New World

Plagued Strikes Perk: Stats and Information

Please note that the New World Team has stopped covering the game as of Update 1.2. Information on certain pages may not be up-to-date.

This is a guide on Plagued Strikes, a perk in New World. Learn about the effects of Plagued Strikes, the required gem slots to equip it, and all other perks that synergize with Plagued Strikes!

Plagued Strikes Stats and Information

Plagued Strikes Effects, Slots, and Materials

Plagued Strikes
Plagued Strikes Image
Effect Heavy attacks against targets inflict disease for 8s, reducing healing effectiveness on the target by 10% - 25%.
Item Slot(s) Main Hand, Two Handed
Req. Material(s)

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AbyssalAbyssal Accelerated Defiant StanceAccelerated Defiant Stance Accelerating FlamethrowerAccelerating Flamethrower
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ArborealArboreal Arcane DamageArcane Damage BelovedBeloved
Bleeding SweepBleeding Sweep BlessedBlessed Blood LettingBlood Letting
BrashBrash BurningBurning CalmingCalming
Chain ArcaneChain Arcane Chain FireChain Fire Chain IceChain Ice
Chain LightningChain Lightning Chain NatureChain Nature Chain VoidChain Void
Contagious Reverse StabContagious Reverse Stab CripplingCrippling Crippling Powder BurnCrippling Powder Burn
Crippling ReapCrippling Reap CruelCruel Deadly FrostDeadly Frost
DespisedDespised Efficient BurnoutEfficient Burnout ElectrifiedElectrified
EmpoweredEmpowered Empowering Armor BreakerEmpowering Armor Breaker Empowering FireballEmpowering Fireball
Empowering Leaping StrikeEmpowering Leaping Strike Empowering Meteor ShowerEmpowering Meteor Shower Empowering ShooterEmpowering Shooter's Stance
Empowering Splinter ShotEmpowering Splinter Shot Empowering Whirling BladeEmpowering Whirling Blade EnchantedEnchanted
Energizing Evade ShotEnergizing Evade Shot Energizing Feral RushEnergizing Feral Rush Energizing FlourishEnergizing Flourish
Energizing Rending ThrowEnergizing Rending Throw Energizing Splash of LightEnergizing Splash of Light Energizing Stopping PowerEnergizing Stopping Power
EnfeeblingEnfeebling Enfeebling MaelstromEnfeebling Maelstrom Enfeebling Poison ShotEnfeebling Poison Shot
Enfeebling SkewerEnfeebling Skewer ExhilarateExhilarate Fire DamageFire Damage
Fortifying PerforateFortifying Perforate Fortifying Rain of ArrowsFortifying Rain of Arrows Fortifying Sacred GroundFortifying Sacred Ground
Fortifying Shield RushFortifying Shield Rush Fortifying WhirlwindFortifying Whirlwind FrozenFrozen
FrozenFrozen GambitGambit HatedHated
Healing TombHealing Tomb Ice DamageIce Damage Iced RefreshIced Refresh
IgnitedIgnited InfectedInfected Insatiable Gravity WellInsatiable Gravity Well
KeenKeen Keen AwarenessKeen Awareness Keen BerserkKeen Berserk
Keen SpeedKeen Speed Keen TondoKeen Tondo Keen Vault KickKeen Vault Kick
Keenly EmpoweredKeenly Empowered Keenly FortifiedKeenly Fortified Keenly JaggedKeenly Jagged
KindKind LeechingLeeching Leeching CycloneLeeching Cyclone
Leeching FlurryLeeching Flurry Leeching Path of DestinyLeeching Path of Destiny LifestealingLifestealing
Lightning DamageLightning Damage Mending ExecuteMending Execute Mending Infected ThrowMending Infected Throw
Mending ProtectionMending Protection Mending Sticky BombsMending Sticky Bombs Mortal EnergyMortal Energy
Mortal FortificationMortal Fortification Mortal LifestealMortal Lifesteal Mortal PowerMortal Power
Mortal RefreshmentMortal Refreshment Mortal SiphoningMortal Siphoning Nature DamageNature Damage
Omnidirectional EvadeOmnidirectional Evade OpportunistOpportunist Penetrating Rapid ShotPenetrating Rapid Shot
Penetrating Wrecking BallPenetrating Wrecking Ball PoisoningPoisoning Pylon BurstPylon Burst
RallyRally RefreshingRefreshing Refreshing ChargeRefreshing Charge
Refreshing Divine EmbraceRefreshing Divine Embrace Refreshing EvasionRefreshing Evasion Refreshing FlecheRefreshing Fleche
Refreshing Mighty GavelRefreshing Mighty Gavel Refreshing MoveRefreshing Move Refreshing Penetrating ShotRefreshing Penetrating Shot
Refreshing Pillar of FireRefreshing Pillar of Fire Refreshing Power ShotRefreshing Power Shot Refreshing TorrentRefreshing Torrent
Refreshing WardRefreshing Ward Repulsing Clear OutRepulsing Clear Out Repulsing Shield BashRepulsing Shield Bash
RetaliateRetaliate Revitalizing BeaconRevitalizing Beacon RogueRogue
RuinousRuinous Siphoning BlowSiphoning Blow Siphoning IncinerateSiphoning Incinerate
Skinning YieldSkinning Yield Slash DamageSlash Damage Strike DamageStrike Damage
SturdySturdy Sundering JavelinSundering Javelin Sundering RiposteSundering Riposte
Sundering ShockwaveSundering Shockwave TauntingTaunting Thrust DamageThrust Damage
Unbroken WindsUnbroken Winds Unending ThawUnending Thaw ViciousVicious
Void DamageVoid Damage VorpalVorpal Vorpal Distancing ThrowVorpal Distancing Throw


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