Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

How to Get All Nuke Calling Cards

Nuke Calling Cards are one of the Dark Ops Challenges in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6). Read on to learn how to get the Nuclear Killer, Nuked Out, and Very Nuclear Calling Cards!

How to Get All Nuke Calling Cards

Nuclear Killer

Unlock Condition Earn a Nuke (30 Kills without dying).

You can get the Nuclear Killer once you get 30 kills without dying in a match. It is best to do it on game modes with a long match duration, like Hardpoint or Domination, as you will have more chances the longer the match is.

Nuked Out

Unlock Condition Earn a Nuke in FFA without using Scorestreaks.

Nuked Out is only obtainable through Free-For-All game mode. You must eliminate 30 enemy players without using any Scorestreaks in Free-For-All game mode to get it.

Try to play along the edges of the map to avoid fighting players in all directions and prevent losing your killstreak.

Very Nuclear

Unlock Condition Earn a Nuke with 25 different Weapons (all Kills towards each Nuke must come from a single Weapon).

Very Nuclear can be obtained by getting a Nuke for 25 different weapons. The kills toward the Nuke must come from a single weapon in a single match to progress. That means you must play 25 Multiplayer matches, use a different gun each match, and get 30 kills or more without dying to get this Calling Card.

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Black Ops 6 - Calling Cards

List of All Calling Cards

Calling Card Guides

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Dark Ops Challenges Prestige Challenges
How to Get Finders Keepers How to Get All Nuke Calling Cards


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