Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

Zombies Mode Guide and All Content (Season 2 Updated)

Black Ops 6 - Zombies Guide

This is a guide to Zombies Mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6). Read on for a beginner's guide of Zombies, and a list of all maps, perks, augments, weapons, ammo mods, field upgrades, equipment, GobbleGums, enemy types and power-ups!

Zombies Season 2 Guide

Zombies Season 2 Content

Zombies Season 2 introduces a new map called The Tomb which features a new main quest and a slew of easter eggs for players to discover.

The Tomb Recommended Guides
The Tomb Easter Egg The Tomb Interactive Map
How to Get and Upgrade the Ice Staff How to Beat Sentinel Artifact
Gold Armor The Tomb Free Powerup Locations
The Tomb Free Pack-a-Punch Location The Tomb Free Ray Gun Location
The Tomb Roman Numerals Guide All Aetheric Lantern Locations
How to Kill Shock Mimics -

Zombies Past Season Content

Zombies Season 1 Content

Citadelle des Morts Recommended Guides
Citadelle des Morts Easter Egg Citadelle des Morts Interactive Map
Raven Sword Code Solution Citadelle des Morts PHD Flopper Location
All Bastard Swords (S1 Wonder Weapons)
Fire Sword Light Sword
Electric Sword Void Sword
Other Guides
All Incantations
(S1 Tacticals)
Ritual Items
(Easter Egg Items)
Lightning Rod Locations Stamps
How to Inspect Sword -

Beginner's Guide to BO6 Zombies

Tips Before Starting Zombies

Zombies Tip Summary
Weapon LoadoutsWeapon Loadouts Don't forget to edit your Weapon Loadout before starting a game of Zombies. Weapon unlocks and progression carry over between Multiplayer and Zombies mode, so you can choose guns you're more familiar with, more leveled up in, or have more attachments unlocked. Whatever starting weapons you select, you'll spawn in with a Common rarity variation of it.
▶︎ Zombies Best Starting Weapon Loadout
Research AugmentsAugments Don't miss out on Researching Augments. You have to activate Augments research lines in order to unlock Augments, which are used to give your Perks, Field Upgrades, Ammo Mods even more buffs. Research builds passively just by gaining XP, but you can only have 1 Active Research at at time.

Even if the Augments currently available to you aren't as interesting/appealing, it's still worth having Research active at all times, since the more Augments you Research, the more Augments become available for Research.
▶︎ List of All Augments
GobbleGumsGobbleGums You equip 5 GobbleGums via your loadout before the game starts. The 5 GobbleGums you equip here will be the possible GobbleGums you can get from machines during the game. You can pull a random GobbleGum from the machine every round and keep up to 3 GobbleGums in your inventory. Depending on the GobbleGum effect, use them at the appropriate occasion then roll again to replenish your stock.
▶︎ How to Get More GobbleGums
Split ScreenSplit Screen If you're on console, split screen is available to you, if you want to play co-op.
▶︎ How to Play Zombies Split Screen

