New World

Where to Find Steel Musket Charms and How to Use

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Steel Musket Charms, a resource in New World. Read on to see the basic information of Steel Musket Charms, including how to get Steel Musket Charms and their uses!

Steel Musket Charm Basic Information

Item Type Rarity Tier
Steel Musket Charm IconSteel Musket Charm Special Resource Uncommon -
Gold / Token Price Weight
- 0.1
Crafting item with an attunement to the Crippling Powder Burn perk.

How to Get Steel Musket Charms

Obtained from Containers Across Aeternum

Obtained from Tier 1-Tier 3 Supply Crates, Supply Caches, Ancient Coffers, and Ancient Urns. Supply Chests are commonly found in deserted villages and mines, while Ancient Chests are common in ruins. Tier 1 Chests can be found in Monarch's Bluffs, Everfall, Windsward, and First Light. Tier 2 Chests are most common in Cutlass Keys, Brightwood, and Weaver's Fen. Tier 3 Chests are most common in all the northern regions, but can also be found in Restless Shore and Ebonscale Reach.

Purchase From Trading Posts

Lastly, if you don’t feel like finding them on your own, Steel Musket Charm can also be purchased from Trading Posts, granted that another player has placed a Sell Order. You can enter the Trading Post and search for this item directly by clicking on SEARCH ITEMS and entering ‘Steel Musket Charm’. For the best deal, be sure to sort by price from Lowest to Highest!

Trading Post Guide: How to Sell Items

How to Use Steel Musket Charms

Add Perks and Suffixes on an Equipment

Steel Musket Charm is a Special Resource. These items are used to infuse certain Perks and Suffixes into the equipment you craft. You can find it listed from the expanded menu of the Special Resources slot when crafting.

Perk/Suffix Effect
Crippling Powder Burn IconCrippling Powder Burn ・ Targets hit with Powder Burn are slowed by -5% for 5 seconds.

