Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3)

How to Get Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod

MW3 Zombies - How to Get Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod

Cryo Freeze Ammo Mods can be crafted through the Cryo Freeze Schematics or obtained from Aether Nests in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Zombies Mode. Learn how to get Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod and how to slow Hellhounds with Cryo Freeze!

How to Get Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod

Where to Find Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod
1. Aether Nests and Infected Strongholds (Repeatable; random drop)
2. Contracts Rewards (Repeatable; random drop)
3. Cryo Freeze Schematics (Repeatable with cooldown)
4. Take Up Arms Mission Reward (Only one)

Raid Aether Nests and Infested Strongholds

Cryo Freeze Ammo Mods can be repeatedly obtained via Loot Caches found Aether Nests and Infested Strongholds. However, the contents of loot caches are random, so it might take a while to obtain a Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod.

Note that you must cleanse these areas before you can open any loot caches inside. To do this, you must shoot down the sources of contamination, or the cysts, hidden within the premises.

On the map, Aether Nests (Aether Nest) and Infested Strongholds (Infested Stronghold) are marked with hexagon icons.

Zombies Interactive Map

Reward Rifts from Contracts

MW3 Zombies Cryo Freeze Reward Rift

Cryo Freeze Ammo Mods are also found in Reward Rifts from completing Contracts! In our experience, we obtained the Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod via the Escort ACV and Spores Control Contracts, so it seems like it can drop with multiple Contract types.

How to Complete Contracts

Cryo Freeze Schematics Obtained in Act 2 Tier 2

MW3 Zombies Cryo Freeze Schematics

If you have a squad member that finished the Act 2 Tier 2 mission Safe Cracker, then they have the Cryo Freeze Schematics. This allows them to craft Cryo Freeze Ammo Mods. You can request it from them if you're in need of it for the Freezer Burn Act 1 mission.

With this method, try to finish the mission's task in one match, since the Cryo Freeze Schematics has a 3-hour cooldown after being crafted once.

Zombies Acts and Mission Rewards

Reward from Take Up Arms

Don't forget that you obtained the Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod reward for completing the Act 1 Tier 1 Mission Take Up Arms. You can use this for the mission Freezer Burn, but note that you only obtain 1 Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod as a reward, so you'll have to make its usage count.

Additionally, Ammo Mods in general do not carry over once you equip it on a weapon.

List of All Zombies Ammo Mods

How to Slow With Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod

Tips to Slow with Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod

Related Mission Tasks
Freezer Burn ・ Slow 50 Zombies with Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod.
・ Slow 10 Hellhounds with Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod.

Equip Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod on Handguns

The objective of the Freezer Burn mission is to shoot enemies in order to apply slow to them using the Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod. This seems like an easy task, but if you equip the Ammo Mod on a strong weapon, you will kill the zombies before the slow applies.

The best way to avoid accidentally killing the zombies is to equip the Cyro Freeze Ammo Mod to a weapon with a weaker firepower such as Handguns.

List of All Handguns and Pistols

Slow Zombies and Hellhounds in Medium Threat Zones

MW3 Zombies - Slowing Hellhounds
To further avoid accidentally killing zombies before applying slow to them, make sure to go for the medium threat zone. Zombies, particularly Hellhounds, in the medium threat zone have higher HP, making them tougher to kill. Also, avoid going for headshots to intentionally lessen your damage.

It's not recommended to do this in the high threat zone, as things can turn bad there quickly, especially when you're delaying your kill for the objective.

Where to Find Hellhounds

Do Contracts to Spawn Hellhounds

MW3 Zombies - Contracts to Spawn Hellhounds
A great way to spawn Hellhounds in your location is to activate contracts. Some of the best contracts for spawning Hellhounds would be Outlast, Escort, and Raid Weapon Stash.

How to Complete Contracts

What is Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod?

Ammo that Freezes Enemies

MW3 Zombies - Freezing Zombies
Cryo Freeze Ammo Mod is an ammunition upgrade you can equip in any weapon during the Zombies Mode. This will allow your bullets to freeze enemies upon impact.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (MW3) Related Guides

Modern Warfare 3 - Zombies Game Mode

Zombies Mode Walkthrough and Guide

All Zombies Guides

Zombies Guides and Lists
Zombies Missions Zombies Season 2
Zombies Season 1 Zombies Map
Zombies Weapons Crafting Schematics
Aetherium Challenges and Enemies
Zombies Perks Zombies Ammo Mods
Zombies Field Upgrades Zombies Gear
Contracts Zombies Power-Ups

All Zombies Ammo Mods

Zombies Ammo Mods
Cryo Freeze Dead Wire
Brain Rot Shatter Blast
Napalm Burst -


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