Zombies Tips

Zombies Tip Summary
Mutant InjectionMutant Injections The Mutant Injection support equipment is one of the best weapons ot use in Zombies, as its blaster cannon and melee damage actually proportionately scale up as you progress through the rounds, while normal guns' damage eventually drop off around the 30s-40s.
▶︎ Best Zombies Guns
Headshot KillHeadshot Kills Always go for headshots to earn more points (Essence, XP). Melee Kills (inclusive of kills with the Knife and the Bat) and Explosive Kills grant less points per kill, so generally, don't go for these.
▶︎How to Level Up Weapons Fast in Zombies
Pack-a-PunchPack-a-Punch Pack-a-Punch exponentially increases the damage of your gun, for the cost of 5,000, 15,000, then 30,000 Essence, respectively.
▶︎ Pack-a-Punch vs. Rarity Damage Chart
Weapon RarityWeapon Rarity Also increase the damage of your gun via upgrading its Weapon Rarity. You can upgrade rarity via spending Salvage at Arsenal machines or waiting until later rounds for the Wallbuy weapon rarities to increase.
▶︎ How to Upgrade Weapon Rarity
SalvageSalvage Salvage is used for upgrading the rarity of your gun. Equip the suppressor attachment to earn more salvage per kill.
HealthHealth Get Jugger-Nog first among all the perks since it increases your health. Another way to increase your durability would be to purchase Armor.
Zombies EquipmentEquipment Decoy Grenades (Tactical) and Cymbal Monkeys (anything that distracts zombies for a while) are the best equipment to carry, especially in later rounds.
ExfilExfil Exfil opportunities will pop up every five rounds after Round 10. You can exfil in order to end the game with bonus XP and free GobbleGums.
▶︎Zombies Exfil Rounds and Rewards
Loot KeyLoot Keys Special and Elite Zombies can drop Loot Keys. Use these at the Armory (Terminus) or Vault (Liberty Falls) to get random weapons, equipment, and even perks for free.
SAM TrialS.A.M. Trials Always try to go for S.A.M. Trials when they spawn. Look for the purple cloud with a beam shooting down to find the trial location. These give you random timed challenges to complete and will reward you free weapons, equipment, and Aether Tools depending on degree of completion.
▶︎ S.A.M. Trials Explained
Classic StratsClassic Strats When nearing the end of a round, make sure to leave 1 zombie alive to give you more time to prepare without risk of getting mobbed. The zombie won't last forever though, but it'll give you at least approximately 10 minutes, which is more than enough.

Other Zombies Guides

Zombies Recommended Guides
Math Puzzle Calculator
Safe Deposit Keys
(Liberty Falls)
Boat Glitch
God Mode Glitch
Zombies General Mechanics
Rampage Inducer Door Buy Locations
Trap Locations Ammo Cache Locations
Tactical Raft Spawn Locations Crafting Table Locations
Zombies FAQs
Zombies Max Squad Size Zombies Split Screen
Can You Change Zombies Difficulty? Private Zombies Match
How to Play Zombies Duos How to Play Zombies Solo
Can You Drop Money? -

Zombies Easter Eggs

Zombies Easter Eggs

Main Quest Easter Egg Walkthroughs
Liberty Falls Easter Egg Terminus Easter Egg
Citadelle des Morts Easter Egg The Tomb Easter Egg
Liberty Falls Easter Eggs
Aetherella Easter Egg Liberty Lanes Bowling Easter Egg
Dancing Zombies Easter Egg Bonus Points Easter Egg
Liberty Falls Deadshot Daiquiri Easter Egg Raining Zombies Easter Egg
Pool Table Easter Egg Blood Pool (Red Orb) Easter Egg
Terminus Easter Eggs
Void Cannon Meteor Easter Egg Fish Easter Egg
Cursed Talisman Easter Egg Speedboat Race Easter Egg
Whack-a-Mole Easter Egg Mega Stuffy Easter Egg
Basketball Easter Egg Free Powerup Locations
Terminus Elevator Easter Egg Oxygen Tank Easter Egg
Terminus Music Easter Egg Spores Easter Egg
Citadelle des Morts Easter Eggs
Maya Easter Egg Guide Mr. Peeks Free Random Perk Guide
Rat King Easter Egg Chess Knight Easter Egg
Wishing Well Easter Egg Fireplace Trap
Free Lockdown Perk Easter Egg Citadelle des Morts Free Powerup Locations
Citadelle des Morts Music Easter Egg Fast Travel Easter Egg
Free PHD Flopper Location in Citadelle des Morts -
The Tomb Easter Eggs
Free Powerup Locations Gold Armor Easter Egg
Free Aether Tool Location Free Pack-a-Punch Location
Free Ray Gun Location Free Self-Revive Location
Purple Mushroom Easter Egg Generators Easter Egg
Jumpscare Easter Egg Simon Says Easter Egg