Arcane Repository Guide

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List of Resources

Special Resources
Ancient Animal BoneAncient Animal Bone Ancient Beaded TotemAncient Beaded Totem Ancient Bear PawAncient Bear Paw
Ancient Bone TotemAncient Bone Totem Ancient Encrusted TotemAncient Encrusted Totem Ancient FemurAncient Femur
Ancient Gold TalismanAncient Gold Talisman Ancient Inscribed TotemAncient Inscribed Totem Ancient MandibleAncient Mandible
Ancient Platinum TalismanAncient Platinum Talisman Ancient RibAncient Rib Ancient Silver TalismanAncient Silver Talisman
Ancient SkullAncient Skull Ancient Wooden TalismanAncient Wooden Talisman Animal ClawAnimal Claw
Animal FangAnimal Fang Bear BloodBear Blood Bear ClawBear Claw
Bear FangBear Fang Bear PawBear Paw Boar BloodBoar Blood
Boar EyeBoar Eye Boar HoofBoar Hoof Boar TuskBoar Tusk
Bolt of Corrupted ClothBolt of Corrupted Cloth Brilliant AnimusBrilliant Animus Brilliant Corrupted InsigniaBrilliant Corrupted Insignia
Callus Mangy HideCallus Mangy Hide Carved Dryad BarkCarved Dryad Bark Charged Quartz CrystalCharged Quartz Crystal
Chilled FangChilled Fang Chunk of AdderstoneChunk of Adderstone Chunk of BaetylusChunk of Baetylus
Chunk of BatrachiteChunk of Batrachite Chunk of CobaltChunk of Cobalt Chunk of Consecrated IronChunk of Consecrated Iron
Chunk of Corrupted MatterChunk of Corrupted Matter Chunk of CrystalChunk of Crystal Chunk of Crystalized AzothChunk of Crystalized Azoth
Chunk of Crystalized EctoplasmChunk of Crystalized Ectoplasm Chunk of Enchanted EarthChunk of Enchanted Earth Chunk of Ironwood ResinChunk of Ironwood Resin
Chunk of NiterChunk of Niter Chunk of SparkmetalChunk of Sparkmetal Chunk of ThunderstoneChunk of Thunderstone
Chunk of Wyrdwood ResinChunk of Wyrdwood Resin Clump of Writhing BriarClump of Writhing Briar Coagulated BloodCoagulated Blood
Corrupted SigilCorrupted Sigil Dead Dryad VineDead Dryad Vine Draught of Azalea NectarDraught of Azalea Nectar
Draught of Azoth OilDraught of Azoth Oil Draught of Blessed WaterDraught of Blessed Water Draught of Corrupted EssenceDraught of Corrupted Essence
Draught of Corrupted IchorDraught of Corrupted Ichor Draught of EctoplasmDraught of Ectoplasm Draught of Ironwood SapDraught of Ironwood Sap
Draught of QuicksilverDraught of Quicksilver Draught of SapDraught of Sap Draught of Viscous AzothDraught of Viscous Azoth
Draught of Withered EssenceDraught of Withered Essence Draught of Wyrdwood SapDraught of Wyrdwood Sap Dried Dryad SapDried Dryad Sap
Drop of Azalea NectarDrop of Azalea Nectar Drop of Azoth OilDrop of Azoth Oil Drop of Blessed WaterDrop of Blessed Water
Drop of Corrupted EssenceDrop of Corrupted Essence Drop of Corrupted IchorDrop of Corrupted Ichor Drop of EctoplasmDrop of Ectoplasm
Drop of QuicksilverDrop of Quicksilver Drop of SapDrop of Sap Drop of Viscous AzothDrop of Viscous Azoth
Drop of Wolf EssenceDrop of Wolf Essence Drop of Wyrdwood SapDrop of Wyrdwood Sap Dryad BarkDryad Bark
Etched Dryad BarkEtched Dryad Bark Faint Corrupted InsigniaFaint Corrupted Insignia Fanged JawFanged Jaw
Fine Corrupted SigilFine Corrupted Sigil Fish FangFish Fang Fish GutsFish Guts
Frigid FangFrigid Fang Frozen FangFrozen Fang Glowing Dryad SapGlowing Dryad Sap
Gold Lost LocketGold Lost Locket Hardwood Prayer BeadsHardwood Prayer Beads Hardwood Tree SapHardwood Tree Sap
High Quality TallowHigh Quality Tallow HornHorn Huge Boar HoofHuge Boar Hoof
Huge Elk HoofHuge Elk Hoof Huge Wolf PawHuge Wolf Paw Infused Leather Beaded StrapsInfused Leather Beaded Straps
Infused Leather Corrupted FetishInfused Leather Corrupted Fetish Infused Leather ScourgeInfused Leather Scourge Infused Silk Arcane EmbroideryInfused Silk Arcane Embroidery
