Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

List of All Field Upgrades

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 - All Field Upgrades

Field Upgrades are equipment that provide you or your team with offensive and defensive utility in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6). Read on for a list of all Field Upgrades available in-game, including info on their effects and how to unlock them.

List of All Field Upgrades

Equipment Lvl Unlock Effect
Assault PackAssault Pack Default Unlock Deploy a box of extra ammo and equipment to resupply your team.
Spring MineSpring Mine Default Unlock Deploy an anti-infantry mine.
Trophy SystemTrophy System 12 Deployable defense system that destroys enemy projectiles in the air.
ScramblerScrambler 18 Creates an area that disrupts enemy equipment, Field Upgrades, Scorestreaks, and minimaps.
Signal LureSignal Lure 27 Reveal your position to enemies but earn bonus score for kills and for surviving.
War CryWar Cry 35 Rally your team, improving nearby allies’ movement speed and health regen speed for a duration.
Tactical InsertionTactical Insertion 39 Marks a location as your next spawn point.
Acoustic AmpAcoustic Amp 41 Personal audio amplifier that makes enemy footsteps louder for a duration.
Morphine InjectorMorphine Injector 44 For a duration, fatal damage puts you into a Last Stand state. Teammates can revive you or get a kill to self-revive.
NeurogasNeurogas 48 Deployed trap which emits a neurotoxic gas cloud, causing severe hallucinations and disorienting and damaging victims.
Sleeper AgentSleeper Agent 51 Infiltrate the enemy team, appearing as a friendly to them for a short duration. Kills extend the time. Gunfire and enemy content reveal your true identity.

What are Field Upgrades?

Provides Offensive or Defensive Utility

How to Use Field Upgrades

Use Field Upgrades by pressing X on the keyboard or L1+R1/LB+RB on your controller.

Field Upgrades provide unique abilities that recharge over time, giving you a strategic advantage in combat. Field Upgrade effects can range from being able to change your spawn point, mask your footsteps, or even disguise yourself as the enemy!

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List of All Equipment

All Equipment by Type

Field Upgrades
Acoustic Amp IconAcoustic Amp Assault Pack IconAssault Pack Morphine Injector IconMorphine Injector
Neurogas IconNeurogas Scrambler IconScrambler Signal Lure IconSignal Lure
Sleeper Agent IconSleeper Agent Spring Mine IconSpring Mine Tactical Insertion IconTactical Insertion
Trophy System IconTrophy System War Cry IconWar Cry -
Lethal Equipment
Blast Trap IconBlast Trap C4 IconC4 Combat Axe IconCombat Axe
Drill Charge IconDrill Charge Frag Grenade IconFrag Grenade Impact Grenade IconImpact Grenade
Molotov IconMolotov Semtex IconSemtex Thermo Grenade IconThermo Grenade
Tactical Equipment
Concussion IconConcussion Decoy Grenade IconDecoy Grenade Flashbang IconFlashbang
Prox Alarm IconProx Alarm Shock Charge IconShock Charge Smoke IconSmoke
Spy Cam IconSpy Cam Stim Shot IconStim Shot -


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