All Zombies Easter Egg Walkthroughs

Zombies Maps

4 Maps as of Season 2

Zombies Maps
Terminus Liberty Falls
Citadelle des Morts The Tomb

All Zombies Maps

Zombies Weapons

Weapon Locations and Upgrades

Gameplay Mechanic Summary
Weapon Wall Buys Purchase weapons from Weapon Wall Buys found on walls around the map. The weapon sold at the wall-buy is a set spawn, but its rarity will increase as you progress more rounds.
▶︎ All Zombies Weapon Locations
Armor Wall Buys Purchase armor from Armor Wall Buys found on walls around the map. Rare (blue) rarity Armor is made up of 2 plates, while Epic (purple) is made up of 3. Armor wall buy spots and their rarity are set.
▶︎ All Armor Wall Buy Locations
Mystery Boxes Use Essence at Mystery Boxes to purchase a random weapon, with a chance to obtain powerful Wonder Weapons and random support items.
▶︎ Box Addict Checklist

Wonder Weapons

Wonder Weapon Map Location
COD BO6 Ray GunRay Gun Terminus
Liberty Falls
Citadelle des Morts
The Tomb
COD BO6 Thrustodyne Model 23Thrustodyne M23
(Jet Gun)
Liberty Falls
COD BO6 BeamsmasherDRI-11 Beamsmasher Terminus
Bastard Sword Icon Bastard Swords Citadelle des Morts
Staff of Ice Staff of Ice The Tomb

List of All Wonder Weapons

Zombies Perks

Perk-a-Cola Effect
Jugger-NogJugger-Nog Increase maximum health by 100.
Quick ReviveQuick Revive Reduce the health regen delay time by 50%. Reduce the time it takes to revive an ally by 50%.
Speed ColaSpeed Cola Increase reload and armor replating speed bonus by 30%.
Stamin-UpStamin-Up Increase movement speed.
PhD FlopperPhD Flopper Immunity to all self-inflicted damage and status effects. Dive to prone triggers an explosion, which increases the higher you fall. Immunity from fall damage while diving to prone.
Deadshot DaiquiriDeadshot Daiquiri Aiming down sight moves to enemy critical location. Increase enemy critical damage.
Elemental PopElemental Pop Every bullet you fire has a small chance to apply a random Ammo Mod effect.
Melee MacchiatoMelee Macchiato Replace weapon gun butt with a deadly punch that sends enemies flying.
Vulture AidVulture Aid Increases loot drops from enemies. Additional loot takes the form of Essence Vials and small Ammo drops. Visible only to the player with Vulture Aid active.
Death PerceptionDeath Perception Gives the ability to detect enemies through obstacles and walls via their bodies' outlines.

Perk Machines are found at set locations on the Zombies maps. You can also purchase all Perks at the Der Wunderfizz after it spawns starting Round 25.

As always, you can have multiple Perks active at the same time. However, perks are removed at random when you get knocked down.

All Zombies Perks

Zombies Augments

Augments Explained

Black Ops 6 - Energy Mine Augments

Augments are upgrades that increase the effectiveness of your Perks, Ammo Mods, and Field Upgrades. Every one of these items has its own upgrade path of 6 Augments, split into 3 Minor and 3 Major Augments.

List of All Augments

Zombies GobbleGums

GobbleGums Explained


GobbleGums are consumable candies you purchase from GobbleGum Machines. Each candy has its own unique effect that can give you a great advantage depending on the situation.

How to Get More GobbleGums

Zombies Enemy Types

BO6 Zombies Enemies
Special and Elite Zombies AmalgamsAmalgams
AbominationsAbominations ManglersManglers
ParasitesParasites Armored ZombiesArmored Zombies
DoppelghastsDoppelghasts Shock Mimic Icon Shock Mimic
Zombies Boss Guides
NathanNathan Boss Guide Patient 13Patient 13 Boss Guide
The GuardianThe Guardian Sentinel Artifact
Zombies Challenges Guides
All Zombies Medals Immolate Medals
Necromancer Medals Voltaic Medals
Slow Down Medals Slaughter Medals
Alchemist Medals SAM Trial Mastery Target
Electric Damage Kills Fire Damage Kills
Frost Damage Kills Toxic Damage Kills
Shadow Damage Kills -

