Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

Zombies Guide: Everything You Need to Know

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Black Ops 6 - Zombies Guide

This is a guide to Zombies Mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6). Read on for a beginner's guide of Zombies, and a list of all maps, perks, augments, weapons, ammo mods, field upgrades, equipment, GobbleGums, enemy types and power-ups!

Zombies Mode Overview

Zombies Gameplay Systems

Gameplay Mechanic Summary
Round-Based Zombies Round-Based Zombies is back! This is the traditional Zombies mode wherein players have to fight through waves or rounds of zombies while completing the objectives of each map.
Game Saves For the first time, solo players of Zombies will be able to save the current progress of their games and load them up at a later date, provided they are at full health and are at a safe space.
Essence Found by defeating enemies, Essence is the most basic in-game currency that is used to purchase numerous things like equipment, upgrades, and new pathways to ensure your survival and help you complete each map's quest.
Salvage Found by defeating enemies, Salvage can be collected to apply Ammo Mods, upgrade weapon Rarity, and build equipment including Tactical, Lethal, and Support items.
Main Quest The Zombies campaign will be split up into several maps, with each map having its own Main Quest to complete. Main Quests allow you and your team the freedom to fully explore each map on your own terms. Find audio logs, documents, and strange artifacts to gain clues that will help you solve the mysteries each Main Quest has to offer.
Easter Eggs / Side Quests No Easter Eggs have been revealed as of yet but players can expect numerous optional Side Quests to discover that may harbor a few Easter Eggs themselves, and will need you to dig deeper into each map's secrets in order to complete them.
Guided Mode Guided Mode is a game mode that will be introduced in the mid-season, after each map's launch, that will guide players to the end of each Main Quest, disabling Side Quests and Easter Eggs to ensure that the full main narrative is experienced.
Mid-Match Pausing and Saving When playing a Solo match, you can pause Zombies at any time, as well as save your progress in certain conditions. Your match will also auto-save while you are idle for a while.
Squad Size You can play zombies either solo, or with up to three other teammates, for a maximum team size of four.
How to Exfil Once you're ready to be extricated, call upon Raptor One to exfil. You will be given a landing site, which you need to navigate to whilst fending off relentless zombies hordes. Clear the area and secure the landing site to allow for a successful exfil.
You may also choose to stay behind, and face more difficult enemies until you perish. The choice is yours.
Weapon Rarity / Arsenal Machine Upgrading your weapon's rarity increases the damage it will be capable of dealing. With the Salvage you obtain from killing enemies, you can head to an Arsenal Machine to upgrade weapons to Uncommon, Rare, Epic, all the way up to the most powerful rank: Legendary.
Pack-a-Punch The Pack-a-Punch machine increases the damage output of the current Rarity of your weapon. Use Essence obtained from slain enemies to increase your weapon's Pack-a-Punch level up to three times to deal way more damage to enemies.
Rampage Inducer Activating the Rampage Inducer makes zombies spawn and move much faster for the first 20 rounds, giving veteran players more of a challenge, and allowing players to speed through the rest of the game faster.
Tactical Raft You can summon your own Tactical Raft, which is a boat that can quickly transport you across bodies of water around the map, taking you to outer islands, shipwrecks, and other points of interest not easily reached on foot.
Trials Using the Essence that you've earned, you can interact with strange terminals and engage in special objective-based challenges that once completed, give you unique rewards.

How to Earn Essence

The only way so far that we know how to obtain Essence is simply by slaying zombies, as they drop Essence when killed. Obtain Essence fast by eradicating large hordes of zombies, ideally with the Rampage Inducer turned on to increase spawn rates.

You can potentially earn even greater amounts of Essence by obtaining vials of Dark Aether Essence, which are occasionally dropped by much stronger enemies.

How to Get Salvage

Salvage can also be obtained randomly from defeated enemies. The fastest way to obtain Salvage would be to simply eradicate large hordes of zombies, also by turning on the Rampage Inducer to increase spawn rates.

Zombies Mode Maps

2 Maps on Launch

Zombies Maps
Terminus Liberty Falls


The Terminus Island maximum security prison complex is found in the Philippine Sea that also functions as a bio-research station for Project Janus that has succumbed to a zombie outbreak.

Use the location's facilities to your advantage: Open Tentacle Traps that grab zombies and operate the Void Cannon Trap, which is a huge laser that slows and vaporizes enemies. Finally, beware of "The Tentacle" which is a danger to anyone riding a Tactical Raft through smoggy waters.

Liberty Falls

Liberty Falls was a West Virginian town that was seemingly the center of a Dark Aether outbreak. Navigate through this town overrun by zombies and uncover the narrative and secrets that lie within.

More Maps May be Added

There has not been any confirmation of future maps as of yet, but Treyarch has hinted that more maps may come, each with their own Guided Mode to come "after each map’s launch".

