On activation, create a lethal surge of electricity around you.
Power GridPower Grid Minor Augment Tesla Storm Increase the range the electric tether can connect to allies.
OverclockedOverclocked Minor Augment Tesla Storm Your movement speed in increased during Tesla Storm.
Lithium ChargedLithium Charged Minor Augment Tesla Storm Increase Tesla Storm duration.

Perk Augment

Augment Type What it Augments Effect
Dead HeadDead Head Major Augment Deadshot Daiquiri Increases critical damage.
Dead FirstDead First Major Augment Deadshot Daiquiri Deal double critical damage if a zombie is at full health.
Dead SetDead Set Minor Augment Deadshot Daiquiri Reduce gun movement while performing advanced movement.
Dead DrawDead Draw Minor Augment Deadshot Daiquiri Reduce hip-fire spread.
Dead BreakDead Break Minor Augment Deadshot Daiquiri Increase damage to armor pieces.
Dead AgainDead Again Major Augment Deadshot Daiquiri Critical hits have a chance of adding a bullet to your magazine.
Further InsightFurther Insight Minor Augment Death Perception Increase perception radius.
Treasure HunterTreasure Hunter Major Augment Death Perception Spot items others can miss from loot containers as well as Special and Elite kills.
Death StareDeath Stare Major Augment Death Perception Your Elemental Weakness damage has a chance to kill an enemy that is low on health.
Critical EyeCritical Eye Major Augment Death Perception Small chance that a body shot becomes a critical shot.
BirdBird's Eye View Minor Augment Death Perception The minimap's scan rate is increased.
Extra ChangeExtra Change Minor Augment Death Perception Find extra Essence under more locations.
Electric CherryElectric Cherry Major Augment Elemental Pop Reloading creates an electric damage discharge that damages and stuns nearby Normal zombies. The emptier the magazine, the stronger the damage.
Imperil PeachImperil Peach Major Augment Elemental Pop Zombies that hit you have a chance to trigger a random Ammo Mod.
Citrus FocusCitrus Focus Major Augment Elemental Pop If a weapon has an Ammo Mod applied, Elemental Pop will only activate that one.
Vulnera BeanVulnera Bean Minor Augment Elemental Pop Slightly increase zombie elemental weakness damage.
Pineapple BlastPineapple Blast Minor Augment Elemental Pop Equipment can also trigger a random Ammo Mod.
Chill BerryChill Berry Minor Augment Elemental Pop Slightly reduce all Ammo Mod cooldowns.
Durable PlatesDurable Plates Minor Augment Jugger-Nog Slightly increase armor durability.
Hardened PlatesHardened Plates Minor Augment Jugger-Nog Armor plates have more damage mitigation.
RetaliationRetaliation Minor Augment Jugger-Nog Deal bonus damage while health is low.
Reactive ArmorReactive Armor Major Augment Jugger-Nog Stuns nearby Normal zombies when armor plate breaks.
Turtle ShellTurtle Shell Major Augment Jugger-Nog Armor acts as a shield on your back, completely absorbing damage to your back. No damage mitigation when hit from the front.
ProbioticProbiotic Major Augment Jugger-Nog Slightly increase maximum health with Jugger-Nog.
ExpressoExpresso Major Augment Melee Macchiato All melee attacks are slightly faster.
Triple ShotTriple Shot Major Augment Melee Macchiato Your punch can hit multiple zombies at once.
Stick Stick 'N Move Minor Augment Melee Macchiato Backpedal speed is increased after a successful melee attack.
