Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

Radio Puzzle Code Solution

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Solving the Radio Puzzle in the Safehouse will give you the Safe Code of the upstairs safe in the Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6) Campaign. Read on to see all the Radio Puzzle code words, solutions, and rewards.

Radio Puzzle All Codes

All Radio Code Words and Their Numbers

During the Radio Puzzle in the Safehouse, you'll be listening to a recording that contains Code Words related to the numbered items found inside the radio room.

Use your Blacklight to see the hidden numbers and match the recording Code Words to their numbers to figure out the code. Remember, the order that the Code Words appear during the recording will determine the sequence of the Safe Code numbers.

All Recording Code Words and Numbers
Ashtray 8 Flag 6
Broom 8 Grill 4
Calendar 9 Guitar 7
Cereal 7 Iron 4
Chair 5 Lamp 1
Chalkboard 2 Purse 1
Couch 3 Record 5
Crest 9 Rocket 0
Curtain 0 Rug 8
Film 2 Television 3

※ Scroll through the table to find the Code Word or Code Phrase and its corresponding Safe Code number.

Code Word and Number In-Game View
Ashtray = 8
It's not just an ashtray...
Broom = 8 the broom closet..
Calendar = 9
...he simply nodded toward the calendar.
He noticed the calendar...
Cereal = 7
...eating sugar-coated cereal.
Chair = 5
Grandfather leaned forward in his chair.
Chalkboard = 2
[left]There was a love letter taped to the chalkboard...
Couch = 3
I sank into the couch...
He slumped on the couch...
Crest = 9
It's marked with our ancestral crest.
...weeping at the family crest.
Curtain = 0
...the curtain caught fire.
...which was hidden behind a makeshift curtain.
Film = 2
I was disappointed, wanting to see it on film instead.
Flag = 6 his country's flag flashed across the screen.
...his brother's birthday, just under the memorial flag.
Grill = 4
...he watched as I prepared shashlik on the grill.
Guitar = 7
While Uncle played guitar...
...she listened to the sounds of his guitar.
Iron = 4
After someone left the iron on the windowsill...
... as she used the iron to press our father's work clothes
Lamp = 1
Ivan switched off the lamp...
She stood in the dim light of the lamp...
Purse = 1
...his wife's purse still missing.
Record = 5
A record played the sounds of a rocket launch.
Somewhere nearby, folk music played from a record.
Rocket = 0
When I asked the day of the rocket launch...
A record played the sounds of a rocket launch.
Rug = 8
He eyed the woman sitting on the rug...
The girl's tears fell to the rug below.
Television = 3
...only the glow of the television remaining.
He was too busy watching cartoons on television...

All Radio Puzzle Solutions

Use the Voice Recording to Identify the Code Words

The Voice Recording you get after completing the radio signal puzzle will be different per player. Use the table below to find the specific Voice Recording you got and its corresponding Safe Code.

Note: You won't be able to use any of these codes if you haven't solved all previous Safehouse Puzzles. Make sure to complete them first and reach the Radio Room before attempting to use any of these codes.

Phrase Safe Code
Ivan switched off the lamp by the broom closet, only the glow of the television remaining. He watched proudly as his country's flag flashed across the screen. 1836
While Uncle played guitar, he watched as I prepared shashlik on the grill. When I asked the day of the rocket launch, he simply nodded toward the calendar. 7409
After someone left the iron on the windowsill, the curtain caught fire. The American didn't notice. He was too busy watching cartoons on television while eating sugar-coated cereal. 4037
A record played the sounds of a rocket launch. I was disappointed, wanting to see it on film instead. "When you're older," my sister said, as she used the iron to press our father's work clothes. 5024
"It's not just an ashtray," Grandfather said. "It's marked with our ancestral crest." I sank into the couch, annoyed at his gift. Grandfather leaned forward in his chair. "Be proud of your heritage." 8935
There was a love letter taped to the chalkboard, which was hidden behind a makeshift curtain. He eyed the woman sitting on the rug as she listened to the sounds of his guitar. 2087
He slumped on the couch, his wife's purse still missing. He noticed the calendar marked with his brother's birthday, just under the memorial flag. 3196
She stood in the dim light of the lamp, weeping at the family crest. Somewhere nearby, folk music played from a record. The girl's tears fell to the rug below. 1958

Context Does Not Matter, Only the Code Words Matter

When trying to solve this puzzle, try not to overthink the phrases in the recording. Remember, the context does not matter. Ignore the story being told by the recording and instead focus on figuring out the Code Words.

For example, if you see a phrase like "...his country's flag flashed across the screen...", you can guess that the code words are flag and televsion (because of the mention of a screen). However, television does not appear in the phrase, so the only Code Word here is flag.

Radio Puzzle Rewards

Knife Blueprint, $1000 Cash, and an Achievement

Safehouse Puzzle Rewards

Successfully solving the puzzle will allow you to crack the code of the Safehouse Safe. When opened, you will receive the Case Cracker Knife Blueprint, $1000 cash for perks and upgrades, as well as an achievement called The Puzzles, Mason.

Black Ops 6 (BO6) Related Guides

Black Ops 6 - Campaign Partial Banner

Campaign Missions List and Walkthrough

All Campaign Guides

Related Campaign Guides
Is Campaign Co-Op Available? Campaign Difficulty Differences
Safe Code Puzzle Solution How to Solve All Safehouse Puzzles
Piano Puzzle Solution All Campaign Safe Locations
Campaign Length and Rewards Jane Code and Puzzle Solution
All Emergence Phone Locations How to Open Basement Door
Radio Puzzle Code Solution All Hunting Season Audio Log Locations
Campaign Mission Walkthroughs
1 Bishop Takes Rook
2 The Rook: Arrival
3 Blood Feud
4 The Rook: Assemble
5 Most Wanted
6 The Rook: Reunion
7 Hunting Season
8 The Cradle
9 The Rook: Reconciliation
10 Emergence
11 The Rook: Recovery
12 High Rollers
13 The Rook: Contact
14 Ground Control
15 Under the Radar
16 The Rook: Interrogation
17 Separation Anxiety and Checkmate


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