Zombies Perks

Perk-a-Cola Effect
Jugger-NogJugger-Nog Increase maximum health by 100.
Quick ReviveQuick Revive Reduce the health regen delay time by 50%. Reduce the time it takes to revive an ally by 50%.
Speed ColaSpeed Cola Increase reload and armor replating speed bonus by 30%.
Stamin-UpStamin-Up Increase movement speed.
PhD FlopperPhD Flopper Immunity to all self-inflicted damage and status effects. Dive to prone triggers an explosion, which increases the higher you fall. Immunity from fall damage while diving to prone.
Deadshot DaiquiriDeadshot Daiquiri Aiming down sight moves to enemy critical location. Increase enemy critical damage.
Elemental PopElemental Pop Every bullet you fire has a small chance to apply a random Ammo Mod effect.
Melee MacchiatoMelee Macchiato Replace weapon gun butt with a deadly punch that sends enemies flying.

Find Perk-a-Cola Machines across the map to purchase Perks and have a better fighting chance against tougher zombies. You can have multiple Perks active at the same time.

Zombies Augments

Augments Explained


Augments are upgrades that increase the effectiveness of your Perks, Ammo Mods, and Field Upgrades. Every one of these items has its own upgrade path of 6 Augments, split into 3 Minor and 3 Major Augments.

How to Unlock Augments

You will need to research Augments found in the pre-game menu in between matches and find "revelations" that will help you unlock more powerful Augments.

How to Use Augments

Each item with an Augment upgrade path can only have 2 Augments equipped at the same time: 1 Minor and 1 Major. Swapping out your Augments depending on your desired playstyle can make combat new and refreshing each time.

List of Confirmed Augments

Item Minor Augment Major Augment
Dark Flare Heavy Shadow: Zombies impacted by the beam are slowed. Shadow Ball: The beam is replaced with a sphere that damages enemies as it travels and detonates at the end of the duration.
Melee Macchiato Hidden Impact: Melee kills reload a portion of your held weapon. Vampirism: Successful melee attacks heal for 25 health.
Shadow Rift Targeted: Dropped zombies fall on other zombies. Explosive Rain: Zombies that are dropped from portals will explode on contact with the ground.

Six Augments have been confirmed so far. Two Augments for the new Field Upgrade "Dark Flare", two augments for the new Perk-a-Cola "Melee Macchiato", and two augments for the new Ammo Mod "Shadow Rift".

Zombies Weapons

Weapon Locations and Upgrades

Gameplay Mechanic Summary
Weapon Wall Buys Purchase weapons from Weapon Wall Buys found on walls around the map. The strength of a weapon depends on its rarity: Green (Uncommon), Blue (Rare), Purple (Epic), or Orange (Legendary).
Armor Wall Buys Purchase armor from Armor Wall Buys found on walls around the map. Higher rarities of armor give you more protection and more slots for Armor Plates.
Mystery Boxes Use Essence at Mystery Boxes to purchase a random weapon, with a chance to obtain powerful Wonder Weapons and random support items.
Pack-a-Punch Use Essence at Pack-a-Punch (PAP) Machines to upgrade the damage of your equipped weapon. Increase your PAP level up three times per weapon to inflict maximum damage.

Wonder Weapons



The Beamsmasher feels like a light machinegun but instead, it fires powerful super-charged Aetheric beams at foes.

This Wonder Weapon has two firing modes: Primary mode fires a strong beam that instantly disintegrates enemies, and a Secondary firing mode that confuses and slows down targets, as well as lowering their defense.

Ray Gun

Ray Gun

The popular Ray Gun returns in Black Ops 6 Zombies! With the ability to one-shot enemies, as well as tear through hordes, the Ray Gun remains a fun and reliable weapon to fall back to.

Zombies Ammo Mods

Ammo Mods Effect
Brain RotBrain Rot Bullets deal toxic damage. Each bullet has the chance to turn a Normal or Special enemy into an ally.
Cryo FreezeCryo Freeze Bullets deal frost damage. Each bullet has a chance to slow Normal or Special enemies.
Dead WireDead Wire Bullets deal electrical damage. Each bullet has a chance to stun any Normal and Special enemy, generating a field that deals electric damage to nearby enemies.
Napalm BurstNapalm Burst Bullets deal fire damage. Each bullet has a chance to ignite Normal and Special enemies.
Shadow Rift Bullets deal shadow damage. Each bullet has a chance to spawn a black hole if striking Normal or Special enemies, warping nearby zombies away and dropping some from the air at high speed.

Four Ammo Mods will make a return in Black Ops 6 Zombies: Brain Rot, Cryo Freeze, Dead Wire, and Napalm Burst. A brand new Ammo Mod will also be making its debut: Shadow Rift, which can warp zombies away.