Iron Battle MedalIron Battle Medal Iron Corrupted CasingIron Corrupted Casing Iron GuardsmanIron Guardsman's Insignia
Iron HookIron Hook Iron PocketwatchIron Pocketwatch Ironwood Prayer BeadsIronwood Prayer Beads
Ironwood Tree SapIronwood Tree Sap Jagged Animal ClawJagged Animal Claw Jagged Animal FangJagged Animal Fang
Jagged Boar TuskJagged Boar Tusk Jagged HornJagged Horn Large Animal BoneLarge Animal Bone
Large Bear PawLarge Bear Paw Large Boar HoofLarge Boar Hoof Large Dryad VineLarge Dryad Vine
Large Elk HoofLarge Elk Hoof Large Quartz CrystalLarge Quartz Crystal Large Wolf PawLarge Wolf Paw
Layered Leather Beaded StrapsLayered Leather Beaded Straps Layered Leather Corrupted FetishLayered Leather Corrupted Fetish Layered Leather ScourgeLayered Leather Scourge
Linen Arcane EmbroideryLinen Arcane Embroidery Living Dryad VineLiving Dryad Vine Low Quality TallowLow Quality Tallow
Massive Bear PawMassive Bear Paw Orichalcum ArcanistOrichalcum Arcanist's Charm Orichalcum ArmorerOrichalcum Armorer's Charm
Orichalcum BotanistOrichalcum Botanist's Charm Orichalcum Bow CharmOrichalcum Bow Charm Orichalcum ChefOrichalcum Chef's Charm
Orichalcum Corrupted CasingOrichalcum Corrupted Casing Orichalcum EngineerOrichalcum Engineer's Charm Orichalcum Fire Staff CharmOrichalcum Fire Staff Charm
Orichalcum Great Axe CharmOrichalcum Great Axe Charm Orichalcum GuardsmanOrichalcum Guardsman's Insignia Orichalcum Hatchet CharmOrichalcum Hatchet Charm
Orichalcum Ice Gauntlet CharmOrichalcum Ice Gauntlet Charm Orichalcum JewelcrafterOrichalcum Jewelcrafter's Charm Orichalcum Life Staff CharmOrichalcum Life Staff Charm
Orichalcum Lumberjacks CharmOrichalcum Lumberjacks Charm Orichalcum Miners CharmOrichalcum Miners Charm Orichalcum Musket CharmOrichalcum Musket Charm
Orichalcum PocketwatchOrichalcum Pocketwatch Orichalcum Rapier CharmOrichalcum Rapier Charm Orichalcum Shield CharmOrichalcum Shield Charm
Orichalcum Skinners CharmOrichalcum Skinners Charm Orichalcum Spear CharmOrichalcum Spear Charm Orichalcum Sword CharmOrichalcum Sword Charm
Orichalcum Travelers CharmOrichalcum Travelers Charm Orichalcum War Hammer CharmOrichalcum War Hammer Charm Orichalcum WeaponsmithOrichalcum Weaponsmith's Charm
Patch of Corrupted ClothPatch of Corrupted Cloth Perfect Corrupted SigilPerfect Corrupted Sigil Platinum Lost LocketPlatinum Lost Locket
Powerful Dryad SapPowerful Dryad Sap Powerful Quartz CrystalPowerful Quartz Crystal Pristine Animal ClawPristine Animal Claw
Pristine Animal FangPristine Animal Fang Pristine Boar TuskPristine Boar Tusk Pristine HornPristine Horn
Pristine WhetstonePristine Whetstone Reinforced Orichalcum Bow CharmReinforced Orichalcum Bow Charm Reinforced Orichalcum Fire Staff CharmReinforced Orichalcum Fire Staff Charm
Reinforced Orichalcum Great Axe CharmReinforced Orichalcum Great Axe Charm Reinforced Orichalcum Hatchet CharmReinforced Orichalcum Hatchet Charm Reinforced Orichalcum Life Staff CharmReinforced Orichalcum Life Staff Charm
Reinforced Orichalcum Musket CharmReinforced Orichalcum Musket Charm Reinforced Orichalcum Rapier CharmReinforced Orichalcum Rapier Charm Reinforced Orichalcum Spear CharmReinforced Orichalcum Spear Charm
Reinforced Orichalcum War Hammer CharmReinforced Orichalcum War Hammer Charm Reinforced Starmetal Bow CharmReinforced Starmetal Bow Charm Reinforced Starmetal Fire Staff CharmReinforced Starmetal Fire Staff Charm
Reinforced Starmetal Great Axe CharmReinforced Starmetal Great Axe Charm Reinforced Starmetal Hatchet CharmReinforced Starmetal Hatchet Charm Reinforced Starmetal Life Staff CharmReinforced Starmetal Life Staff Charm