Zombies Challenges and Enemy Types

Zombies Ammo Mods

Ammo Mods Level Unlocked Effect
Dead WireDead Wire 0 Bullets deal electric damage. Each bullet has a chance to stun a Normal or Special zombie, causing them to generate an electric damage field.
Light MendLight Mend - Bullets deal light damage. Each bullet has a chance to transform a normal or Special enemy's health into a healing glyph that moves to nearby injured allies.
Napalm BurstNapalm Burst 6 Bullets deal fire damage. Each bullet has a chance to apply a burn effect on Normal or Special zombies, dealing damage over time.
Cryo FreezeCryo Freeze 14 Bullets deal frost damage. Each bullet has a chance to slow a Normal or Special zombie and increase the damage they receive.
Brain RotBrain Rot 27 Bullets deal toxic damage. Each bullet has a chance to temporarily turn a Normal or Special zombie into an ally.
Shadow RiftShadow Rift 44 Bullets deal shadow damage. Each bullet has a chance to spawn a black hole on a Normal or Special zombie, warping away those nearby and dropping some from the air at lethal speed.

Ammo Mods can be placed on your weapons via the Arsenal Machine. These provide elemental buffs and effects to your weapons.

Shadow Rift is a new Ammo Mod that allows you to can warp zombies away.

All Zombies Ammo Mods

Zombies Field Upgrades

Field Upgrade Level Unlocked Effect
Tesla StormTesla Storm - For 10 seconds lightning connects to other players, stunning and damaging normal enemies.
Energy MineEnergy Mine 1 Create a mine of pure energy that detonates in rapid succession, dealing lethal electric damage.
Frenzied GuardFrenzied Guard 9 Repair armor and force all enemies in the area to target you. During this time, kills repair a portion of your armor.
Dark FlareDark Flare 20 You generate a massive energy beam that deals lethal shadow damage. The beam penetrates everything in its path.
Healing AuraHealing Aura 33 Summons beams of energy down on yourself and allies to instantly revive and heal to full health.
Aether ShroudAether Shroud 47 Phase into the Dark Aether, becoming hidden from enemy detection.

Field Upgrades are special abilities that you can use once before it resets for a cooldown. You equip these via the Edit Loadout menu prior to starting a match.

Dark Flare is a new Field Upgrade that can deal shadow damage with a massive energy beam.

List of Zombies Field Upgrades

Zombies Gear and Equipment

Zombies Equipment Types
Tactical Lethal Support

Tactical Equipment

Equipment Effect
ConcussionConcussion Grenade that slows victim’s movement and aiming.
Stim ShotStim Shot Combat stim that heals wounds and refreshes Tactical Sprint.
SmokeSmoke Deploys a smoke screen that blocks vision and automated targeting systems.
Decoy GrenadeDecoy Grenade Grenade that simulates footsteps and gunfire sounds to confuse enemies. Sticks to surfaces.
Shock ChargeShock Charge Planted explosive device detonates when enemies come near.
FlashbangFlashbang Grenade that blinds targets for a duration.
Prox AlarmProx Alarm Set of two sticky alarms that ring and flash when an enemy is nearby. Tripped alarms show on allied minimaps.
Spy CamSpy Cam Quickly mark enemies and hostile Equipment and Scorestreaks for your team.

Tactical equipment are non-lethal items that help you gain an advantage in combat by confusing or incapacitating your enemies for a moment.

Lethal Equipment

Equipment Effect
Frag GrenadeFrag Grenade Cookable fragmentation grenade.
MolotovMolotov Thrown incendiary weapon creates a patch of flames.
C4C4 Double-tap your Interact Button for a quick detonation.
Combat AxeCombat Axe Thrown axe that kills enemies in one hit. Bounces off surfaces.
Impact GrenadeImpact Grenade Precision grenade that explodes on impact.
Thermo GrenadeThermo Grenade Creates a large fuel-air cloud that explodes after a duration.
Blast TrapBlast Trap Planted explosive device detonates when enemies come near.
SemtexSemtex Reliable sticky grenade with a timed fuse.
Drill ChargeDrill Charge Thrown axe that kills enemies in one hit. Bounces off surfaces.

Lethal equipment take the form of explosives or throwables that have the ability to kill enemies. Use these items in indirect combat to take your opponents by surprise.