Strength TrainingStrength Training Minor Augment Melee Macchiato Your punch can one-hit kill Normal zombies for longer.
Hidden ImpactHidden Impact Minor Augment Melee Macchiato Melee kills reload a portion of your held weapon.
Vampiritic ExtractionVampiritic Extraction Major Augment Melee Macchiato Melee attacks heal a small amount of your health.
TribologistTribologist Minor Augment PHD Flopper Sliding distance and speed are increased.
EOD TechnicianEOD Technician Minor Augment PHD Flopper Slightly reduce height and distance requirements for explosions.
EnvironmentalistEnvironmentalist Minor Augment PHD Flopper Become immune to environmental damage while sliding.
PhD SliderPhD Slider Major Augment PHD Flopper Sliding into zombies triggers explosions.
Dr RamDr Ram Major Augment PHD Flopper Tactical Sprint knocks down and damages base zombies.
Gravity MDGravity MD Major Augment PHD Flopper Just falling from heights creates explosions.
Karmic ReturnKarmic Return Minor Augment Quick Revive Reviving an ally heals you to full health.
Swift RecoverySwift Recovery Minor Augment Quick Revive Reviving an ally increases both of your movement speeds for a short time.
EMTEMT Major Augment Quick Revive Reviving an ally allows them to keep all of the Perks on their bleed-out bar.
Equivalent ExchangeEquivalent Exchange Major Augment Quick Revive Killing a zombie while downed will revive you and remove Quick Revive. This can be done up to three times.
Dying WishDying Wish Major Augment Quick Revive On lethal damage, become immune to all damage for two seconds and keep one health. Quick Revive is removed on use.
Slow DeathSlow Death Minor Augment Quick Revive Increase your time in last stand.
Quick SwapQuick Swap Minor Augment Speed Cola Swap weapons faster.
SuperchargedSupercharged Major Augment Speed Cola Field Upgrades recharge slightly faster.
Classic FormulaClassic Formula Major Augment Speed Cola Reload speed is significatly faster.
Phantom ReloadPhantom Reload Major Augment Speed Cola Weapon magazines are slowly refilled over time.
Fast PitcherFast Pitcher Minor Augment Speed Cola Deploy equipment faster.
Speedy RouletteSpeedy Roulette Minor Augment Speed Cola The Mystery Box settles much faster.
Hot FootHot Foot Minor Augment Stamin-Up Gain a speed boost after your equipment kills a zombie.
QuarterbackQuarterback Minor Augment Stamin-Up Use equipment while sprinting.
Hard TargetHard Target Minor Augment Stamin-Up While Tactical Sprinting, projectile damage is reduced.
StalkerStalker Major Augment Stamin-Up Walk faster while aiming.
DasherDasher Major Augment Stamin-Up Increase Tactical Sprint duration.
Free FallerFree Faller Major Augment Stamin-Up Become immune to fall damage.
Fetid Upgr-aidFetid Upgr-aid Major Augment Vulture Aid On death, zombies have a chance to create a gas cloud that charges your Field Upgrade.
Smell of DeathSmell of Death Major Augment Vulture Aid On death, zombies have a chance to create a gas cloud that conceals you while standing in it.
Parting GiftParting Gift Major Augment Vulture Aid Vulture Aid ammo drops give more ammo to Wonder Weapons.
CondorCondor's Reach Minor Augment Vulture Aid Auto-pickup loot from farther away.
Carrion LuggageCarrion Luggage Minor Augment Vulture Aid Critical kills have a chance to drop extra Salvage.
Picky EaterPicky Eater Minor Augment Vulture Aid On death, zombies have a high chance of dropping your current equipment.