Reinforced Starmetal Musket CharmReinforced Starmetal Musket Charm Reinforced Starmetal Rapier CharmReinforced Starmetal Rapier Charm Reinforced Starmetal Spear CharmReinforced Starmetal Spear Charm
Reinforced Starmetal War Hammer CharmReinforced Starmetal War Hammer Charm Reinforced Steel Bow CharmReinforced Steel Bow Charm Reinforced Steel Fire Staff CharmReinforced Steel Fire Staff Charm
Reinforced Steel Great Axe CharmReinforced Steel Great Axe Charm Reinforced Steel Hatchet CharmReinforced Steel Hatchet Charm Reinforced Steel Ice Gauntlet CharmReinforced Steel Ice Gauntlet Charm
Reinforced Steel Life Staff CharmReinforced Steel Life Staff Charm Reinforced Steel Musket CharmReinforced Steel Musket Charm Reinforced Steel Rapier CharmReinforced Steel Rapier Charm
Reinforced Steel Spear CharmReinforced Steel Spear Charm Reinforced Steel War Hammer CharmReinforced Steel War Hammer Charm Resin ChunkResin Chunk
Resin LumpResin Lump Resin ShavingsResin Shavings Riveted Orichalcum MailRiveted Orichalcum Mail
Riveted Starmetal MailRiveted Starmetal Mail Riveted Steel MailRiveted Steel Mail Rough Leather Beaded StrapsRough Leather Beaded Straps
Rough Leather ScourgeRough Leather Scourge Rugged Leather Beaded StrapsRugged Leather Beaded Straps Rugged Leather Corrupted FetishRugged Leather Corrupted Fetish
Rugged Leather ScourgeRugged Leather Scourge Runic Dryad BarkRunic Dryad Bark Sateen Arcane EmbroiderySateen Arcane Embroidery
Shard of AdamantShard of Adamant Shard of AdderstoneShard of Adderstone Shard of BaetylusShard of Baetylus
Shard of BatrachiteShard of Batrachite Shard of CobaltShard of Cobalt Shard of Consecrated IronShard of Consecrated Iron
Shard of Corrupted MatterShard of Corrupted Matter Shard of CrystalShard of Crystal Shard of Crystalized AzothShard of Crystalized Azoth
Shard of Crystalized EctoplasmShard of Crystalized Ectoplasm Shard of Enchanted EarthShard of Enchanted Earth Shard of Ironwood ResinShard of Ironwood Resin
Shard of NiterShard of Niter Shard of SparkmetalShard of Sparkmetal Shard of ThunderstoneShard of Thunderstone
Shard of Wyrdwood ResinShard of Wyrdwood Resin Shimmering AnimusShimmering Animus Shining AnimusShining Animus
Silk Arcane EmbroiderySilk Arcane Embroidery Silver Lost LocketSilver Lost Locket Sliver of AdamantSliver of Adamant
Sliver of AdderstoneSliver of Adderstone Sliver of BaetylusSliver of Baetylus Sliver of BatrachiteSliver of Batrachite
Sliver of CobaltSliver of Cobalt Sliver of Consecrated IronSliver of Consecrated Iron Sliver of Corrupted MatterSliver of Corrupted Matter
Sliver of CrystalSliver of Crystal Sliver of Crystalized AzothSliver of Crystalized Azoth Sliver of Crystalized EctoplasmSliver of Crystalized Ectoplasm
Sliver of Enchanted EarthSliver of Enchanted Earth Sliver of Ironwood ResinSliver of Ironwood Resin Sliver of NiterSliver of Niter
Sliver of SparkmetalSliver of Sparkmetal Sliver of ThunderstoneSliver of Thunderstone Sliver of Wyrdwood ResinSliver of Wyrdwood Resin
Small Animal BoneSmall Animal Bone Small Boar HoofSmall Boar Hoof Small Elk HoofSmall Elk Hoof
Small Quartz CrystalSmall Quartz Crystal Small Wolf PawSmall Wolf Paw Softwood Prayer BeadsSoftwood Prayer Beads
Softwood Tree SapSoftwood Tree Sap Squirming VinesSquirming Vines Starmetal ArcanistStarmetal Arcanist's Charm
Starmetal ArmorerStarmetal Armorer's Charm Starmetal BotanistStarmetal Botanist's Charm Starmetal Bow CharmStarmetal Bow Charm
Starmetal ChefStarmetal Chef's Charm Starmetal Corrupted CasingStarmetal Corrupted Casing Starmetal EngineerStarmetal Engineer's Charm
