New World

Where to Find Mushroom Fins and How to Use

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Mushroom Fins, a resource in New World. Read on to see the basic information of Mushroom Fins, including how to get Mushroom Fins and their uses!

Mushroom Fins Basic Information

Item Type Rarity Tier
Mushroom Fins IconMushroom Fins Alchemy Resource Uncommon 3
Gold / Token Price Weight
- 0.2
The fins of a mushroom, scraped from beneath a mushroom cap.

How to Get Mushroom Fins

Harvested From Resource Nodes

Item Resource Node
Mushroom Fins IconMushroom Fins

Purchase From Trading Posts

Lastly, if you don’t feel like finding them on your own, Mushroom Fins can also be purchased from Trading Posts, granted that another player has placed a Sell Order. You can enter the Trading Post and search for this item directly by clicking on SEARCH ITEMS and entering ‘Mushroom Fins’. For the best deal, be sure to sort by price from Lowest to Highest!

Trading Post Guide: How to Sell Items

How to Use Mushroom Fins

Craft Different Items

Mushroom Fins is an Alchemy Resource. These items are used to craft different types of items, particularly Magic Weapons and Gemstones.

Arcane Repository Guide

Related Links


List of Resources

New World Alchemy Resources

Alchemy Resources
Air EssenceAir Essence Air MoteAir Mote Air QuintessenceAir Quintessence
Air WispAir Wisp Animal EyeAnimal Eye Animal VisceraAnimal Viscera
Azoth WaterAzoth Water Blessed CrucibleBlessed Crucible Blightmoth DustBlightmoth Dust
Blightroot FlowerBlightroot Flower Blightroot LeafBlightroot Leaf Blightroot StemBlightroot Stem
Bloodspore BloomBloodspore Bloom Briar BudsBriar Buds Bulrush CobBulrush Cob
BumbleblossomBumbleblossom Catfish WhiskersCatfish Whiskers Cod EyeCod Eye
Crystalline LodestoneCrystalline Lodestone Death EssenceDeath Essence Death MoteDeath Mote
Death QuintessenceDeath Quintessence Death WispDeath Wisp Dragon Fish JawDragon Fish Jaw
Dragonglory FlowerDragonglory Flower Dragonglory LeafDragonglory Leaf Dragonglory StemDragonglory Stem
Draught of Ancient EssenceDraught of Ancient Essence Draught of Wolf EssenceDraught of Wolf Essence Drop of Ancient EssenceDrop of Ancient Essence
Earth EssenceEarth Essence Earth MoteEarth Mote Earth QuintessenceEarth Quintessence
Earth WispEarth Wisp Earthshell TailEarthshell Tail Earthspine FlowerEarthspine Flower
Earthspine LeafEarthspine Leaf Earthspine StemEarthspine Stem Fire EssenceFire Essence
Fire MoteFire Mote Fire QuintessenceFire Quintessence Fire WispFire Wisp
Freezing LodestoneFreezing Lodestone Frogfish TailFrogfish Tail Fungal SlimeFungal Slime
Fungal SporesFungal Spores Gillflower GillsGillflower Gills Gleaming LodestoneGleaming Lodestone
Glowing Mushroom CapGlowing Mushroom Cap Halibut VisceraHalibut Viscera HyssopHyssop
Life EssenceLife Essence Life MoteLife Mote Life QuintessenceLife Quintessence
Life WispLife Wisp Lifebloom FlowerLifebloom Flower Lifebloom LeafLifebloom Leaf
Lifebloom StemLifebloom Stem Lifemoth EyesLifemoth Eyes Lightning BeetleLightning Beetle
Loamy LodestoneLoamy Lodestone Molten LodestoneMolten Lodestone Mushroom FinsMushroom Fins
Paddlefish GillsPaddlefish Gills PetalcapPetalcap Piranha ToothPiranha Tooth
Platecap FleshPlatecap Flesh Poison SacPoison Sac Putrid BarkPutrid Bark
Putrid LodestonePutrid Lodestone ReedsReeds Rivercress FlowerRivercress Flower
Rivercress LeafRivercress Leaf Rivercress StemRivercress Stem Salamander SlimeSalamander Slime
Sculpin ScalesSculpin Scales Shellbed CapShellbed Cap Shockbulb FlowerShockbulb Flower
Shockbulb LeafShockbulb Leaf Shockbulb StemShockbulb Stem Shocking LodestoneShocking Lodestone
Snail SlimeSnail Slime Soul EssenceSoul Essence Soul MoteSoul Mote
Soul QuintessenceSoul Quintessence Soul WispSoul Wisp Soulsprout FlowerSoulsprout Flower
Soulsprout LeafSoulsprout Leaf Soulsprout StemSoulsprout Stem Soulwyrm TongueSoulwyrm Tongue
Sparkling Bone DustSparkling Bone Dust Spectral DustSpectral Dust SpinecapSpinecap
Spinefish FinsSpinefish Fins Sporebloom FruitSporebloom Fruit StarfishStarfish
Sticky VinesSticky Vines Suncreeper TendrilSuncreeper Tendril TanglewispTanglewisp
Tendrilspine FibersTendrilspine Fibers Thorny VineThorny Vine ToadpotToadpot
Toadstool FringeToadstool Fringe TubecapTubecap Twistcap SpiralTwistcap Spiral
Vial of Ancient MutagenVial of Ancient Mutagen Vial of Ectoplasmic MutagenVial of Ectoplasmic Mutagen Vial of Withered EssenceVial of Withered Essence
Vial of Wolf EssenceVial of Wolf Essence Void EssenceVoid Essence Void PitcherVoid Pitcher
Water EssenceWater Essence Water MoteWater Mote Water QuintessenceWater Quintessence
Water WispWater Wisp


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