Support Equipment

Equipment Effect
Self-Revive Use when downed to revive yourself.
ARC-XD Explosive RC car that emits small Aether Blasts.
Sentry Turret Automated turret that scans for and attacks nearby enemies in a forward-facing cone.
Mutant Injection Temporarily transforms you into a Mangler… with all the bells and whistles.
Armor Plate Refills Armor when used.
LDBR Launch a missile bombardment in a targeted area for a duration.
HellstormHellstorm Control a long-range missile with brake and boost capabilities and secondary missiles.
Mangler Cannon All the ballistic power of a Mangler, at your fingertips.
Chopper Gunner Take control of the door gun turret on an assault chopper.

Support equipment provide various beneficial effects that aid you or your team in the heat of combat. A new support item makes its debut: Mutant Injection, which turns you into a Mangler!

List of Zombies Equipment and Gear

Zombies Powerups

List of Zombies Powerups

Power-Ups Effect
Insta-KillInsta-Kill Base zombies are dispatched with one hit, and more powerful enemies aren’t killed, but receive additional damage. Does not count towards Field Upgrade charging.
Double PointsDouble Points Doubles the amount of Essence points gained for enemy takedowns.
Max AmmoMax Ammo Refills all ammunition carried for every weapon and equipment.
NukeNuke Destroys all base zombies, and more powerful adversaries aren’t killed, but receive additional damage. Enemy spawns are delayed by a few seconds.
Bonus PointsBonus Points Grants all players an additional amount of Essence points.
Full PowerFull Power Instantly fills all players’ Field Upgrade.
Max ArmorMax Armor Fully repairs armor to the maximum Tier you own.
Fire Sale After the Mystery Box moves, this may appear, activating all Mystery Box locations and reducing the purchase cost considerably.

Powerups give you and your team bonus effects for a short period of time. Powerups can be obtained randomly by killing zombies. Simply pick up the glowing green item on the ground to activate the Powerup and benefit from its effects.

List of All Zombies Powerups

Zombies Intel

List of Zombies Intel

(LTG) Limited Transdimensional Gateway Device A Fabrication Aetherella Statue
Aetheric Bowling Ball Against a Wall Bear Witness
Code Words Conspiracy Theorist Damning Evidence
Deep Excavation Doctors Orders DRI-11 Beamsmasher
Final Issue Fine Man Food for Thought
Grave Robbers Hard Drive I Hope You’re Watching
Innovative Technology Keycard Last Minute Transfer
Limb Regrowth Specimen Limited Run Listen...
Look at All the Bodies Making a Monocle Money Talks
Mr. Peeks’ Misplaced Bowling Shoes Multiphasic Resonator Noble Purpose
Numbers and Faces On the Horizon Onboarding
One Lit Match Pleasing Results Politics, Politics
Potts and Pains Pt 1 Potts and Pains Pt 2 Potts and Pains Pt 3
Potts and Pains Pt 4 Potts and Pains Pt 5 Quantum Mechanical Failure
Red Tape Retirement Plan Ship Manifest Destiny
Spring Time Steel Mountain Rescue Subject File #272
Subject File #398 Subject File #511 Subject File #704
Surveyor Says Talisman The Hard Way
The House Josiah Built The Infamous Mr. Rhodes The Knaves
The Scientist and the Moonshiner Thrustodyne M23 Tortured Artist
Tougher Than She Looks Uniquely Qualified We Only Take Cash
What Have You Done? Working Theory

Zombies Intel are collectibles that contain tidbits of lore about each map and what happened before and after the zombie breakout.

Some Intel are tied to Zombies Easter Eggs.

All Zombie Intel Locations

Is Zombies Mode Free-to-Play?

Must Own Black Ops 6 Base Game

Not Free to Play

Zombies Mode is not free-to-play, as you need to purchase Black Ops 6 in order to play. However, once you own Black Ops 6, you will be able to play Zombies indefinitely with no additional cost.

All Edition Differences

Black Ops 6 (BO6) Related Guides

Black Ops 6 Walkthrough Wiki

Black Ops 6 Wiki

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Black Ops 6 - Double XPDouble XP -


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