Ammo Mod Augment

Augment Type What it Augments Effect
PlaguePlague Major Augment Brain Rot The charmed zombie has a chance to turn other zombies.
PheromonePheromone Major Augment Brain Rot The charmed zombie distracts nearby Normal and Special zombies for a short time.
Big GameBig Game Major Augment Brain Rot Brain Rot can charm Elite zombies
ExtensionExtension Minor Augment Brain Rot Brain Rot duration is slightly increased.
HasteHaste Minor Augment Brain Rot Brain Rot cooldown is slightly reduced.
ExplosiveExplosive Minor Augment Brain Rot Charmed zombies explode at the end of Brain Rot’s duration, dealing toxic damage.
Liquid NitrogenLiquid Nitrogen Minor Augment Cryo Freeze Significantly increase your chance for Cryo Freeze to activate.
Freezer BurnFreezer Burn Minor Augment Cryo Freeze Slightly increase damage to frozen zombies.
ExtensionExtension Minor Augment Cryo Freeze Slightly increase the slow duration.
Frozen StiffFrozen Stiff Major Augment Cryo Freeze Zombies are frozen in place.
Ice CloudIce Cloud Major Augment Cryo Freeze Zombies that are killed while frozen may leave a cloud that slows zombies.
Big GameBig Game Major Augment Cryo Freeze Cryo Freeze can slow Elite zombies.
Chain LightningChain Lightning Major Augment Dead Wire The stunned zombie can spread the stun to others.
Big GameBig Game Major Augment Dead Wire Dead Wire can stun Elite zombies
Lightning StrikeLightning Strike Major Augment Dead Wire A bolt of lightning strikes from above, stunning all Normal and Special zombies in the area.
High VoltageHigh Voltage Minor Augment Dead Wire Dead Wire deals slightly more damage.
HasteHaste Minor Augment Dead Wire Dead Wire cooldown is slightly reduced.
ExtensionExtension Minor Augment Dead Wire The stun and electric field last longer.
AntibioticAntibiotic Major Augment Light Mend The healing glyph now damages enemies that touch it, but its lifetime is reduced.
Big GameBig Game Major Augment Light Mend Light Mend can activate on Elite enemies, dropping three more healing glyphs.
Dual ActionDual Action Major Augment Light Mend Consuming a healing glyph will temporarily allow you to heal faster.
Longer LifeLonger Life Minor Augment Light Mend The healing glyph’s lifetime is increased.
Extra StrengthExtra Strength Minor Augment Light Mend The healing glyph replenishes more health when consumed.
Express RemedyExpress Remedy Minor Augment Light Mend Increase the range that the glyph will move to an ally.
Big GameBig Game Major Augment Napalm Burst Napalm Burst can burn Elite zombies.
ThermiteThermite Major Augment Napalm Burst Increase burn effect damage.
FirebombFirebomb Major Augment Napalm Burst Burned zombies explode on death, spreading the fire to nearby zombies.
ExtensionExtension Minor Augment Napalm Burst Increase the burn duration.
IncendiaryIncendiary Minor Augment Napalm Burst Each damage tick has a small chance to spread to a nearby zombie.
Contact BurnContact Burn Minor Augment Napalm Burst Initial burn effect deals more damage.
SupermassiveSupermassive Minor Augment Shadow Rift The singularity’s lethal radius is increased and can kill more zombies.
HasteHaste Minor Augment Shadow Rift Shadow Rift cooldown is reduced.
Topple DangerTopple Danger Major Augment Shadow Rift Warp one zombie that deals shadow damage to others
Big GameBig Game Major Augment Shadow Rift Shadow Rift can activate on Elite zombies.
TargetedTargeted Minor Augment Shadow Rift Dropped enemies will fall on other enemies.
Explosive RainExplosive Rain Major Augment Shadow Rift Enemies that are dropped from portals will explode on contact with the ground.

How to Unlock Augments

Access Research Paths in Pre-Game Menu

Black Ops 6 - Energy Mine Augments

Major and Minor Augments are unlocked by accessing Research Paths found in the Pre-Game Menu before starting a match. Each Perk, Ammo Mod, and Field upgrade has a research path that players can follow to unlock Augments.

How to Research Augments

What are Augments?

Upgrades Perks, Ammo Mods, and Field Upgrades

Augments are used to enhance the effectiveness of Perks, Ammo Mods, and Field Upgrades, powering them up with additional bonus effects that greatly benefit the player and their team.

3 Major and 3 Minor Augment for Each Item

There are a total of 3 Major and 3 Minor Augments that players can unlock for each Perk, Ammo Mod, and Field Upgrade. Major Augments offer a substantial advatange, meaning they are more powerful than minor augments.

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