Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

Best PPSh-41 Build and Loadout

Black Ops 6 - Best PPSh-41 Build and Loadout

The PPSh-41 is an SMG in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6). Read on to learn the best loadout and build for the PPSh-41, including info on how to unlock it in Black Ops 6.

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Best PPSh-41 Loadout and Build

Best Attachment Loadout

Optic Kepler Microflex
Muzzle Ported Compensator
Barrel Short Barrel
Underbarrel Vertical Foregrip
Magazine Extended Mag I
Stock Infiltrator Stock
Laser Target Laser
Fire Mods Recoil Springs

The PPSh-41 SMG boasts the second highest rate of fire (952 rpm) in its class in Black Ops 6 Season 2 after the Kompakt 92 (1091 rpm). Its accuracy and rate of fire makes its firepower noteworthy, but controlling it well requires attachments.

The PPSh-41 suffers in recoil control due to its high rate of fire, so you will want the Ported Compensator and Vertical Foregrip, then make religious use of ADS. Combo these attachments with the Infiltrator Stock for more aim walking speed and the Short Barrel for situations where you need to ADS faster in slides and dives.

Add the Target Laser for more aim walking steadiness and less aiming idle sway. Throw in the Recoil Springs for more overall recoil control, then the Extended Mag for a 45-round mag. Top it off with any of your preferred optic like the Kepler Microflex.

Best Class Build

Perk Loadout
Scavenger Icon Scavenger Assassin Icon Assassin Double Time Icon Double Time
Wild Card Gunfighter
Specialty Enforcer
Lethal Impact Grenade
Tactical Stim Shot
Field Upgrade Assault Pack

Since the PPSh-41 is best used in a run-and-gun playstyle, we recommend you use Enforcer-related perks.

The Stim Shot will help you in a long run for self-heals and quick sprints since you will often use the weapon at close-quarters. For lethal and field upgrade, the Impact Grenade and Spring Mine are good general picks.

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LMG Loadouts
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SMG Loadouts
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KSV IconKSV PP-919 IconPP-919 Kompakt 92 IconKompakt 92
SaugSaug - -
Shotgun Loadouts
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Marksman Rifle Loadouts
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AEK-973 IconAEK-973 - -
Sniper Loadouts
SVD IconSVD LR 7.62 IconLR 7.62 LW3A1 Frostline IconLW3A1 Frostline
AMR Mod 4AMR Mod 4 - -
Pistol Loadouts
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Stryder .22 IconStryder .22 - -
Special Guns
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Melee Weapon Loadouts
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Power DrillPower Drill - -
Launcher Loadouts
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