Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

Hunting Season Mission Walkthrough

Black Ops 6 Hunting Season

Hunting Season is the seventh campaign mission in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 (BO6). Read on to see a complete walkthrough of Hunting Season including tips for beating the mission, info on its secret Dark Ops challenge, as well as its completion rewards and achievements.

Hunting Season Walkthrough and Objectives

Hunting Season Mission Objectives

Destroy the First Scud Launcher

Note: If you want to complete the Dark Ops Challenge hidden in this mission, make sure to avoid using C4 to destroy the Scud Launchers. We recommend using the HE-1 launcher, instead (these are easily found during this mission).

1 Reach the Scud Launch Site
Follow Park to the First Scud Launcher
Follow Park and fight your way through the hostiles until you reach the initial Scud Launch Site.
2 Detonate a C4 on the Scud Launcher
Destroying the First Scud Launcher
Use a nearby HE-1 Launcher or C4 to blow up the Scud Launcher to progress the mission.

Destroy the Remaining Scud Launchers

1 Use the Tac Map to Locate The Scud Sites

Use the Tac Map to locate and mark the three remaining Scud Launcher Sites. You can use your car to get around the map faster in order to take out the Scud Launchers.
2 Explore All the POIs (Optional)

During this mission, you'll be allowed to freely explore the province in order to secure supplies and re-usable support streaks. You can opt to completely explore all the POIs on the map to gain access to the Mortar Strike, Stealth Bomber, and Chopper Gunner support strikes for the next mission.
NOTE: If you only want the support streaks, the only required POIs are:
① Any Enemy Encampment (Mortar Strike)
② Helicopter Crash Site (Stealth Bomber)
③ 3 SAM Sites (Chopper Gunner)
3 Find the $1000 Safe (Optional)

Hunting Season has 1 of 9 campaign safes that you can loot to get $1000 dollars for upgrades back at the Rook. Head over to the Enemy Encampment at the Village (southeast of the TacMap), and find the safe inside the large central building of the POI.
4 Talk to the SAS Scouts

As you make your way to each Scud Launcher site, make sure to seek out the SAS Scouts that lurk nearby. They will mark all enemy positions for you, making it easier to spot and kill enemies when assaulting the Scud Launcher sites.
5 Destroy the Three Scud Launchers
Destroying the Remaining Scud Launchers
Once you've located the Scud Launchers, destroy them to progress the mission. You can use C4 if you plan to get close, but the easiest way to destroy them is by simply picking up one of the HE-1 Rocket aunchers in each of the camps and using them to destroy the Scud Launchers at range.
6 Talk to Captain Gladney
Talking to Captain Gladney
After all Scud Launchers are destroyed, head back to the Layup (you can fast travel there using the Tac Map) and talk to Captain Gladney to conclude the mission.
NOTE: Gladney will offer you the chance to continue completing the POIs before you storm the palace. If you want the full support arsenal at your disposal, make sure to stay behind and complete everything first before starting the palace assault.

Get All Fire and Air Support Options to Make The Cradle Easier

During this mission, you'll have the option of exploring rest of the province while searching for the Iraqi Scud Launchers. Complete the requirements to get the Mortar Strike, Stealth Bomber, and Chopper Gunner to gain access to them during the next mission - The Cradle.

Support Option How to Get
Mortar StrikeMortar Strike Retrieved by lockpicking a cache in the first Enemy Encampment you clear out.
Stealth BomberStealth Bomber Help the Delta Force soldiers hold off the Iraqis at the Helicopter Crash Site in the Dune Sea.
Chopper GunnerChopper Gunner Destroy all 3 SAM sites then return to the Layup to get it from Captain Gladney.

Hunting Season Rewards and Achievments

Reusable Killstreaks for The Cradle Mission

If you managed to certain POIs in Hunting Season, you will be rewarded with reusable Killstreaks during the next mission, The Cradle. These recharge over time, allowing you to use them multiple times throughout the assault on Saddam's palace.

Secure the Mortar Strike, Stealth Bomber, and Chopper Gunner killstreaks to make the defense segment of the Cradle easier for you to survive (especially at higher difficulties).

Challenge Reward

Challenge How to Complete
Endless Options
Endless Options
Destroy all SCUD missiles without using C4. This is a Dark Ops Challenge.
Insight Advancement
Insight Advancement
Discover all 4 audio logs (found in Enemy Encampments).

Endless Options is a hidden Dark Ops Mastery Challenge in Hunting Season. You can only get it if you destroy all SCUD missiles without using C4. This is difficult to achieve the first time around since your NPC teammates will tell you to use C4 on the very first SCUD launcher of the mission.

To get Insight Advancement, make sure to clear out all Enemy Encampments in Hunting Season. Once clear, look for caches that you can lockpick since these will all contain 1 Audio Log for you to listen to.

Mission Achievements

Achievement How to Complete
Full Clear In Hunting Season, complete every POI on the Tac Map

There are 19 optional POIs for you to explore in Hunting Season. Complete all of them to get this achievement.

Hunting Season Mission Info

Mission Details

Hunting Season
Hunting Season
Mission Overview Who the hell wants a weapon demonstration under a palace in the desert? Saddam Hussein is who. We're gonna hightail it over there posing as Delta Force operatives to see what the latest flavor of the month is.
Location Iraq, Anbar Province
Date & Time February 5, 1991 - 06:14 AST
Playable Character William "Case" Calderon

Hunting Season Previous and Next Mission

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The Rook: Reunion The Cradle

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1 Bishop Takes Rook
2 The Rook: Arrival
3 Blood Feud
4 The Rook: Assemble
5 Most Wanted
6 The Rook: Reunion
7 Hunting Season
8 The Cradle
9 The Rook: Reconciliation
10 Emergence
11 The Rook: Recovery
12 High Rollers
13 The Rook: Contact
14 Ground Control
15 Under the Radar
16 The Rook: Interrogation
17 Separation Anxiety and Checkmate


1 Darren Lowry5 months

HUNTING SEASON: When in the helicopter rescuing the crew, AIR SUPPORT is needed. When the menu icon shows up and the the STEALTH BOMBER is on station,the jet icon shows up on the list and the wheel.My point, there is no key assigned to the "SUPPORT" items on the list nor the wheel to call in the bomber. NOTE: This only occurs on PC....... Can someone explain if I'm doing things wrong or if there is an error in the program??? Thanks....


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