Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

List of Combat Specialties

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 - Combat Specialties
Combat Specialties provide powerful bonus effects when you equip three Perks from the same Specialty in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6). Read on to learn the different types of Combat Specialties available and how to unlock each one.

List of Combat Specialties

All Combat Specialties

Specialty Description
Killing enemies grants a temporary buff to movement speed and health regen rate.
Enemies can be seen through walls for a short time after respawn; a HUD edge indicator flashes when an enemy is outside your view; leave no death skulls when killing enemies.
Earn a score bonus for objectives and destroying enemy content; see enemy content thru walls a short distance; deploy equipment and field upgrades faster.

How to Unlock Combat Specialties

Equip 3 Perks of the Same Specialty to Activate Combat Specialty

BO6 Combat Specialty

Combat Specialty is a bonus effect that is activated by equipping three Perks of the same Specialty (Enforcer, Recon, or Strategist, denoted by the red, blue, or green color). If the three Perks are of differing Specialties or colors, no Combat Specialty is granted.

List of All Perks

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