Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6)

Best Snipers

Black Ops 6 - List of All Sniper Rifles

This is a list of the best Snipers in Call of Duty Black Ops 6 (BO6). Read on to see the best Sniper loadouts including info on the stats of each gun and how to unlock them.

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Best Snipers

Best Snipers
1 SVD: Best Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle
2 LR 7.62: Best Bolt Action Sniper Rifle



How to Unlock Reach account level 25.
Weapon Type Sniper Rifle

The SVD is the best semi-auto Sniper Rifle and it's the best for overall sniping including quickscoping. Though its damage may not be as consistent as the LR 7.62's for ranges near 100m, it still can still reliably one-shot kill enemies.

Its semi-auto nature beats out its other bolt-action companions, allowing you to engage multiple targets fast or tap-fire as a last resort.

The stock ADS speed of this weapon is slow, so it is best to equip it with the Fast Mag II and Quickdraw Grip to give it a serviceable ADS speed for reacting to targets on the move.

SVD Best Loadout and Build

LR 7.62

LR 7.62

How to Unlock Reach account level 49.
Weapon Type Sniper Rifle

The LR 7.62 is the best bolt-action Sniper Rifle in the game for its damage consistency at long ranges, beating out the LW3A1's damage range. Though not as fast as the SVD, it still has a comparable quickscoping speed – you just have to deal with pulling the bolt after every shot.

The LR 7.62 is noticeably more consistent with one-shot kills at 100m compared to the SVD. A trade off for having a slower fire rate and requiring more planning for you when you have no choice but to fight in close quarters.

Like the SVD, it has a slow ADS speed when you first unlock it, so you'll want to focus on unlocking and equipping ADS speed increasing attachments like the Fast Mag II and Quickdraw Grip. In addition, you will want to improve its rechamber speed and fire rate by using the Fire Mod, Rapid Fire.

LR 7.62 Best Loadout and Build

All Sniper Loadouts

※ Loadouts are rated using a star (★) rating. 5★ loadouts are the best, while 1★'s are secondary or struggle in the current meta.

Weapon Details
Level Unlock: 25
Firing Mode(s): Single
Max Level: 45
LR 7.62 Icon LR 7.62
Level Unlock: 49
Firing Mode(s): Single
Max Level: 44
AMR Mod 4 Icon AMR Mod 4
How to Unlock: Mid-Season 1 Event Reward.
Max Level: 38
LW3A1 Frostline Icon LW3A1 Frostline
Level Unlock: Default
Firing Mode(s): Single
Max Level: 44

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