Starmetal Fire Staff CharmStarmetal Fire Staff Charm Starmetal Great Axe CharmStarmetal Great Axe Charm Starmetal GuardsmanStarmetal Guardsman's Insignia
Starmetal Hatchet CharmStarmetal Hatchet Charm Starmetal HookStarmetal Hook Starmetal Ice Gauntlet CharmStarmetal Ice Gauntlet Charm
Starmetal JewelcrafterStarmetal Jewelcrafter's Charm Starmetal Life Staff CharmStarmetal Life Staff Charm Starmetal LumberjackStarmetal Lumberjack's Charm
Starmetal MinerStarmetal Miner's Charm Starmetal Musket CharmStarmetal Musket Charm Starmetal PocketwatchStarmetal Pocketwatch
Starmetal Rapier CharmStarmetal Rapier Charm Starmetal Shield CharmStarmetal Shield Charm Starmetal Skinners CharmStarmetal Skinners Charm
Starmetal Spear CharmStarmetal Spear Charm Starmetal Sword CharmStarmetal Sword Charm Starmetal TravelerStarmetal Traveler's Charm
Starmetal War Hammer CharmStarmetal War Hammer Charm Starmetal WeaponsmithStarmetal Weaponsmith's Charm Steel ArcanistSteel Arcanist's Charm
Steel ArmorerSteel Armorer's Charm Steel BotanistSteel Botanist's Charm Steel Bow CharmSteel Bow Charm
Steel ChefSteel Chef's Charm Steel Corrupted CasingSteel Corrupted Casing Steel EngineerSteel Engineer's Charm
Steel Fire Staff CharmSteel Fire Staff Charm Steel Great Axe CharmSteel Great Axe Charm Steel GuardsmanSteel Guardsman's Insignia
Steel Hatchet CharmSteel Hatchet Charm Steel HookSteel Hook Steel Ice Gauntlet CharmSteel Ice Gauntlet Charm
Steel JewelcrafterSteel Jewelcrafter's Charm Steel Life Staff CharmSteel Life Staff Charm Steel LumberjackSteel Lumberjack's Charm
Steel MinerSteel Miner's Charm Steel Musket CharmSteel Musket Charm Steel PocketwatchSteel Pocketwatch
Steel Rapier CharmSteel Rapier Charm Steel Shield CharmSteel Shield Charm Steel Skinners CharmSteel Skinners Charm
Steel Spear CharmSteel Spear Charm Steel Sword CharmSteel Sword Charm Steel TravelerSteel Traveler's Charm
Steel War Hammer CharmSteel War Hammer Charm Steel WeaponsmithSteel Weaponsmith's Charm Strong Animal BoneStrong Animal Bone
TallowTallow Tangle of Writhing BriarTangle of Writhing Briar Tattered Mangy HideTattered Mangy Hide
Thrashing VinesThrashing Vines Thread of Corrupted ClothThread of Corrupted Cloth Vacant Corrupted InsigniaVacant Corrupted Insignia
Venom SacVenom Sac Verbena FlowerVerbena Flower Verbena LeafVerbena Leaf
Verbena StemVerbena Stem Vial of Ancient EssenceVial of Ancient Essence Vial of Azalea NectarVial of Azalea Nectar
Vial of Azoth OilVial of Azoth Oil Vial of Blessed WaterVial of Blessed Water Vial of Corrupted EssenceVial of Corrupted Essence
Vial of Corrupted IchorVial of Corrupted Ichor Vial of Dryad SapVial of Dryad Sap Vial of EctoplasmVial of Ectoplasm
Vial of Powerful EnergyVial of Powerful Energy Vial of Pulsing EnergyVial of Pulsing Energy Vial of QuicksilverVial of Quicksilver
Vial of SapVial of Sap Vial of Swirling EnergyVial of Swirling Energy Vial of Viscous AzothVial of Viscous Azoth
Vial of Wispy EnergyVial of Wispy Energy Vial of Wyrdwood SapVial of Wyrdwood Sap WhetstoneWhetstone
Wolf BloodWolf Blood Wolf ClawWolf Claw Wolf FangWolf Fang
Wolf PawWolf Paw Wooden Lost LocketWooden Lost Locket Worn Mangy HideWorn Mangy Hide
Worn WhetstoneWorn Whetstone Writhing VinesWrithing Vines Wyrdwood Prayer BeadsWyrdwood Prayer Beads
Wyrdwood Tree SapWyrdwood Tree Sap Young Dryad VineYoung Dryad Vine Steel Battle MedalSteel Battle Medal
Starmetal Battle MedalStarmetal Battle Medal Orichalcum Battle MedalOrichalcum Battle Medal Boar TuskBoar Tusk
Orichalcum HookOrichalcum Hook Rough Leather Corrupted FetishRough Leather Corrupted Fetish


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