Zombies Field Upgrades

Field Upgrade Effect
Aether Shroud Phase into the Dark Aether, becoming hidden from enemy detection.
Frenzied Guard Repair armor and force all enemies in the area to target you. During this time, kills repair a portion of your armor.
Healing Aura Summons beams of energy down on yourself and allies to instantly revive and heal to full health.
Energy Mine Create a mine of pure energy that detonates in rapid succession, dealing lethal electric damage.
Dark Flare You generate a massive energy beam that deals lethal shadow damage. The beam penetrates everything in its path.

Four Field Upgrades will make a return in Black Ops 6 Zombies: Aether Shroud, Aether Shroud, Healing Aura, and Energy Mine. A brand new Field Upgrade will also be making its debut: Dark Flare, which can deal shadow damage with a massive energy beam.

Zombies Gear and Equipment

Zombies Equipment Types
Tactical Lethal Support

Tactical Equipment

Equipment Effect
Concussion Grenade that slows victim’s movement and aiming.
Stim Shot Combat stim that heals wounds and refreshes Tactical Sprint.
Smoke Deploys a smoke screen that blocks vision and automated targeting systems.
Decoy Grenade Attracts nearby zombies for a short duration.
Shock Charge Electrical trap that sticks to surfaces and electrocutes enemies, stunning them.
Cymbal Monkey Attracts zombies for a short duration before exploding.
LT53 Kazimir Creates a small singularity that pulls in and kills enemies.

Tactical equipment are non-lethal items that help you gain an advantage in combat by confusing or incapacitating your enemies for a moment.

Lethal Equipment

Equipment Effect
Frag Cookable fragmentation grenade.
Sticky Timed sticky grenade.
Molotov Thrown incendiary weapon creates a patch of flames.
C4 Sticky explosive with large damage radius. Detonate remotely.
Combat Axe Thrown axe that kills enemies in one hit. Bounces off surfaces.
Impact Grenade Precision grenade that explodes on impact.
Thermo Grenade Creates a large fuel-air cloud that explodes after a duration.
Blast Trap Planted explosive device detonates when enemies come near.

Lethal equipment take the form of explosives or throwables that have the ability to kill enemies. Use these items in indirect combat to take your opponents by surprise.

Support Equipment

Equipment Effect
Self-Revive Use when downed to revive yourself.
ARC-XD Explosive RC car that emits small Aether Blasts.
Sentry Turret Automated turret that scans for and attacks nearby enemies in a forward-facing cone.
Mutant Injection Temporarily transforms you into a Mangler… with all the bells and whistles.

Support equipment provide various beneficial effects that aid you or your team in the heat of combat. A new support item makes its debut: Mutant Injection, which turns you into a Mangler!

Zombies GobbleGums Explained

GobbleGums Explained


GobbleGums are consumable candies you purchase from GobbleGum Machines. Each candy has its own unique effect that can give you a great advantage depending on the situation.

List of GobbleGums

Rare GobbleGums
Shields Up Your armor is twice as a strong for three minutes
Kill Joy Spawns an Insta-Kill Power-up
Epic GobbleGums
Free Fire Firing weapons consumes no ammo for the next 60 seconds
Soda Fountain The next Perk purchased gives an additional random Perk
Legendary GobbleGums
Phoenix Up Revive all teammates and they keep their perks
Wall-to-Wall Clearance Wall Buys cost 10 Essence
Ultra GobbleGums
Perkaholic Gives the player all Perk-a-Colas in the map
Wonderbar! The next gun from the Mystery Box will be a Wonder Weapon
Whimsical GobbleGums
Newtonian Negation Zombies killed fall straight up for three minutes

Zombies Enemy Types

All Enemies
Starfield -  Zombie Zombie Starfield -  Armored Zombie Armored Zombie Starfield -  Heavy Zombie Heavy Zombie
Starfield -  Vermin Vermin Starfield -  Parasite Parasite Starfield -  Mangler Mangler
Starfield -  Amalgam Amalgam

Zombies Power-Ups

Power-Ups Effect
Insta-KillInsta-Kill Base zombies are dispatched with one hit, and more powerful enemies aren’t killed, but receive additional damage. Does not count towards Field Upgrade charging.
Double PointsDouble Points Doubles the amount of Essence points gained for enemy takedowns.
Max AmmoMax Ammo Refills all ammunition carried for every weapon and equipment.
NukeNuke Destroys all base zombies, and more powerful adversaries aren’t killed, but receive additional damage. Enemy spawns are delayed by a few seconds.
Bonus PointsBonus Points Grants all players an additional amount of Essence points.
Full PowerFull Power Instantly fills all players’ Field Upgrade.
Max ArmorMax Armor Fully repairs armor to the maximum Tier you own.
Fire Sale After the Mystery Box moves, this may appear, activating all Mystery Box locations and reducing the purchase cost considerably.

Is Zombies Mode Free-to-Play?

Must Own Black Ops 6 Base Game

Not Free to Play

Zombies Mode is not free-to-play, as you need to purchase Black Ops 6 in order to play. However, once you own Black Ops 6, you will be able to play Zombies indefinitely with no additional cost.

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