New World

Where to Find Thick Furs and How to Use

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Thick Furs, a resource in New World. Read on to see the basic information of Thick Furs, including how to get Thick Furs and their uses!

Thick Fur Basic Information

Item Type Rarity Tier
Thick Fur IconThick Fur Hide Common 4
Gold / Token Price Weight
- 0.2
Thick coat of fur. A crafting ingredient.

How to Get Thick Furs

Dropped by Skinning High Level Wolves

Restless Shore Mourningdale

Thick Fur can be acquired by killing and skinning level 40+ Wolves. Head to a region like Restless Shore or Mourningdale to track and skin wolves.

Restless Shore will have a few clusters of wolves to the north of its Fort, as well as in the northwestern region. Mourningdale will have entire forests of them, just north of the main settlement.

Dropped from Enemies

Item Source
Thick Fur IconThick Fur Has a chance to drop when skinning Level 40+, furry skinnable creatures such as wolves, bison, cats, and bears.

Purchase From Trading Posts

Lastly, if you don’t feel like finding them on your own, Thick Fur can also be purchased from Trading Posts, granted that another player has placed a Sell Order. You can enter the Trading Post and search for this item directly by clicking on SEARCH ITEMS and entering ‘Thick Fur’. For the best deal, be sure to sort by price from Lowest to Highest!

Trading Post Guide: How to Sell Items

Needs Increased Luck to Farm

Thick Fur is not a guaranteed drop. You will need Skinning Luck perks in your equipment or Skinning Luck-boosting consumables when you go out farming it.

Skinning Luck Perks

Adored Skinning Luck ImageAdored Skinning Luck While Skinning, gain 5% chance at finding rare items.
Reinforced Skinning Luck ImageReinforced Skinning Luck While Skinning, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.
Skinning Luck ImageSkinning Luck While skinning, gain 2% chance at finding rare items.

Skinning Luck Consumables

Roasted Carrots ImageRoasted Carrots Increases your Luck when skinning by 1000 points for 20 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.
Herb-roasted Carrots ImageHerb-roasted Carrots Increase your Luck when skinning by 1400 points for 25 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.
Carrot Soup ImageCarrot Soup Increases your Luck when skinning by 1700 points for 30 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.
Vegetable Boil ImageVegetable Boil Increases your Luck when skinning by 1900 points for 35 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.
Savory Fish Cake ImageSavory Fish Cake Increases your Luck when skinning by 2000 points for 40 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.

How to Use Thick Furs

Craft Leather using a Tannery

Thick Fur is a Hide. These items are used to create different types of Leather using a settlement's Tannery. Processing the Thick Fur raises your Leatherworking trade skill.

Tannery Guide: Crafting Recipes and Skills


2 Anonymous@Game8over 3 years

Hello, Phalinka! Greetings from the Game8 New World Team. As to your question, we suggest trying to skin high-level wolves in Restless Shore or Mourningdale to acquire a drop of Thick Fur. Since furs only have a chance to drop unlike hide material, you'll need to have Skinner's Luck perks or Skinning Luck food active to bag a few of them. Hope this helps! Safe travels in Aeternum, fellow adventurer. :)

1 Phalinkaover 3 years

Please which particular mobs drops the Thick Fur? I can't find any farm spot for them and on TP there are a real few of them, 'cause it's not the same as Thick Hide.


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