Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Battle System Guide

Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers has a unique battle system that involves stamina and turn consumption heavily. Read on to learn the basics of the game's battle system, including all about light, heavy, and fierce attacks, attach accuracy, Field Effects, and how to recover stamina.

Combat Guide

Attacks and Accuracy Mechanics

Attack Screen Guide

As labeled in the image above, the left numbers indicate the attack type.

1 Light
2 Heavy
3 Fierce

Each attack is much stronger than the last as the name suggests but the stronger the attack, the lower the accuracy and the more stamina it will consume. Each hit will improve the accuracy of the heavier attack versions so consider poking enemies with weak attacks first before launching a strong one!

Field Mechanics and Effects

Field Guide Labeled

The field is separated into three colored cells with the 1st cell on the image above being the most recent element's color used and the 3rd most recent element used. This can be manipulated by only using the same colors to fill the field with one color or disrupted if the enemy tries to fill it with a certain color by using a different one. On multiple colors, the field will have no effect on the battle but once three same colors make up the field, elements of that same color will be amplified while the opposite one will get weakened.

How Do Field Effects Work?

Element Consumption System

Elements are additional moves you can use aside from your physical attacks. To use an Element, you must have enough element levels which is gained by using attacks in battle which follows the formula below:

Light 1
Heavy 2
Fierce 3

So if you have a level 4 element, you'll have to use two Heavy attacks, 1 Light and 1 Fierce attack, or four Light attacks and so on.

Elements Are Usable Once per Battle

Aside from the necessary Element Levels, each non-consumable elements can only be used once in battle. They are restored after the battle ends so do not be alarmed when using elements in normal battles but make sure to plan ahead against boss battles.

The only way to use a particular Element several times in one battle is to either equip multiple copies of the Element or use a Recharge Element.

Recharge: Element Effects and How to Get

Stamina Mechanics

Each Attack Consumes Different Stamina Points

Stamina Bar.jpg

Action Stamina Consumed
Light Attack 1
Heavy Attack 2
Fierce Attack 3

Light attacks tend to be weaker but they consume less stamina for your character and recover few amounts of stamina for the rest of the battle participants while Fierce consumes the most stamina and recover the most stamina for everyone on the field.

Elements Consume 7 Stamina Points

Aside from the three physical attacks mentioned above, you can also use elements in battle. Elements consume 7 stamina points on use but will only recover 1 stamina for everyone on the field.

How to Recover Stamina

Stamina is a vital resource and knowing how to recover stamina is crucial to maximizing your turns. You recover your stamina equal to your character's hidden stamina rate and the move that was used for that turn which will be listed below.

Action Stamina Recovered
Light Attack
Element Use
Stamina Recovery x 1/10
Heavy Attack Stamina Recovery x 2/10
Fierce Attack Stamina Recovery x 3/10

To sum it up, a character with 10 stamina recovery will recover a flat 1 stamina per each light attack while a character with 9 stamina recovery will only recover 9 stamina per 10 light attacks. Reminder that the enemy's turn count is also affected by their stamina rating so using heavy attacks more often will also make the enemy's turn approach faster!

Enemy Turn Recovery Sample

If an enemy's stamina recovery is 10 and it has used two Fierce attacks, this will mean they will have 1 stamina remaining and will move next once 6 stamina has been recovered. Some sample scenarios on when the enemy will attack next is as follows.

1 Light, 1 Heavy, 1 Fierce = 6 Stamina Recovered
2 Fierce = 6 Stamina Recovered
1 Heavy, 2 Fierce = 8 Stamina Recovered (Capped at 6)
2 Elements used, 2 Fierce = 8 Stamina Recovered

Stamina consumption is not to be confused with stamina recovery as shown in the last sample where two elements have been used and then 2 Fierce attacks as follow ups. Take this into consideration when planning your turns!

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