Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers

Shadow Forest (Another World) Sleeping Monster & Walkthrough

Shadow Forest Another Chrono Cross Remaster

Shadow Forest (Another World) is one of the main quest areas in Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers that you visit as part of the story. Read on for a detailed walkthrough, list of items, enemies, tricks to wake the sleeping monster, and more!

Previous Quest Next Quest
Termina (Another World) Viper Manor (Another World)

Shadow Forest (Another World) Overview

Basic Information

# 13: Shadow Forest (Another World)
Shadow Forest (Another World) Walkthrough Chrono Cross Remaster
With Nikki as your guide, make your way into Viper Manor!
Enemies encountered: Items:
Aroma Pouch, Angry Scapula, & Skullduggery Frame
AeroSaucer, Uplift, Heal, & MagmaBomb

Recruitable Characters

No Characters Available.

Shadow Forest (Another World) Map, Items, and Elements

Shadow Forest (Another World) Map

View Full Map Image

Obtainable Items and Elements

Area Items and Elements
A -
B Aero Saucer
C Skullduggery Frame
D Aroma Pouch
Angry Scapula
E Heal
F Magma Bomb
G -

Shadow Forest (Another World) Walkthrough

You are only required to go through the Shadow Forest if you chose Nikki as your Guide.

1 ・Enter the Forest
If you tried to get into the Shadow Forest beforehand, you would know you can't with the guards in the way. With Miki's help, you keep them busy long enough to slip in, finding Nikki on the other side of a pond.
2 ・Follow Nikki
Nikki will dash off, so you'll need to follow quickly!
・Save Nikki!
When you find Nikki, you'll see him surrounded by Cassowaries! Jump into the fight to save him. When the fight is over, he'll lead you under the waterfall.
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・Grab the Aroma Pouch
Go back behind the waterfall to open the chest and receive the Aroma Pouch. If you read the note as well, you'll receive the Angry Scapula.
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・Clear the Path
Using the Aroma Pouch, go towards a round plant in the area and interact with it. A small mote of pollen will follow you around. Use this to attract slime-like creatures of the same colour.
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・Bring the Slime-like Creature to the Sleeping Monster
Carefully making your way to the blocked section, lead the Slime-like creature to the sleeping monster blocking the path and it will be eaten. With its meal, the monster will move or fight you!
We suggest using a Red Slime to feed the monster as it avoids combat!
・Fight Zoah, Solt, and Peppor
Once you go past the area the monster was blocking, you will be attacked by Zoah, Solt, and Peppor.
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・Plug the Hole
After defeating the trio, continue on into a cave until you reach a section where bugs are continuously coming out of a hole. You can use the boulder nearby to plug it closed.
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・Enter Viper Manor
After closing the hole, head up north until you reach a space where you can climb the wall. You will now be in Viper Manor!
Previous Quest Next Quest
Termina (Another World) Viper Manor (Another World)

Tips and Strategies

How to Wake the Sleeping Monster

Use the Aroma Pouch

Using the Aroma Pouch on certain plants will give you different colored Pollen to attract different slime-like creatures. Gathering a Blue or Yellow creature for example means that you must fight the sleeping monster, the Quaffid. We recommend finding the red pollen so that you can also receive the Skullduggery Frame!

Collect Red Pollen

To collect red pollen, head towards the plants near the falls. Once you have the right pollen, head towards the slime near the entrance and carefully lure it towards the Quadffid.

Quadffid: Stats, Locations, Drop and Steal Items

Focus Fire on Zoah

Between the three enemies, Zoah would be the biggest threat. Make sure you're healed up and ready for this fight. Then focus on getting rid of Zoah who has more HP than Solt and Peppor combined!

Take note of the tutorial on Summoning Elements though! This will be useful later in the game!

How to Beat Zoah, Solt, and Peppor

Obtainable Items and Elements



Skullduggery Frame

Skullduggery Frame Chrono Cross
Feed the Quadffid a red creature and it should give you a Skullduggery Frame as it leaves.




Aero Saucer
At the first area, head to the upper right corner to find the AeroSaucer.


Uplift Chrono Cross Remaster
When you find Nikki, don't forget to loot the chest on the way! You'll find an Uplift inside.


Heal Chrono Cross Remaster
After fighting the trio, grab the Heal from the chest before entering the tree.

Magma Bomb

Magma Bomb Chrono Cross Remaster
Follow the waterway into the tree to find a Magma Bomb.



Boss Innate Element HP
Zoah, Solt, and Peppor Green, Yellow, Yellow (respectively) 200, 80, 90 (respectively)
Cassowaries Yellow 500

Regular Enemies

Enemy Innate Element HP
Bulb (Another World) Green 50
Gerridae (Another World) Blue 54
Gloop (Another World) Blue 50
Quadffid (Another World) Green 200

Chrono Cross Remaster: Radical Dreamers Related Guides

Story Walkthrough Partial.png
Full Story Walkthrough List

Story Walkthrough (By Location)
1 Dream Dungeon 2 Arni Village (Home World)
3 Cape Howl (Home World) 4 Lizard Rock (Home World)
5 Opassa Beach (Home World) 6 Lizard Rock (Another World)
7 Arni Village (Another World) 8 Cape Howl (Another World)
9 Fossil Valley (Another World) 10 Termina (Another World)
11 Viper Manor Bluffs (Another World) 12 Viper Manor Gates (Another World)
13 Shadow Forest (Another World) 14 Viper Manor (Another World)
15 Guldove (Another World) 16 Termina After Viper Manor (Another World)
17 Viper Manor Aftermath (Another World) 18 Hydra Marshes (Another World)
19 Hydra Marshes (Home World) 20 Hermit's Hideaway (Another World)
21 S.S. Invincible (Another World) 22 Water Dragon Isle (Another World) Walkthrough
23 Water Dragon Isle (Home World) 24 Mount Pyre (Another World)
25 Fort Dragonia (Another World) 26 Dimensional Vortex
27 Return to Arni (Home World) 28 Termina (Home World)
29 Shadow Forest (Home World) 30 Viper Manor Ruins (Home World)
31 El Nido Triangle (Home World) 32 Sky Dragon Isle (Home World)
33 Earth Dragon Isle (Home World) 34 Marbule (Home World)
35 S.S Zelbess (Home World) 36 Death's Door (Home World)
37 Hermit's Hideaway (Home World) 38 Isle of the Damned (Home World)
39 The Dead Sea (Home World) 40 Occupied Termina (Another World)
41 Viper Manor Rescue (Another World) 42 Return to Hermit's Hideaway
43 Isle of the Damned (Another World) 44 Return to Hydra Marshes (Another World)
45 Return to Guldove (Another World) 46 Saving Marbule (Home World)
47 Return to Water Dragon Isle (Home World) 48 Cleared Earth Dragon Isle (Home World)
49 Gaea's Navel (Home World) 50 Return to Mount Pyre (Another World)
51 Marbule (Another World) 52 Sky Dragon Isle (Another World)
53 Return to Earth Dragon Isle (Another World) 54 Forbidden Island (Home World)
55 Fort Dragonia (Home World) 56 The Sea of Eden
57 Chronopolis 58 Divine Dragon Falls (Another World)
59 Orphanage on Fire (Another World) 60 El Nido Triangle (Another World)
61 Terra Tower 62 Darkness at the End of Time Walkthrough


1 Anonymousalmost 3 years

the link under "focus fire on zoah" is to the wrong fight. the karsh, marcy, zoah fight is later in the game.


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